General description of the disease
Keratitis is an inflammatory process in the cornea of the eye that can be caused by infection and a virus (staphylococcus, streptococcus, herpes, flu, tuberculosis) or various injuries.
By type, keratitis is:
- superficial, in which the upper corneal layer is affected (caused by conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis), after recovery there are no vision problems, scars do not remain (just as keratitis of this type damages only the corneal epithelium, which can regenerate itself);
- deep, in which the inner layers of the cornea are damaged, due to which scars may remain (manifested in the form of clouding), visual acuity may decrease, if no medical measures are taken, an eyesore may develop.
Depending on the nature of the damage and the cause of infection, keratitis is of several types:
- 1 Viral (including herpetic keratitis). The cause of viral keratitis is often the herpes virus or adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, which appears as an accompaniment to colds. The cause of herpetic keratitis is the appearance of an endogenous virus in the nervous tissues of a person (basically, this phenomenon is observed in people with reduced immunity). This type of keratitis is difficult to treat, there are often repeated infections.
- 2 Gribkov (occurs after improper antibiotic treatment and with damage to the cornea of the eye of various kinds of fungi). This type is characterized by severe pain in the eyes and their redness.
- 3Bacterial (mainly observed in people wearing contact lenses) – if you do not follow the rules for using lenses and violate the rules of hygiene, you can bring Staphylococcus aureus into the eye (the largest number of cases of infection with it). Also, it can occur due to trauma to the cornea.
Common symptoms of keratitis:
- redness of the cornea of the eye;
- tearing eyes;
- the corneal layer becomes edematous;
- infiltrates or small ulcers appear in the cornea;
- fear of the light;
- pain in the damaged (infected) eye;
- constant sensation of a foreign object (or there is a feeling that the eye was covered with sand);
- discomfort in the eye;
- deterioration of vision is possible;
- there is a contraction of the circular muscle, which causes a sharp closure of the eyelid (in the form of spasms);
- headache from the side where the sore eye is (quite rare).
Useful products for keratitis
An important role in the treatment of keratitis is played by adherence to a carbohydrate-free diet. Products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and 6), calcium, vitamins B and C are recommended for consumption.
Foods that are useful and indispensable for a speedy recovery include: seafood, fish, parsley, carrots, cabbage, all leafy vegetables, corn, radishes, bell peppers, cucumbers, citrus fruits, apples, apricots, honey, rye bread and whole grain cereals, nuts and seeds, honey, dried apricots, vegetable oils, wheat germ, rye, yogurt.
Traditional medicine for keratitis:
- Cabbage and cucumber juice helps relieve inflammation. At night, you need to make lotions, and during the day drink 3 glasses of this or that juice (you can choose, you can alternately – depending on taste preferences).
- Attach grated apples, cucumbers, potatoes, turnips mixed with egg white.
- It relieves inflammation and tea brewing well. Clean cotton swabs (discs) should be moistened with tea water or fresh tea leaves should be wrapped in a clean napkin and applied to a sore spot, left for several hours.
- Honey mixed with sulfonamides is used as an ointment.
- Corneal ulcers are well treated with an ointment made from eucalyptus juice and honey.
- Essential oils and vitamins made from eucalyptus are well suited to fight microbes.
- You should wash your eyes with decoctions of flax seeds, mallow and plantain leaves, hernia, elderberry and raspberry flowers, calendula, eyebright, cornflower petals.
- To restore visual acuity, you must drink a rosehip decoction. Take half a glass of broth in the morning and before bedtime on an empty stomach. For cooking, you need a tablespoon of fruits ground with seeds and 200 milliliters of boiling water. Put everything in a thermos for an hour, then filter, put on the fire, add the required amount of water, so that in general you get a glass of broth (that is, the initial amount of liquid).
- Bury your eyes with a drop of melted may honey. To prepare drops, you need to put a little honey in a glass and place it in a saucepan with hot water, if necessary, boil the water. You should never boil and boil honey, otherwise the medicine will turn into poison. In each eye, instill a drop of melted honey in the morning and evening.
The popular method of treatment you like or their complex must be applied until the opacity, ulcers, corneal roughness and all other symptoms go away (the best effect, of course, is given by a comprehensive treatment, including diet, taking herbs and vitamins, making compresses and lotions, the use of eye drops and ointments).
After the reddening of the cornea has passed, it is necessary to continue the treatment for at least 2 weeks so that there are no relapses. This is because the redness may go away, but the germs, virus or fungus have not disappeared until the end.
Dangerous and harmful foods for keratitis
- food saturated with carbohydrates;
- foods high in starch;
- White bread;
- refined cereals;
- sweet (puddings, sweets, jams);
- highly fatty, salty foods;
- seasonings, sauces, marinades (especially store-bought);
- strongly brewed tea and coffee.
During the treatment of keratitis, you should completely abandon the use of eggs and meat dishes.
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