Kemira (Fertik) fertilizer is used by many gardeners, and judging by the large number of positive reviews, it is very effective. This mineral complex was developed in Finland, but is now licensed and produced in Our Country. At the same time, the quality of the product was preserved, but the product became available to a wide range of consumers. The growth in popularity is also facilitated by the fact that the fertilizer is produced in different forms, so you can choose both a universal option and a directed action.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

The composition of “Kemir” does not contain chlorine and heavy metals

What is Kemira used for?

Every gardener dreams of getting the maximum result when growing vegetables, fruits, flowers and other crops. But, unfortunately, not all lands are black soil and therefore, in order to achieve the desired goal, it is necessary to use fertilizers. The most popular of them are organic, but not everyone has the opportunity to use them. Therefore, mineral complex top dressings are considered an alternative. And these include fertilizer “Kemira”.

It is produced on the basis of biologically pure raw materials, according to the Kemira GrowHow program, which is the technology of the third millennium. The tool can be used in personal plots, fields and parks.

“Kemira” has a balanced composition, necessary for the full development of crops.

After applying Fertika:

  1. Plants develop better.
  2. The color of the leaves becomes rich green.
  3. The duration of flowering is increased.
  4. The ovary occurs much earlier.
  5. Productivity increases.
  6. Harvested fruits are better stored.
Important! “Fertika” not only provides good nutrition to crops, but also increases their immunity, protecting them from diseases.

The producer of Kemira also produces aluminum sulfate, the solution of which is used as a neutralizer of the acid-base balance of the soil. And also this component is used for the treatment of drinking and waste water.

Composition of Kemira fertilizer

The product has a balanced composition, in which there is no chlorine and heavy metals. All components for its production are carefully selected. It has been proven that if nitrates accumulate when using Kemira, then in very small quantities.

In addition to the fact that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are included in the mineral supplement, it also contains other valuable substances. The most effective components of “Kemira” include:

  • selenium;
  • molybdenum;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • boron;
  • sulfur.

Such a variety of substances activates growth processes, promotes the formation of strong shoots and large fruits, enhances the development of the root system, and also increases resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Types of Kemira fertilizers

Plants have different nutrient requirements. And therefore, in order to provide them with the necessary set of components, different types of fertilizers were developed. All of them differ in composition, so this must be taken into account when using them.

Fertilizer Kemira Wagon

This variety has a wide range of applications. The composition of the fertilizer includes nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus in a ratio of 10-20-20 (%). In addition, “Kemira Universal” contains selenium (Se), which improves the quality of the crop and increases the content of sugar and vitamins in fruits.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

“Kemiru Universal” can be applied to the soil before sowing seeds”Kemiru Universal” can be applied to the soil before sowing seeds

This product is water soluble, so it can be used for root and foliar application, as well as drip irrigation. The versatility of the product allows it to be used for all types of garden, vegetable, fruit and berry, coniferous and flower crops.

Important! Fertilizer “Kemira Universal” in terms of its content of nutrients is an improved nitroammophoska.

Lawn fertilizer Kemira

This type of fertilizer has a prolonged action, which significantly reduces the number of top dressings. The percentage of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus is 11,3:12:26. In addition, the mixture contains substances that improve the action of the main components, which ensures a lasting effect.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

Lawn “Kemira” is most often used after mowing the grass

The use of this type of top dressing:

  1. Accelerates the growth of grass after mowing.
  2. Reduces the likelihood of moss and weeds.
  3. Makes the color of the lawn rich green.
  4. Increases grass density.
Important! Lawn fertilizer is used by scattering granules over the surface and with further leveling with a rake.

Kemira Combi

The fertilizer includes all the nutrients in a chelated, easily digestible form. Due to this, it effectively reduces the alkalinity of the soil. It contains all the main components except calcium. The ratio of nitrogen and potassium is 1:1,5.

“Combi” is a slightly pink powder, which, when dissolved in water, loses its hue. Can be used in open and closed ground.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

“Kemira Combi” is recommended for use on organic substrates

Kemira Flower

This fertilizer is recommended for annual and perennial flowers, as well as bulbous crops. It is permissible to use it no more than 3 times per season: when planting, after rooting and during the formation of buds.

Benefits of using:

  • increases the diameter of the flowers;
  • enhances the color of the petals;
  • lengthens the flowering period.

The tool is very easy to scatter at the base of the plants. When interacting with moisture, nutrients penetrate the soil.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

“Kemira Flower” is forbidden to use in the fall

In addition to this species, “Kemira” (Fertika) is also produced in a chelate form for directional roses. This allows you to achieve lush and long flowering, due to the enriched nutrient composition. The use of “Kemira” for roses allows you to improve not only flowering, but also increase the winter hardiness of the shrub.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

Fertilizer for roses is recommended to be used throughout the entire growing season of the shrub

Kemira Potato

Directional tool. Recommended for use during the entire growing season of the crop. It is distinguished by a high content of potassium (up to 16%), which not only increases the amount of yield, but also improves its keeping quality. Fertilizer can also be treated with tubers during planting, which speeds up germination.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

The use of “Kemira Potato” increases the starch content in tubers by 1-3,5%

Kemira Khvoynoe

Fertilizer is issued in two types: spring and summer. Therefore, they must be used taking into account the designated period. Top dressing allows you to increase the acidity of the soil, which is necessary for conifers. In addition to the main components, the fertilizer contains magnesium, sulfur and iron, which enhances the rich shade of the needles.

