Kidney cancer – risk factors, treatment. Kidney cancer detected too late

In Poland, kidney cancer is diagnosed in about 4,5 thousand. people per year, and 2,5 thousand. because of him he dies. One of the largest mortality rates in Europe. Men are twice as likely to develop this cancer. It is the sixth most common cancer among men and the number of patients continues to grow. Experts emphasize that an easy and painless ultrasound examination is an opportunity for many patients. This is the only way to diagnose kidney cancer in its initial stage, when it is enough to remove it surgically. It is worth paying attention to disturbing symptoms that indicate the appearance of the disease. A special oncology helpline on the International Kidney Cancer Day can help in this.

– The smaller the kidney cancer, the more lucky the patient is – says Dr. Krzysztof Antoni Bardadin from the Medical University of Warsaw. He adds that today, thanks to ultrasound examinations, kidney tumors are detected earlier, when they are small. – I used to examine a 25-centimeter tumor that was removed from a patient, which was brought to me in a bucket – he says. – Unfortunately, almost every third clear cell kidney cancer is diagnosed only after metastasis is detected – he adds.

Kidney cancer is killing Poles

Every year in Poland about 4,5 thousand people develop kidney cancer. In this respect, we are in the European average. However, the mortality rate of Poles due to this cancer is much higher than the European average, and when it comes to survival in this disease, we occupy one of the last places. The 5-year survival rate among men is 54% and 62% among women. It is also disturbing that the number of cases is increasing. Factors that contribute to the development of this cancer are smoking, hypertension, obesity, frequent use of painkillers, contact with substances such as asbestos or those generated during oil processing. The risk of developing the disease is also increased by dialysis and organ transplants.

Penultimate place in Europe

Prof. Cezary Szczylik, head of the oncology clinic of the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw, believes that the poor results of renal cancer treatment in Poland result from limited access to modern drugs. – We are in the penultimate place in Europe when it comes to reimbursement of cancer drugs – he is indignant. Meanwhile, the life of patients with metastatic kidney cancer can be extended up to five years thanks to the use of a new generation of drugs. – There has been tremendous progress in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. Even 10 years ago, there was basically nothing to treat patients with this type of disseminated disease. Today, depending on its course, we can use six further therapeutic lines that allow the patient’s life to be extended up to 60 months – says Prof. Szczylik.

Cut the kidney tumor from the energy source

One of the treatment options for kidney cancer are drugs that inhibit angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the process of the formation of new blood vessels. If, for example, during a heart attack one of the blood vessels becomes blocked, it sends a signal to the others to grow and expand. When a small tumor, even 1 millimeter, develops in the kidney, hypoxia begins and the vessels around the tumor are given a signal to grow. Consequently, the tumor is very well vascularized. It is better with renal cell carcinoma than with other cancers. In addition, the walls of the new vessels are thinner and more permeable, allowing the primary metastatic cell to enter the bloodstream and search for a new place in the body. The goal of angiogenic therapy is to block the growth of vessels around the tumor, preventing it from being supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Prof. Using automotive terminology, Szczylik says that the tumor must be removed. She adds that even if it does not shrink in the middle, it will have a dead part, because the vessels will not keep up with the growth of the tumor.

Mobilization of own immunity

Another method of fighting kidney cancer is immunotherapy, which in 10 percent. cases of this tumor gives a complete cure. The patient is given drugs that unblock some mechanisms of the immune system, thanks to which the immune cells more actively attack the cancer cells scattered throughout the body. The first drugs of this type for the treatment of metastatic melanoma and squamous non-small cell lung cancer have already been approved in the European Union. – Kidney cancer and melanoma are strongly related to the immune system. In some patients, it happens that after the removal of the primary kidney tumor, metastatic tumors also disappear spontaneously – notes Prof. Szczylik. However, it should be remembered that in the case of kidney cancer, it may metastasize even 10 and 20 years after the primary tumor was detected. Therefore, prof. Szczylik recommends his patients to have control visits every three months. – Early detection of recurrence resets the patient and enables a cure – he emphasizes. Dr. Bardadin says that metastases often appear in surprising places and are therefore neglected by patients. It could be, for example, a lump behind the ear or on the palate. It tells about a patient who was initially suspected of having thyroid cancer. Examination of a thyroid tumor showed that it was a metastasis from kidney cancer. Only then did the patient admit that he had had a malignant kidney tumor removed 20 years ago.

Genome hygiene

Prof. Szczylik emphasizes that today, as part of a healthy lifestyle, hygiene of the genome is also necessary. – Scientists have counted that about 50 substances contained in the air and food get into our body. Often their toxicity may contribute to the formation of cancer. That is why you should pay attention to what we eat, what water we drink or what air we breathe – says the oncologist. At the same time, she adds that it is a mistake to take dietary supplements and vitamins. He compares their effectiveness to that of incense in the church. – Poles spend several billion zlotys a year on dietary supplements. If they spent this money on additional health insurance, in the event of illness, they would have money for effective treatment, and the health care system provided with these funds would work better – he argues.

II INTERNATIONAL DAY OF KIDNEY CANCER – talk to your oncologist and take the kidney cancer quiz

On June 21, 2018, the International Day of Kidney Cancer is celebrated for the second time under the slogan “Questions and Answers”. This global initiative of the International Kidney Cancer Coalition, which was established in cooperation with 30 patient organizations, was born with the intention of spreading knowledge about this cancer and drawing attention to disturbing symptoms that indicate the emergence of the disease. A short quiz and an oncology helpline launched on that day can help.

The quiz in Polish is available at:

The helpline at 668 587 053 will be available on June 21 from 17:00 p.m. – 19:00 p.m. and on June 22 from 16:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.

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