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A few years ago, a tumor diagnosis sounded like a terrible sentence for a person. It was followed by complex treatment with drugs, chemotherapy and surgery. But the situation is changing – scientists have discovered a unique technique that they began to use to treat tumors in different tissues and organs. Kazan is already using it!
– The essence of the discovery is as follows: there is a repeated sequential effect of ultrasound on the elements of the tumor. Short ultrasonic pulses heat the affected cells to the desired temperature, after which they die. To target the tumor, the procedure is carried out under the control of magnetic resonance imaging. Thus, only the affected areas are affected, healthy tissue remains intact. This technique is called MRI-guided focused ultrasound ablation (FUS ablation).
– This method is recommended by leading specialists in Israel, Germany, America in the treatment of uterine fibroids, tumors and metastases in the bone, prostate cancer, breast cancer, research is underway in the treatment of brain tumors. In Russia, the focused ultrasound method is approved for the treatment of uterine fibroids and bone tumors and bone metastases.
– The entire treatment process takes on average one to four hours. The patient is placed on a special table with a device that generates focused ultrasound, and placed in an MRI machine, under the supervision of which the treatment is carried out.
– The effectiveness of the technique is high and has been proven by research by specialists from leading clinics in Germany and Israel. A good result depends on the correct selection of patients for treatment.
– Contraindications associated with the MRI machine: claustrophobia, the presence of metal implants in the body.
– Firstly, it is the preservation of the uterus and the ability to bear a healthy child. Secondly, high efficiency in large uterine fibroids. Thirdly, the absence of trauma, scars and blood loss. And, importantly, there is no need for a long hospital stay. The treatment takes only one day. Its essence is as follows: ultrasound acts remotely on the focus of the myomatous node. He, as it were, evaporates it, that is, destroys the cells from the inside, thereby the node decreases and in the future it is not even found on ultrasound.
– A contraindication to this procedure is an acute inflammatory disease, rough scars in the uterus and abdomen, as well as implants inside the heart and blood vessels, pregnancy and intrauterine devices.
– In our center, we treat prostate tumors, uterine fibroids, breast tumors and bone metastases. In addition, we carry out all types of MRI examinations using the latest equipment.
The clinic’s specialists provide patients with the following services:
– consultations in the field of gynecology, surgery, oncology, gastroenterology, cardiology and therapy;
– services for the study of MRI;
– treatment of breast tumors;
– treatment of uterine fibroids;
– treatment of bone metastases.
Here you will find a high quality of service, highly qualified doctors and professors with extensive experience and the highest merits in the field of medicine and surgery.