Kharkiv cabbage is a winter high-yielding hybrid bred by Ukrainian specialists in the mid-70s. To do this, Amager 611 was crossed with Dauerweiss. The culture is zoned for cultivation in the temperate zone of Ukraine. However, as practice shows, cabbage grows well and develops in all climatic zones, except for the Far Eastern and Siberian regions.


Kharkiv cabbage belongs to late hybrids. Harvesting can be started only 150-160 days after the mass emergence of seedlings. The leaf rosette of cabbage is quite compact, raised. The plate is small and smooth. The leaf shape can be either oval or round. Color – green, with a smoky tint. The surface of the sheet is covered with intense wax coating. There is a slight waviness along the edges. A head of cabbage of the Kharkiv variety is distinguished by its density. Just like leaf plates, it has a wax coating. The shape of the head is flat-round. Inside the head of cabbage there is a stalk, the length of which can reach 20 cm.

Kharkiv winter cabbage: variety description, photos, reviews

Kharkiv cabbage is a variety that has been proven for decades

Advantages and disadvantages

Kharkiv cabbage is a fairly old hybrid, but despite this, it is still popular. It is grown by both amateur gardeners and professional farmers. And this is not surprising, because no significant shortcomings were found in the Kharkov variety. At the same time, among its advantages are:

  • high productivity;
  • friendly ripening of the crop;
  • drought resistance;
  • good portability;
  • high phytoimmunity;
  • long shelf life;
  • a sufficiently high rate of cold resistance and heat resistance;
  • pleasant taste.
Important! After full ripening, the cabbage can still be on the beds for a long time and at the same time not crack. At the same time, the taste qualities of the Kharkov variety do not change.

The yield of cabbage varieties Kharkiv

Kharkov variety is one of the most high-yielding. Usually its yield varies between 55-85 tons per 1 ha. The maximum volume is 108 tons per 1 ha. In recalculation, this is 11 kg per 1 m2. The output of marketable products in this case exceeds 90%. The average weight of the head is 3,5 kg, however, with proper care, this figure can reach 4 kg.

Planting and caring for Kharkov cabbage

Kharkiv cabbage can be grown both in seedlings and in seedlings. The advantage of the second is that the cabbage does not have to get used to new conditions when transferred to a permanent place. In this case, the plant takes root better and grows faster. The ripening period with this method of cultivation is reduced by about 2 weeks. This method is also not without its drawbacks. With the seedless method, seeds should be sown early, when there is a risk of spring frosts. The latter are a threat to the life of the plant.

To sow the seeds of the Kharkov variety in open soil in the selected area, deepenings are made at a distance of 60-70 cm. Seeds are laid in the ground no deeper than 2 cm, about 5 grains are placed in each cell. After the plant has two true leaves, small and weak shoots are removed, leaving 2-3. After a while, others are also removed, except for one, the strongest plant.

Growing Kharkiv cabbage using the seedling method is a more painstaking task. For planting seeds, prepare the soil from peat (75%), humus and sand. If the mixture is not purchased, it is watered with a fungicide solution. Seeds are sown in the second half of April in furrows with soil to a depth of 1 cm. At the same time, a distance between rows of 3 cm is maintained.

In order for cabbage seedlings to germinate, you need a sunny place and a temperature in the region of + 18-20 ° C. Under such conditions, the first shoots will appear in 4-5 days. Then the seedlings can be moved to another, cooler site. After 50 days, cabbage can be transplanted to a permanent place. The optimal planting pattern is 40×50 cm. Each sprout is placed in a hole, filled with water and sprinkled with earth.

Rooted Kharkov cabbage is watered about once every 5-6 days. In hot dry weather, the frequency of irrigation is increased. Water is used purified and heated to room temperature. In the case of young plants of the Kharkov variety, 6 liters of liquid are consumed per 1 m2. Then this dosage is increased to 12 liters per 1 m2.

Kharkiv winter cabbage: variety description, photos, reviews

Kharkiv cabbage is quite stable and does not die during drought, however, regular watering is necessary for its proper development.

