Up to 15 percent of people suffer from kidney disease. Poles. The disease does not give symptoms for a long time. – The result of kidney disease is galloping atherosclerosis and heart failure, and therefore heart attacks and strokes – warns the nephrologist prof. Beata Naumnik from Białystok. Early detection of this disease is of key importance, while as much as 95 percent. the sick are not aware that they already suffer from it.

Kidney disease causes many diseases

4,7 million Poles suffer from chronic kidney disease. The kidneys do not hurt, so patients are usually diagnosed at random and in the late stages of the disease. For this reason, the vast majority of them go to a nephrologist in the last 11 months before starting renal replacement therapy (dialysis therapy) – warns in the information provided to PAP by the Polish National Association of Dialyzed People. He adds that some of these patients die even earlier, but not from kidney disease, but from cardiovascular complications.

– Kidney disease results in galloping atherosclerosis and heart failure, and consequently heart attacks and strokes. By treating the kidneys, we prevent multiple diseases and catastrophic consequences for the patient’s health – warns Prof. Beata Naumnik, Head of the First Clinic of Nephrology and Transplantology with the Dialysis Center of the Medical University of Bialystok. He emphasizes that the condition of the kidneys at the diagnosis of the disease is of key importance. – The sooner it is detected, the better we can deal with it – he adds.

Chronic kidney disease manifests itself through heart problems, diabetic conditions, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. These conditions can therefore be an alarm signal of poor kidney function. Only the final stage of the disease requires many hours of dialysis therapy several times a week, or a kidney transplant, which ensures a better quality of life.

The use of nephroprotective drugs extends life

According to the announcement by Deputy Minister of Health Maciej Miłkowski, there is a chance that patients with chronic kidney disease from July 2022 will have access to reimbursed, modern nephroprotective therapy. These are the so-called phlosines (SGLT2 inhibitors), medicines that lower blood sugar by increasing the amount of glucose in the urine.

Research shows that the use of nephroprotective drugs extends the patient’s life by 4 years and postpones the time to dialysis therapy by 7 years. Phosphine recovery can therefore improve the quality of life of kidney disease patients.

In addition to modern therapies, it is important to implement a chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevention program. – We are witnessing a breakthrough in the care of patients with CKD. We should remember, however, that as patients we are jointly responsible for the state of our health – emphasizes the president of the National Association of Dialyzed Persons, Iwona Mazur.

The diagnosis of chronic kidney diseases includes relatively cheap determination of serum creatinine and the assessment of albuminuria. However, the latter study is not in the primary care basket.

– Giving family doctors the tools in the form of the possibility of ordering a full set of diagnostic tests will improve the early detection of diseases and facilitate cooperation with a nephrologist – believes the Polish National Association of Dialyzed People. He reminds that as much as 95 percent. CKD patients do not know about their disease.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to one of the ways to deal with stress – the TRE method. What is it about? How does it release us from stress and trauma? Who is it intended for and who should definitely not use it? About this in the latest episode of our podcast.


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