The film «I’m walking around Moscow»

Keys of happiness.

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Happiness Keys are kinesthetic or visual anchors that induce a state of happiness. For the visual, happiness is triggered by pictures of happiness, for the kinesthetic, happy experiences, for the auditory, melodies of happiness, for the digital, it is the understanding that happiness has happened.

The keys of happiness are like the keys to the door where the treasures are. There are keys — you opened the door, your treasures. There are no keys — treasures are nearby, but you are without them.

The absence of the keys to happiness deprives people of happiness — even when objectively there is everything for this. Life is a full cup, a loving wife, cheerful children — but there is no key, and there is no happiness. However, if you have the keys to the treasury door, but the treasury is empty, then they will not help you. The keys of happiness cause a state of happiness only in those people who know how to be happy, and yet under appropriate circumstances.

Leonardo da Vinci. Madonna Litta

The keys to happiness are created in a variety of ways: by suggestion and infection, by imprinting and through the formation of a conditioned reflex: nothing natural is alien to us!

“Sleep is, of course, happiness” is a suggestion. If you got enough sleep and remembered about the suggestion — hurray, you are happy!

Dad with such pleasure plans a board or talks about his work so cheerfully that the child becomes infected with his joy and understands: planing boards is a joy. And if they tell him that this is happiness, he will know that this is also happiness.

A girl in a museum sees a painting of the Madonna and Child. Parents stop, freeze, introduce her into a similar trance and report: «This is happiness.» The girl captured this and, when she grows up, she will definitely realize this picture in her life. And she will be happy!

Children are lively and love to run. When a child on the run screams with joy and his eyes are enthusiastic — what is it? It’s hard to say, it all depends on the interpretation. If a child is told: “Well, what are you mad about?”, he understands that such delight is an outrage. If authoritative people, looking at him, at the picture of his running around, sigh with envy: “Well, did you run? How happy you are! ”, — he understands that this is not an outrage, but childish happiness.

By managing the keys of happiness, one can educate a person, form the necessary (socially attractive) interests and values: by imposing the keys of happiness on certain values ​​of life, a person begins to experience happiness from advancing along already set social values↑.

Keys and Blocks of Happiness

Happiness Keys can conflict with Happiness Blocks. See Blocks of Happiness

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