Kidney stones – how to avoid it?

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The pain that accompanies kidney stones can knock you off your feet, making the toughest guys scream like children. Its strength is compared to labor contractions. What to do to avoid this condition?

The largest kidney stone removed from the patient was 13 cm at its widest point, while the diameter of the male urethra is about 10 mm and the diameter of the female 6 mm. Thus, large stones cannot be eliminated in the urine, and the excretion of the smaller ones is so painful that patients squirm with pain.

What diseases contribute to the formation of kidney stones?

There are chemicals in human urine that can form kidney stones under favorable conditions. The excess of these substances may be the result of other diseases, e.g. gout, osteoporosis, and diseases of the digestive system. Stones can also be formed as a result of reduced urine flow, e.g. as a result of a benign prostatic hyperplasia and anatomical defects of the urinary tract. Also, neoplastic diseases and immobilization of the patient for a long time may contribute to the development of nephrolithiasis. Therefore, it is important to properly treat these diseases and to eat them properly.

What to eat so that we do not get kidney stones?

Remember, you should not abuse vegetables and fruits containing oxalates, such as spinach, rhubarb, sorrel, beets, and their consumption is best combined with calcium-rich products, i.e. with milk and its products. Calcium binds oxalates in the digestive tract, making it difficult for them to be absorbed into the blood and less of them penetrate into the urine, where they could become the building blocks of stones. Vegetables are perfect for bechamel sauce made of milk or feta cheese, and for rhubarb pudding. However, you should know that the overuse of ready-made preparations containing calcium also promotes the formation of stones. Urates are also the cause of kidney stones. Their excess in the urine may be caused by eating too much meat and taking high doses of vitamin C. Obesity is also a problem. A diet too rich in table salt, animal protein and fats may also be dangerous. In addition, people who drink too little water may have insufficient daily urine production, and thus an increased risk of kidney stones.

Some herbs and fruits, such as cranberry, black currant, dandelion and goldenrod, also support the work of the kidneys. Order today FOR KIDNEY – herbal and fruit tea, which includes, among others these ingredients.

As a supplement to the diet, you can use supplements such as NefroTabs BIO in the prevention of all types of kidney stones or a supplement in the form of NefroTabs capsules.

How much to drink to avoid stones?

An adult man needs 2 – 2,5 liters of water a day, 20% of which will be found in solid food, so about 1,5 – 2 liters are left to drink. It should be remembered that thirst is not a good measure of hydration, because it only appears when the body is already 2% dehydrated. Adequate fluid intake ensures that the amount of urine produced and excreted is sufficient to keep the urinary flow at the correct level. As a result, stones are harder to form and smaller stones are washed away more easily. It is also important to drink water before going to bed. Thanks to this, we dilute the urine, which thickens at night, because we usually do not excrete it then. The best solution is to consume low-mineralized mineral water. Drinks containing larger amounts of oxalates should be limited, e.g. rhubarb compote, strong tea, cocoa, blackberry or gooseberry juices. Physically active people, regularly jogging, exercising in the gym, etc. should remember about proper hydration. The body loses 1 or even 2 liters of water per hour during physical exercise. Research shows that we do not always supplement this defect. We drink when we feel thirsty, but often less than we have lost. The difference can be even 0,5 l. If we exercise every day and every day we have a shortage of even 100-200 ml, after a week it is already 1 l of water, which we lack. Especially people with a tendency to kidney stones should replenish their fluids systematically and “forcefully”. It is similar when we relax in the tropics. Then we have to drink more.

To replenish the fluid level in the body, it is also worth drinking special herbal mixtures to support the work of the kidneys every day. We recommend herbs tailored to specific problems and requirements. At Medonet Market you will find mixtures for phosphate and carbonate kidney stones, uric acid urolithiasis or oxalate kidney stones.

It is also worth buying Cleansing drops with nettle, field horsetail and rosehip fruit, which have a beneficial effect on the entire urinary system and help in the prevention of kidney diseases.

What to do when there is kidney sand in the urine?

Sometimes the urine test shows numerous crystals of compounds that may form kidney stones. They are so small that they are excreted spontaneously from the body without causing any symptoms. However, this is the first sign that the person is prone to urolithiasis. Your doctor may recommend additional tests to find out why you are prone to stone formation. You should then choose an appropriate diet. Herbal preparations may be helpful in the prevention of kidney stones. In pharmacies, there are agents containing a herbal composition with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It is recommended, among others in people who may be prone to stone formation, in the presence of kidney sand, and as an aid in the treatment of kidney stones.

For prophylactic and supportive treatment of kidney diseases, drink Nefrolfix – herbal tea, which contains: blackcurrant leaf, dandelion herb, blackcurrant fruit, nettle leaf, thyme herb, horsetail herb and coriander fruit.

Worth reading:

Nephrolithiasis – types, symptoms, treatment

The causes of the formation of kidney stones

Diet for kidney stones

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