They are the perfect filter of the body. If it weren’t for their tireless work, your body would quickly be poisoned with toxins. So let’s keep your kidneys in good shape for as long as possible. This will happen when we take care of the smooth functioning of the entire body.

Sneaky sweetness

Long-term too high blood sugar can seriously harm the kidneys. – One of the chronic complications of diabetes is diabetic nephropathy, which is included in the so-called microangiopathy – explains Dr. Agata Majewska, internist. – This means that in the course of its development changes in the small vessels of the kidneys are formed. Diabetic nephropathy leads to end-stage renal failure, which means dialysis or a kidney transplant will be needed. The results of epidemiological studies show that 30-40% of patients are susceptible to the development of diabetic nephropathy. diabetics. This condition can be detected by testing the protein in the urine and by examining the fundus of the eye. Diabetes also promotes the emergence of urinary tract infections and accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis, both of which adversely affect the condition of the kidneys.

In order to prevent the development of diabetes, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight. Movement and modification of the menu will help in this. Once and for all, we forget about fatty foods and start eating fish, lean poultry with groats or dark noodles, we give up sweets in favor of fruits and nuts. – It is extremely important to start diabetes treatment early – explains Dr. Majewska. – And since most cases of this disease are asymptomatic, regular testing, i.e. fasting sugar testing, is very important. The correct result is 72-99 mg / dl. It is recommended that this test be performed every three years for all persons under 45 years of age. Once a year, people at risk should be tested, i.e. with family history of diabetes, overweight or hypertension.

Dangerous pressure

The kidneys can be the “perpetrator”, but also the “victim” of high blood pressure. – Long-term high blood pressure values ​​lead to the formation of changes in the kidneys, incl. to harden the small arterioles that supply blood to the glomeruli – emphasizes Dr. Majewska. – These changes usually develop slowly and insidiously. With mild hypertension, symptoms of kidney failure may take years to manifest.

To prevent this from happening, blood pressure should be checked regularly. Values ​​from 140/90 mmHg are cause for concern. Then it is necessary to visit a doctor, who will first of all recommend changing the diet to a more varied one, excluding fatty red meat and limiting table salt. The specialist will also order additional tests, incl. EKG, fundus examination, fasting blood sugar, lipid profile and urinalysis. You also have to finally get a divorce from cigarettes and buy a bicycle or a pass to a fitness club instead.

Bacteria on the attack

Urinary tract infections are a serious threat to the kidneys. – Upper urinary tract infections are particularly dangerous – warns Dr. Majewska. – Recurring infections may contribute to kidney damage. This is why during treatment it is so important to follow the doctor’s instructions and take the antibiotics prescribed by him until the end. And it’s best to just prevent infection. In order to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections, it is worth trying a few simple methods. First of all, drinking two or three liters of fluids a day, avoiding constipation, showering instead of bathing in a bathtub and drinking a glass of water before sexual intercourse will work.

Take care of your kidneys while there is time

These delicate organs need care every day. When we take care of them, they will work without interruption for a long time. In order for the kidneys to work properly, it is worth:

– quit cigarettes and limit alcohol – they damage blood vessels, including those in the kidneys

– give up a fatty diet – choose lean meat, cold cuts and dairy products, avoid frying in animal fat, and cook the dishes, e.g. by steaming

– drink plenty of water – it increases the amount of urine and thus reduces its density: this way you can avoid infection and the formation of kidney stones

– regular urinalysis – once a year is enough; the protein that appears in the urine is a cause for concern

– blood test – every two years; such analysis will show the concentration of urea and creatinine; if they are elevated, action must be taken

– use herbal dietary supplements supporting the proper functioning of the kidneys, eg Kidneys – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit.

Watch out for medications

The kidneys are very harmed by taking too many painkillers. Large amounts of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, ketonal, are particularly dangerous.

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