Keys to correctly apply the Allergens Law

The objective of the new standard is to provide the consumer with information on the content on the plates of possible al. At this time and in line with the publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE) of the same with direct application since last Monday, December 13 as the deadline.

We are presented with several scenarios for its application and a series of questions that we will try to answer below so that compliance with the regulations by hoteliers is correct.

Knowing these types that we must show in our menus, it should be noted that each of them must be clearly delimited, and the hotelier can choose the form and method to identify it.

There are different possibilities such as the wording below the dish or the elaboration of the products that have as an ingredient that contain those allergens, either write them and write them or attach identifying icons to each of them as in the image that we show you.

The Allergen Type Web offers several possibilities of acquiring the computer files for the elaboration of the letters with packages in several languages ​​of icons, icons with text, etc.

La Ehosa Horeca online store, The Hotel Mirror, through its web portal it offers


the download of exclusive icons for each allergen (in image format) so that the hotelier can use them independently in his letters and information to customers.

Another place of interest to expand all the information is the new on-line portal launched by the Spanish Hospitality Federation (FEHR) under the name of Cart @ Alérgenos where each of the 14 typologies are detailed with a wide development of each one of them, and training services and informative material are offered for the associated hotelier.

The service is completed by a section on the preparation of digital letters that will be available on the web shortly, as we have been informed by the Federation.

Let’s get to work to be able to adapt all current formats to the new legislation, this is the immediate mission for the hospitality industry, and thus avoid the possible sanctions typified in the law that fall directly on the establishment.

Not in vain is it a very effective measure to help consume a large percentage of the population that in recent studies is estimated at 10%, individuals who have at least some food intolerance.

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