Kidney cyst in adults
Kidney cyst in adults can be a serious condition, accompanied by painful symptoms and consequences. However, not always, because simple kidney cysts are common. But is it worth worrying?

The kidneys are paired organs located in the abdominal cavity. Their main task is blood filtration, purification from metabolic products, drugs, etc. During the day, the entire volume of blood, which is about 3,9 – 5,2 liters, passes through the kidneys 35 times. But if a kidney cyst has formed in adults, are these processes disturbed? And what consequences can be expected?

What is a cyst

A kidney cyst in adults is a hollow formation with a dense membrane, which is located in the organ. In most cases, simple cysts do not affect kidney function. But this is a predisposing factor for the development of complications.

Kidney cysts that are caused by acquired cystic disease may not need treatment, only observation, but the underlying cause must be identified and addressed.

All kidney cysts in adults are usually divided into:

  • congenital, in the occurrence of which the main role is played by a genetic predisposition (polycystic kidney disease);
  • acquired – are more common and the causes are reduced to various diseases, for example, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, tumor processes.

A kidney cyst in adults can have different contents, for example, serous, hemorrhagic (with blood), purulent.

Causes of a kidney cyst in adults

Sometimes it is difficult to tell the causes of kidney cysts in adults, it can be a combination of several factors. The most common association is with the following conditions:

  • chronic or acute kidney disease;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • age-related changes – it is known that in 25% of people over 40, more than 50% over 50 form simple kidney cysts;
  • kidney anomalies;
  • hormonal imbalance.

There are also risk factors that increase the likelihood of kidney cyst formation in adults:

  • trauma or surgery on the kidneys;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • hereditary diseases and predisposition;
  • oncopathology;
  • diabetes;
  • Gender – Men are more likely to develop simple kidney cysts than women.

Symptoms of a kidney cyst in adults

The main feature and difficulty of diagnosis is that cysts develop and exist for a long time without signs. But there are no symptoms until the moment when their size increases and the formation begins to put pressure on neighboring healthy tissues or nerve endings.

Typical symptoms include:

  • pain in the back, upper abdomen, often dull;
  • fever;
  • discoloration of urine due to blood impurities;
  • frequent urination;
  • edema;
  • changes in blood pressure.


Diagnosis of a kidney cyst in adults due to the absence of symptoms is more likely to occur accidentally during an examination for other reasons. When a cyst is detected, other tests and examination methods are prescribed to determine its type, predict possible complications and draw up tactics for further treatment:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs – visualizes the kidneys, allows you to determine its size and other characteristics;
  • CT and MRI – these methods create a three-dimensional model of the kidneys, which allows you to assess the condition of soft tissues, etc .;
  • laboratory tests: general and biochemical blood tests to identify a possible inflammatory process and assess kidney function;
  • urine tests.

As a rule, the diagnosis takes place on an outpatient basis and the examination practically does not require specific preparation.

Treatment of a kidney cyst in adults

When simple kidney cysts are found in adults, expectant management may be recommended. Active treatment can begin only when symptoms and complications appear:

  • severe pain;
  • if the cyst increases in size;
  • when revealing signs of impaired renal function;
  • if malignancy is suspected.

In such cases, surgical treatment may be recommended.

Modern medicine offers several methods of surgical intervention for a kidney cyst: drainage, excision of a cyst, or abdominal surgery.
Ruslan AbdeevUrologist

Fortunately, abdominal operations are rarely performed and only for malignant neoplasms.

Modern treatments

Surgical treatment can be carried out in several ways. Percutaneous puncture with cyst removal and sclerotherapy. But it can be carried out under the condition of convenient access to the cyst. Under the control of ultrasound, a needle is advanced to the cyst, which pierces its wall and allows you to remove the contents. The second stage of the operation is the introduction of saline solution into the area to prevent the recurrence of the cyst. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis. This procedure has disadvantages – the likelihood of infection.

In the absence of convenient access, laparoscopic surgery may be recommended. The advantages of the operation are in a quick recovery period, fewer complications.

In the treatment, ultrasonic surgical scissors and other modern surgical tools can be used. Their use reduces the invasiveness of the operation, therefore, there is less risk of complications, and rehabilitation will be faster.

Prevention of kidney cysts in adults at home

So far, there are no specific methods for preventing the formation of kidney cysts in adults. Given that the predisposing factors and possible causes are very diverse, prevention should be comprehensive:

  • timely detection and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary system in full;
  • injury prevention;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity – a connection has been established between caries and gum disease with numerous diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.

Popular questions and answers

A kidney cyst in adults is a pathology that can go unnoticed for a long time, but complications may develop under the action of certain factors. Just about the complications, alarming symptoms and features of treatment, he told us urologist Ruslan Abdeev.

What are the possible complications of a kidney cyst?
The range of these complications is wide – from the phenomena of an inflammatory nature to renal failure. This, as a rule, depends on the location, size, number, structural features of the cyst.

Cysts can lead to obstruction of the outflow of urine, thereby predisposing to the development of favorable factors for urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, and also create difficulties in blood supply, which can lead to nephrogenic arterial hypertension.

In those situations when it comes to polycystic disease (multiple cysts), the main complication may be kidney failure.

When to call a doctor for a kidney cyst?
As a rule, a doctor’s call to patients with a kidney cyst is not required, since they come gradually – this is the peculiarity of the clinical course of kidney cysts. Patients may not be bothered by any symptoms, while the constant process of cyst growth gradually leads to possible complications.
Is surgery necessary to remove a kidney cyst?
Not all kidney cysts require surgical treatment. The decision is made by the doctor in cases where the patient has clinical manifestations of a kidney cyst, as well as in order to prevent possible or treat existing complications.
Can a cyst be treated with medication?
To date, unfortunately, there are no such drugs.

The most justified tactic in relation to kidney cysts is dynamic monitoring and periodic examinations by a urologist, which include laboratory tests (blood tests, urine tests), instrumental studies (ultrasound, CT, MRI, nephroscintigraphy), which allow you to objectively assess the condition of the kidneys and compare them in dynamics and the main thing is not to bring the disease to complications.

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