Kilkenny beer: history and review of the drink

Kilkenny is a nitrided Irish cream ale from the producers of Guinness, which was released in Kilkenny, Ireland. British firm Diageo owns the rights to the brand. Similar in flavor to Smithwick’s Draft, however it has less hop flavors and has a nitrogen rich creamy head.

Beer is compared to Guinness, but beer tastes bitter. Available for bottling, cans and bottles. On the territory of Russia, the representative of the brand is Heineken.

What’s the difference between Kilkenny and Smithwick’s?

Kilkenny was originally used in the 1980s and 1990s to sell a stronger version of Smithwick’s in the European and Canadian markets. The fact is that Smithwick’s is not easy to pronounce. Now this name is another, no less tasty drink.

Composition of Kilkenny beer

Classic water, hops, barley malt, hops. Beer is bitter due to roasted malt. A nitrogen capsule, or floating widget, is placed in the jars. It is needed to “improve” the foam cap. Guinness secured a patent for this invention.

History of Kilkenny Beer

1810 The date of the founding of Kilkenny Brewery by John Smithwick among the ruins of a XNUMXth century abbey. More precisely, it was the monastery of St. Francis. His success was so great that the beer became one of the most famous in the whole county.

The intoxicating drink draws its inspiration from the lush greenery of the city of Kilkenny, lined with paths and wild rivers. The region’s undeniable charm and rich history have created the character of a time-honored ale to the glory of St. Canis, the founder of the monastery.

It is believed that the beer recipe was created by the monks who previously lived in the monastery, the local population immediately liked the alcohol.

1827 The business passed into the hands of descendants, namely Edmond Smithwick. He increased the volume of sales from 5 to 40 thousand barrels of beer, promoted exports.

1892 An exhibition was held in Dublin, where the company’s products won first place.

1937 The drink not only gained wild popularity at home, became a national brand, but also received an award for first place in a London competition, where bottled beer was evaluated.

1965 The Smithwick business was taken over by Guinness.

2013 Production on the territory of the monastery was closed and moved to Dublin. There, at the St. James’s Gate, another famous beer is brewed – Guinness.

2020 Beer can be found throughout the United States, Russia and European countries.

Kilkenny in Russia

In stores you can buy Kilkenny Irish Red Draft, 4,3%. Crystal clear, dark amber. Creamy foam two fingers high. Red fruits, sweet malt and a little spicy hop intertwine in a delicate aroma. The taste is full-bodied with a hint of malt and mineral flavor. The aftertaste is bitter. Drinks easily. In general, the beer is pleasant and original.

How and with what to drink Kilkenny beer

First, it is recommended to cool it to 4–6 °C. Beer is poured promptly into a pint, and then its characteristic feature appears – a nitrogen foam cap. Served with meat, smoked fish. Desserts are inappropriate.

Relevance: 02.04.2020

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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