Kickboxing training

Kickboxing combined martial arts and English boxing, resulting in a mixed system that is effective in a real contact fight.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Kickboxing is represented by several different directions, and the presence of its elements in other sports disciplines, such as aerobics, is also found. Of course, this contact form of martial arts is still associated with some risk of injury. To avoid injury, classes should be held in groups organized by professional trainers.

Important: you should not lose sight of the sports component of kickboxing, which has a positive effect on the state of the body and demonstrates a healing effect. See also: boxing training

What is kickboxing training for?

Kickboxing, like any physical activity, with dosed loads has a beneficial effect on human health. Intense movements strengthen the muscles, cardiovascular system, joints, ligaments, etc.

Kickboxing classes increase the chances of protecting yourself, as well as your family and friends in an acute conflict situation. The variety and effectiveness of techniques, proven by the centuries-old experience of various cultures, makes it possible to resist any violence. Serious kickboxing opens the way to professional sports and the opportunity to build a successful career in it. See also: MMA training

How to start kickboxing

Before participating in sparring, a beginner kickboxer needs to master the basic fighting techniques, as well as engage in physical training. The physical training required in kickboxing is divided into general and special:

  • The first is exercise, the purpose of which is to strengthen the body.
  • Under the second – the development of specific body functions that are necessary specifically for kickboxing.
  • Both types of physical training include push-ups, squats, stretches, etc.

Complete equipment for kickboxing includes: helmet; gloves; tread; bandage; elbow and knee pads; mouthguard; shorts or pants. See also: aikido training

In the classic version of kickboxing, athletes spend sparring and training barefoot, while the French style provides for special shoes.

Reasons to start kickboxing

The main advantage of this type of martial arts is that in the process of training and competition, a variety of loads are used, due to which the development occurs: muscle mass; endurance; coordination; flexibility; motility. See also: tai bo training

The need to improve these five parameters of the body includes the five main reasons for practicing kickboxing both at the amateur and professional level. Even doing it exclusively “for oneself”, considering kickboxing as just a hobby, an amateur athlete can significantly change his body for the better.

Basic kickboxing exercises

  1. Push-ups from the floor contribute to the development of the muscles necessary in kickboxing for punching.
  2. The squat develops the leg musculature that is required for movement and effective punching technique.
  3. Exercises for the development of the press contribute to a high-quality fighting stance, and develop the ability to take blows.
  4. Stretching increases the flexibility of the trunk and limbs.
  5. Practicing punches and kicks with the help of a pear makes it possible to improve the style and techniques of combat.

Recommendations and contraindications for training

Kickboxing training, carried out with or without a pair, promotes muscle development and, therefore, forms a beautiful body. In addition, engaging in one of the types of contact martial arts inevitably improves the character of a person, shows his individuality and forms strong-willed qualities.

All this makes kickboxing one of the most popular and most useful sports that many people recommend to do. However, kickboxing also has contraindications. See also: karate training

  • When training is needed: – Kickboxing is recommended, if necessary, to get rid of the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and give up bad habits, with excess weight and excess cholesterol in the joints.
  • Contraindications: – Kickboxing is contraindicated in case of injuries of the skull and spine, as well as in serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

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