Keloids and hypertrophic scars: everything you need to know about them! Meet the 3 best ointments from the pharmacy
Keloids and hypertrophic scars: everything you need to know about them! Meet the 3 best ointments from the pharmacy

Scarring occurs when skin wounds are so severe that the skin cannot then regenerate naturally. It produces too much collagen, and the “loss” of the skin is filled with fibrous connective tissue. An “ordinary” scar is the size of a defect, so it is not so visible. Hypertrophic scars and keloids, on the other hand, are formed when a tissue defect is filled with too much connective tissue. You can also fight this type of scars. How? About it below!

Type of scar and method of treatment

Keloids, or keloids, significantly exceed the boundaries of the original wound, while the overgrown scar will remain in the same place where the injury occurred. The keloid will not go away on its own, although the overgrown scar will – it happens very often. That is why it is so important to determine what kind of scar we are “dealing with” before starting treatment. Surgical treatment gives good results only in the case of overgrown scars, keloids should not be treated in this way, because the recurrence of the lesion is practically certain – the new wound will also heal uncontrollably. Therefore, in this case, ointments from the pharmacy are recommended – special ointments for scars.

When to start treatment?

Scars should be treated from the very beginning, i.e. when the wound heals properly. From the very beginning, specialist scar ointments should be used, then the resulting scar should fill the injury site in an appropriate way, and at the same time take a color close to the color of the skin. Treating later, older scars is also possible, but not as good.

Ointment for scars from the pharmacy – which one to choose? top 3!

  1. Silicone ointments and gels – you can buy them from PLN 25 to even PLN 120, but they give extremely good results. Recommended by dermatologists and surgeons. They have undergone many clinical trials that have proven their true effectiveness. They are safe for the body and give good results visible only after a few months. Silicone ointments cause a change in the position of collagen fibers surrounding and forming in the scar, thanks to which its hypertrophy is inhibited, the skin regenerates properly, and the scar slowly disappears – also its color returns to normal. In addition, silicone gels increase the moisture of the scar and reduce the “access” of oxygen to it, which can also bring good results.
  2. Ointments for scars with onion extract – onion has been known for a long time as a remedy for scars and keloids. Unfortunately, it will cope worse with old scars, but it perfectly prevents the formation of new scars in places of cuts. These types of ointments are very cheap (usually, depends on the manufacturer), but also need to be used for several months.
  3. Moisturizing ointments – in the case of scars, it is also worth using ordinary moisturizing ointments, because the scar tissue lacks hydration. Thanks to proper hydration, it can begin to decrease and take on a color closer to the skin. The scar should be moistened with such ointments even several times a day.

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