Chinese medicine is based on the idea that everything in the human body is interconnected, and diseases are directly related to the emotional state. For example, the emotion of fear accompanies kidney disease. The opposite is also true: if the kidneys are sick, a person may experience constant fear. An exercise that needs to be performed daily will help to cope with the problem.
Understanding that the emotion of fear is related to the condition of the kidneys can already help. When we fall ill, this, of course, causes various concerns. But if the disease has touched the kidneys, then the state of fear can progress, seemingly out of the blue. Even with ordinary cystitis. The more vividly we experience a negative emotion, the more it affects health. It turns out a vicious circle: we get sick, it causes fear, fear complicates and delays the process of recovery. Just know that you are scared, because this emotion is “generated” by the kidneys.
This idea in itself will act as a sedative. And this thought should be conveyed to relatives so that they stop telling horror stories about their personal pyelonephritis, but simply sympathize when necessary.
The reverse pattern is also true: if fear becomes a regular visitor and even friends began to hint that you are afraid of non-existent misfortunes, there is a reason to turn not only to a psychologist, but also to check your physical health. Including take a urine test to make sure there are no urological diagnoses.
Wellness channels
All diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract should be treated under the supervision of a specialist. But apart from that, I propose to master simple acupuncture techniques that activate the flow of energy through the channels of the kidneys.
What does it mean? Nothing mystical: in Chinese traditional medicine there is a concept of energy “qi” – life force. The treatises write that qi circulates through the body through special channels. There are several of them in the body: for example, the kidney channel starts from the center of the foot and goes up the legs to the kidney area. Along the course of this channel there are active points that help the energy to circulate more actively and nourish the kidneys:
- Geometric center of the foot. To find this point, move down from the space between the second and third toe. Press point by point until you find a particularly sensitive point under the metatarsal foot. This is what she is!
- Center of the leg. From the heel, move up along the center of the calf, gently pressing point by point, until you find a much more sensitive area approximately in the center. She is what you need.
Massage these points on both legs, gently pressing on them with rotational movements: 6 times hard, 6 times with less pressure. Repeat cycles of pressing 4-5 times in one session.
Kidney Exercise
This is an exercise from the course “Xinseng” – qigong for the spine. You can master the whole complex at the seminar “Youth and Health of the Spine”, but for now, do the exercise and evaluate how much it affects the emotional background. The more you concentrate on each movement, the more relaxed it gets, the quieter and calmer it becomes inside.
- Stand up straight, arms bent at the elbows, palms facing up.
- Raise your left leg: it is bent at the knee so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the lower leg is at an angle of 90 degrees. Rotate your foot outward.
- The foot goes down: the toe seems to be pointing at something in front of it on the floor, outward rotation, soft and relaxed. In this position, the knee is straightened, so the rotation of the foot is given by the rotation in the hip joint. With each new rotation, relax the hip joint more and more, as if you are scooping up something with your foot and sending it up through the hip joint to the kidneys.
- Change legs and repeat the outward rotation: first the leg is bent at the knee, then straightens.
- Repeat the same exercise, only with the rotation of the foot inward.
Please note: the rotation should be soft, within the framework of natural mobility. The secret of success is not so much in the range of motion, but in the soft neutral attention with which you plunge into each rotation, and in the visualization of the process – how you scoop something with your foot and send it up to the kidneys.