Kernsa is the cereal that was named the 2019 gastro trend of the year

A grain that will make a real revolution in agriculture – this is how many agrarians perceive Kernza. In France, Kernza has already been announced as one of the 2019 gastronomic trends.

What is Kernza

The name Kernza is a protected trademark owned by the Earth Institute (USA). Its name comes from KERNel (grain) and konZA (a word used by the American Indians to refer to the geographic name of the state of Kansas).

In fact, this is a new variety of wheat, the main distinguishing feature of which is the possibility of long-term cultivation. Wheat of this variety does not need to be sown every year, one planting is enough and then for several years you can harvest – this is a real perennial. Kernza’s roots go to a depth of more than 5 meters. For comparison, wheat roots are only one meter long.


Kearnsa roots also prevent soil erosion and reliably support the ecosystem. At the same time, the plant itself perfectly tolerates drought and extracts nutrients from a depth that other crops never dreamed of. 

Just imagine how, growing this wheat, one could save on human and natural resources: plant once – and harvest for several years.

Kearns’ perennial wheat would soon be the ideal cereal. Kernza has one drawback – small grain size – only 1/4 of the size of traditional high-yielding varieties. But, as scientists from the US Land Institute assure, in the coming years it will be possible to achieve a size comparable to the grains of ordinary wheat.

What kind of bread will turn out from Kernza

This type of wheat has less gluten, so it is hardly possible to bake white bread and any pastries from Kernza. But the “black” bread is quite tasty.

Zeram Kernza is only 13 years old and scientists have already done a lot of work to improve this variety during this period. Therefore, if the grain can be increased and increased their nutritional properties, then many agricultural farms around the world will go to Kernza.

We will remind, earlier we wrote about what additives can be hidden in bread. 

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