Kennedy’s killer was under hypnosis? The psychiatrist admits it is possible, and the commission wants him to be released

On June 5, 1968, Sirhan Sirhan fired three shots at the contending for the US President Robert F. Kennedy. JFK’s younger brother died in the hospital, and the Palestinian was sentenced to death. The man lives to this day and may be paroled after 53 years. In the course of the trial, among others, the topic of hypnosis.

  1. Sirhan Sirhan was sentenced to death, but this was not carried out
  2. In the following years, the bomber applied for parole 16 times. He maintained that he had no memory of the Kennedy murder
  3. His lawyers in 2011 stated that the man was under the influence of hypnosis. According to the psychiatrist Dr. Richard Kluft, it is not out of the question
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. How was it going?

It was June 5, 1968. Robert F. Kennedy, the younger brother of JFK shot dead in 1963, was running for the presidency of the United States. Robert was known for his anti-war views. He condemned the Vietnam War. He also commented on the Six Day War, expressing his support for Israel.

The official version of events is that it was this statement that angered the Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan. So much so that, while under the influence of alcohol, he stumbled upon Robert F. Kennedy staying at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. As RFK moved from one room to the next, Sirhan emerged from behind the ice cream machine and began firing. The bullets hit the politician in the head, neck and chest.

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Kennedy soon lost consciousness and was rushed to the hospital. He was undergoing cardiac massage, and an operation lasting almost four hours was also performed. Although the doctors removed the bullet stuck in the politician’s skull, his life could not be saved. Kennedy died after midnight on June 6, 1968.

Sirhan Sirhan may be released after 53 years

Sirhan Sirhan was convicted of first-degree murder, punishable at that time by the death penalty. However, the sentence was not enforced due to the fact that in 1972 the US Supreme Court canceled all such sentences from previous years. Consequently, Sirhan Sirhan was to serve a life sentence. And it was true – the Palestinian spent 53 years in prison. Now, however, that may change. Last week, an advisory panel gave a positive opinion on Sirhan’s request for parole. This does not mean, however, that the man will certainly be released. For this to happen, the application must be approved by the Parole Board, followed by the Governor’s signature. The sons of the deceased politician, however, supported the release of Sirhan.

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Sirhan has applied for parole 16 times. His main argument was that he did not remember the time of the murder – that it was an act of unconsciousness. Is it due to alcohol consumption or temporary insanity? In 2011, Sirhan’s lawyers pointed out the possibility that Sirhan was in a state of hypnosis at the time of the murder, and therefore that someone was controlling his actions.

Sirhan was under hypnosis? A psychiatrist talks about how it can affect people

It has long been written that hypnosis can influence the actions of people. The technique of introducing a person into a specific trance was tested, among others, by by the CIA as part of the infamous MK-ULTRA project. American services then checked whether it was possible to direct human minds, control them and exert influence. People taking part in the research were hypnotized, received LSD or listened to subliminal messages. The project was carried out in the 50s and 60s. Ted Kaczynski, serial killer known as the Unabomber.

In 2011, psychiatrist prof. Richard Kluft. He was then a member of the hypnosis research society. The expert noted that it is no secret that American organizations have tested the possibility of using hypnosis in the creation of unwitting killers and couriers. The idea was for a person in trance to be able to pull the trigger or convey information. At the same time, such a person would not be able to reveal who is behind the “order”. Thus, according to Kluft, Sirth’s theory of lawyers was by no means wholly implausible.

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At the same time, however, Kluft explained exactly how hypnosis works. He did it on the example of a vegetarian. If he was in a trance and someone slipped a piece of meat under his nose, he probably would not eat it despite the hypnosis. But if earlier a vegetarian in a trance received information that he would receive a perfect steak in a moment without a gram of meat, the chance that this man would refuse to eat the dish would be much smaller.

But could someone just grab an innocent man off the street and convince him to kill Robert F. Kennedy in cold blood? The answer to this question is not simple.

According to prof. Kluft, you can’t make someone do something against their will by hypnosis. However, it is possible to deceive a person in such a way that they do not fully realize what they are doing. He may do something without realizing the overall perspective of that action.

Was that also the case of Sirhan Sirhan, or is it merely a strategy of lawyers who grapple with every possible means of freeing their client? It’s hard to judge. It is known, however, that the Pakistani in fact committed a crime while the Americans were testing hypnosis in an unethical way. And that one of the conspiracy theories about the bombing was that it was commissioned by the CIA, which did not like Robert F. Kennedy’s anti-war aspirations.

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