Kidney scintigraphy – what is it? Indications, contraindications, the course of the examination

Kidney scintigraphy is a test that allows you to assess whether this organ is working properly or whether it has had pathological changes that cause specific symptoms. If your kidneys are not working properly, it may be that a pathogen is taking place in your kidneys. Thanks to scintigraphy, the kidneys are visibly more visible. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate their structure and operation. What is kidney scintigraphy?

Kidney scintigraphy – what is it?

Kidney scintigraphy it is used to assess the proper functioning of these organs. Conducting the test allows you to make a diagnosis and take appropriate treatment. While kidney scintigraphy Radioactive isotopes are introduced into the body, which are completely safe, because they are gradually excreted unchanged in the urine. Kidney scintigraphy is an examination in which the doctor assesses the level of blood supply to the kidneys, as well as congenital or acquired kidney defects. Sometimes your kidneys are found to be the wrong size or shape or the wrong place. During the examination, the radiologist assesses the functioning of both kidneys, paying particular attention to the excretion process and the outflow of urine from the bladder and ureters. Kidney scintigraphy it can also detect inflammation in the kidneys.

Kidney scintigraphy – indications for the examination

Kidney scintigraphy patients of different ages are subjected to. Kidney scintigraphy it can also be performed repeatedly as it is a safe, non-invasive test. Typical indications for this type of examination are chronic diseases related to the urinary system, e.g. repeated inflammation of the bladder, ureters, acute inflammation, nephropathies or uropathies. Kidney scintigraphy it is also a useful diagnostic test in the case of suspected regurgitation of urine into the ureters. Research can also be performed by patients suffering from defects of the urinary tract and kidneys, as well as people struggling with arterial hypertension. It often happens that the direct cause of arterial hypertension is a disease in the renal vessels or in the renal parenchyma. Kidney scintigraphy it is also indicated when the patient is struggling with tuberculosis of the kidneys.

Kidney scintigraphy – how is the examination performed?

Kidney scintigraphy is performed in a lying position. It takes about 30 minutes, but if a specialist who performs it encounters something disturbing, kidney scintigraphy can extend up to 3 hours. Research it begins with the intravenous administration of the isotope (99m – Tc – DTPA) together with the chemical substance. The radioisotope introduced into the body allows the assessment of kidney function thanks to the use of a specialized gamma camera. Sometimes a specialist takes an X-ray at the same time – this allows him to obtain additional information that may be useful for a comprehensive assessment of the functioning and structure of the kidneys.

Kidney scintigraphy – how to prepare for the test?

Immediately before execution kidney scintigraphy ensure proper hydration. This means that approximately 30 liter of water should be consumed approximately 1 minutes before the test. Food does not affect the test result, therefore before performing kidney scintigraphy it is possible to eat a normal meal. In order for the examination to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to remove metal-containing objects, e.g. earrings, necklaces, belts with a metal buckle. It is also strictly forbidden to have a mobile phone with you. As for children who are subjected kidney scintigraphy, it is often necessary to administer an appropriate sedative or hypnotic agent. This is because for the test to be performed correctly, the patient must lie still for a long time.

Kidney scintigraphy – what information should I report before the test?

Kidney scintigraphy Although it is not an invasive test, and radioisotopes introduced into the body are gradually excreted by the kidneys along with the urine, nevertheless, this test is not recommended for pregnant women. Kidney scintigraphy also should not be exercised by lactating women. Importantly, it is also not recommended to be in the company of women who are pregnant to a person who has passed within the last 24 hours kidney scintigraphy. also kidney scintigraphy it should be performed by the 10th day of the monthly cycle.

Kidney scintigraphy – complications after the examination

As has been mentioned many times, kidney scintigraphy jest safe examination. Radioisotopes used during the test do not cause inflammation or allergic reactions.

Kidney scintigraphy – interpretation of results

Score kidney scintigraphy is assessed by the attending physician. It takes into account not only the performed diagnostic tests, but also other tests, e.g. blood tests, and observes the clinical symptoms of the disease. Kidney scintigraphy rather, it is an auxiliary test and its result is not the only basis for a diagnosis. In time kidney scintigraphy GFR is also assessed, i.e. creatinine clearance.

Also read: Kidney diseases are often asymptomatic in children

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