For the entire period of growth and development of Kharkiv cabbage, top dressing is applied under it 4 times after planting:

  1. Through 2 weeks. For this, cow dung is used, 0,5 l is diluted in a bucket of water. Under each cabbage pour 500 ml of liquid.
  2. Through 4 weeks. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. In 6 weeks. In a bucket of water, dilute 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska. Consumption of funds – 7 liters per 1 m2.
  4. For 9 weeks. To feed the Kharkov variety, either cow dung or nitrophoska is used to choose from.

Removing weeds from the beds and loosening the soil are mandatory procedures. This allows you to saturate the soil with oxygen and reduce the risk of developing diseases. Procedures are often combined, the frequency of carrying out depends on watering. Usually they are performed the next day after watering, but at least 1 time in 7-10 days. Hilling cabbage allows you to protect it from pests and prevent the heads of cabbage from lying during the ripening process. Hilling is carried out twice: on the 10th and on the 45th day after planting in dry and calm weather in the evening (if this is done in the morning or afternoon, the soil will dry out). Hilling is done in such a way that, within a radius of 25 cm from each trunk, a maximum of earth is pulled under the stem. A hill about 30 cm high should form around the cabbage.

Important! Cabbage feels most comfortable in sunny areas.

Diseases and pests

The Kharkiv variety is resistant to most diseases characteristic of cabbage, including bacteriosis, fusarium, rot and necrosis. Since there is plaque on the leafy plates of cabbage, the garden flea, aphid, does not attack it. To prevent all kinds of problems, they are treated with fungicides (Fitoverm) and insecticides (Aliot).

If the cabbage has been planted in heavy soil, it can be hit by a keel. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully select a place for planting and further care for the plant. Among pests, slugs are the most dangerous. To combat them, the mixture is scattered on the soil.


Kharkov variety has a pleasant sweetish taste and high sugar content. Headed leaves are tender, juicy and crunchy. They have a pronounced characteristic odor. Cabbage contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, fiber and various trace elements.

The main purpose of this vegetable is consumption in raw and boiled form, pickling. Delicious salads are obtained from Kharkiv cabbage. For raw consumption, experts advise taking the upper part of the head. It contains the most delicate leaf plates, it is recommended to cut them finely. For cooking hot dishes, a large shredder is desirable. In this case, it is better to use the rough part of the vegetable.

Cabbage makes excellent pancakes and casseroles, vegetable stews, borscht, cabbage soup, etc. Whole leaves can be used to make cabbage rolls. The rigid petiole of the leaf is not pronounced. Kharkiv cabbage reveals itself well in sauerkraut. The high sugar content in its composition is the key to excellent fermentation. At the same time, a large volume of juice prevents the product from spoiling ahead of time.

When fresh, the heads are stored for a long time, about 7 months. At the same time, their taste qualities do not deteriorate, and they do not become less useful.

Kharkiv winter cabbage: variety description, photos, reviews

Kharkiv cabbage reveals itself well in sauerkraut


Kharkiv cabbage in every sense is ideal. It perfectly combines all production and taste qualities. The vegetable has a good keeping quality and is suitable for cooking any dishes. Getting a good harvest is not difficult, for this you need to follow the elementary rules of agricultural technology.

Reviews about Kharkiv cabbage

Dmitry Nikitin, 47 years old, Dnepropetrovsk
Friends and relatives constantly praise the varieties of the Dutch and Japanese selection. I tried to grow them several times, but I was not satisfied. For many years of gardening, I have not found better Kharkiv cabbage among late varieties. It is ideal for the Ukrainian climate, so it grows well and does not get sick. I noticed that in order to obtain the maximum yield, complex preparations and natural top dressing must be alternated.
Victor Biryukov, 34 years old. Voronezh
Variety Kharkov – the best among the late. During cultivation, the temperature dropped to -4 ° C, but despite this, the seedlings survived. Cabbage is unpretentious, resistant to diseases, high-yielding, pleasant to the taste. There are no complaints about her. Harvest lay until February. I am sure that I would have lain longer if they had not eaten. I’m not going to change it in the near future and I’m not going to change it to any other variety.
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