Important! Coniferous fertilizer can be used for other crops that also need an increased pH. For example, rhododendrons, blueberries and hydrangeas.
Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

“Coniferous fertilizer” is suitable for young seedlings and adult plants

Kemira Lux

Universal fertilizer with prolonged action. “Kemira Lux” can be used for vegetables, flowers, fruit bushes and bulbous crops. When using it, the germination of seeds improves, the growth of shoots and green mass increases. It is also allowed to use this fertilizer not only for street, but also for indoor flowers.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

“Kemira Lux” begins to act immediately upon contact with the soil

Kemira Autumn

The composition of the fertilizer contains nitrogen in a minimum amount, but in abundance – phosphorus and potassium. It is these components that help plants prepare for winter and increase their frost resistance. This tool also has a positive effect on fruiting in the next season, as it stimulates the laying of flower buds.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

Granules “Kemira Autumn” are recommended to be embedded in the soil at the base of the plant

Kemira Hydro

Universal fertilizer that can be used in open and closed ground. All nutrients in it are contained in an accessible form for plants, which increases their effectiveness. This allows you not to carry out additional root dressing.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

“Kemira Hydro” is produced in the form of granules or a concentrated solution

Pros and cons of feeding Kemira

Like all other fertilizers, Kemira has its advantages and disadvantages. And before you use it, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

The main advantages of this tool:

  1. Long term storage.
  2. Balanced composition.
  3. Can be used for different types of crops.
  4. Increases productivity.
  5. Strengthens immunity.
  6. Improves flowering.
  7. Increases softness.
  8. Prevents the accumulation of nitrates.

The disadvantages of fertilizer include the need to take precautions when using it. Also, the downside is that when the granules are introduced into the soil, the consumption of the product increases, which increases costs.

Important! In order to save money, it is recommended to use “Kemira” in the form of an aqueous solution.

How to breed Kemira

The concentration of fertilizer is recommended to be adjusted depending on the type of top dressing. For watering plants under the root, the nutrient solution must be prepared at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water.

And when spraying the aerial part, it is recommended to reduce the concentration of the nutrient product to 10 g per 10 liters of water so that the fertilizer does not burn the leaves and shoots of plants. You need to dissolve the granules in a plastic container and wash it with soap and water at the end of the work.

Instructions for using Kemira fertilizer

Fertilizer can be applied in dry and diluted form. In the first case, top dressing is recommended at planting, adding granules to the wells with further mixing with the ground. It is also possible to use dry fertilizer during the season, sprinkling it under the root of the plants.

An aqueous solution is recommended to be used throughout the season. Fertilizer can be applied both by watering under the root, and by spraying the foliage. The frequency of use is 1 time in 10 days. It is possible to water with a nutrient solution only after moistening the soil, so as not to burn the roots.

Important! When using, do not exceed the dosage of fertilizer, as this will negatively affect the development of plants.

Precautions when working with Kemira fertilizer

This fertilizer is a highly concentrated agent, which, if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, can cause irritation. Therefore, standard precautions must be observed when using it.

Kemira fertilizer: Lux, Combi, Hydro, Universal

During the use of “Kemira” it is forbidden to take food, smoke and drink

Terms and conditions of storage of Kemira

While maintaining the integrity of the packaging, the shelf life of the fertilizer is 5 years. When opening it, it is recommended to pour the remnants of the product into a sealed glass container and close the lid. The finished solution must be used on the day of preparation, as it loses its properties during long-term storage.

Fertilizer should be stored in a dark dry place, avoiding direct sunlight.


Kemira fertilizer has a unique and balanced composition, which has a positive effect on the growth and development of crops. The tool also enhances the natural immunity of plants and reduces their susceptibility to diseases, adverse weather conditions and pests. Many gardeners have already been able to appreciate these qualities of the fertilizer, so it is one of the most popular drugs on the domestic market.

Reviews about fertilizer Kemira

Igor Smirnov, 53 years old, Kazan
I have been using Kemira fertilizer for many years. Never regretted my choice. The balanced composition of the product greatly simplifies the care of plants and the amount of necessary feeding. I use the drug for all garden crops and house plants. I choose different types. I buy in bulk because it’s more economical. I recommend to all my friends.
Inna Vaskina, 43 years old, Bryansk
Most often I use Kemira Lux, as it can be found in almost any store. I really like its action, the result is noticeable almost immediately after application. I spend top dressing no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, and this is quite enough for flowers, vegetables and fruit bushes. I am very satisfied with the result of using this mineral complex, and I do not plan to change it to another fertilizer. This year, it also acquired the Coniferous look of the product, which significantly improved the shade of the needles and increased growth.
Fertika Lux is the best fertilizer

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