Keloid scars
They say scars adorn a man, but scars are different from scars. Keloid scars, reddish, itchy, are hardly able to decorate someone, which is why they are in such a hurry to get rid of them

Causes of keloid scars

Keloid scars are the most unfavorable type of scars for correction. They occur at the site of skin damage, for example, after operations, burns, piercings, acne. The reason for their appearance is the proliferation of connective tissue. As a rule, such scars are reddish in color, rough, can increase over time and itch unpleasantly.

Predicting exactly how the skin will behave after damage is not always easy, but there are prerequisites for the formation of this kind of scars.

– The main cause of keloid scars is a genetic predisposition, when an increased content of the enzyme responsible for the production of collagen is observed in the human body. Excessive protein intake, such as in sports nutrition, or the active consumption of meat food, can also affect the formation of keloid, explains Plastic Surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Albert Timerbulatov.

Treatment of keloid scars

Treatment of keloid scars is selected individually in each case. It may include local therapy, when compression bandages are applied to the scar site. In this way, the formation of an unpleasant scar can be prevented.

In addition, drug treatment is practiced: the use of ointments, gels and drug therapy with the introduction of corticosteroids under the skin at the site of scar formation. These hormones contribute to the regression of keloid tissue and, accordingly, the reduction of the scar.

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of keloid scars are widely used, among them electrophoresis and ultraphonophoresis. Mesotherapy is also effective – the introduction of nutrient injections into the surface of the scar. Such meso-cocktails soften rough tissue and help it to dissolve.

If conservative methods are ineffective, they resort to surgical intervention – excision of the scar.


– If it is enough to reduce the thickness of the scar, then the doctor will recommend resorting to laser resurfacing, there are devices for it in cosmetology clinics. It involves exposure to the skin with a laser beam. It is best to do such resurfacing in autumn or winter, so that the laser exposure area does not then fall under the sun’s rays, explains plastic surgeon Albert Timerbulatov.

Such polishing helps to make the scar more even and get rid of the dark color of the scar. The number of procedures and the type of laser is selected individually, depending on the complexity of the keloid scar.

– If the patient needs to “remove” the width and thickness of the keloid scar, then the surgical method of treatment is preferable – excision of the keloid with further treatment with silicone gels or stickers, – clarifies plastic surgeon Albert Timerbulatov.

Surgical correction is usually indicated for severe scars. During such an operation, the surgeon cuts the scar tissue, and tightens the edges of the wound with thin sutures. If the operation is successful, then only a thread-like trace 1-2 mm thick will remain on the skin. This type of correction is popular, for example, among women who are embarrassed by the scar after a cesarean section.

Physiotherapy methods

Keloid scars are also fought with physiotherapeutic methods. The most popular of them:

  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • exposure to microcurrents.

Phonophoresis involves the introduction of active medicinal substances into the body using ultrasonic vibrations. In the case of keloid scars, lidase is used for phonophoresis and electrophoresis. This is an active enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid, which improves blood circulation and makes scars less dense.

During electrophoresis, special pads are impregnated with preparations with lidase and other enzymes. An electrode is then fixed in each of them. They are placed on the problem area for a few minutes. Since the current discharges are small, the person feels only a slight tingling in the scar area.

A similar method is the use of microcurrents. Weak discharges gently affect both the outer layer of the skin and the deeper layers, blood vessels and muscles. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in tissues are launched, microcirculation of blood and lymph improves.

However, plastic surgeons warn that it is risky to prescribe a method for treating a keloid scar on your own. Before signing up for a particular procedure, you need to consult a specialist, because many physiotherapy, on the contrary, can enhance the growth of a keloid scar.

Folk remedies

The Internet is full of tips on how to get rid of a keloid scar using folk remedies. It is recommended to rub the scar with lemon juice, then apply green tea bags, lubricate the scar tissue with apple cider vinegar, aloe juice or honey. Most doctors are skeptical about such recommendations.

Keloid scars cannot be cured with folk remedies. Even medical procedures do not always help, to say nothing of the rest.
Lilia TimerbulatovaCosmetologist, dermatologist and plastic surgeon

Only hirudotherapy, treatment with leeches, can bring benefits in the fight against scars, according to doctors, but it should also be resorted to only as an element of complex treatment.

Prevention of keloid scars at home

Exactly how your stitch will heal is difficult to predict, but steps can be taken to reduce the likelihood of nasty scarring. Prevention of keloid scars in this case involves the use of silicone gels or patches. They are sold in any pharmacy.

“Silicone patches and gels should be used after surgery, after 3-4 weeks, when the crusts are completely gone,” explains plastic surgeon Albert Timerbulatov.

They will help the stitches heal gently, minimizing the risk of a rough keloid.

Popular questions and answers

Common questions about keloid scars and getting rid of them we addressed plastic surgeon Lilia Timerbulatova.

What to do if a scar formed after the removal of a mole?

Mole removal is one of the most common surgical procedures. If you do not want to get an ugly scar instead of the usual mole, discuss this with your doctor in advance. A competent specialist before the operation should collect an anamnesis – your medical history – and use this information to prevent the formation of a keloid scar.

If the scar still remains, it needs to be treated.

It is difficult to cure such a keloid, but it is possible. Patients with similar scars are prescribed injections of hormones and enzymes into the scar area, as well as hardware treatment: shock wave therapy or laser. In severe cases, if other methods fail to get rid of the keloid scar, X-rays are used..

How to get rid of a scar after a caesarean section?

Another common operation that can add unnecessary complexes to the beautiful half of humanity is a caesarean section. After her, scars also remain, because of which many girls are embarrassed to wear open clothes and swimwear. If a keloid scar has formed at the site of the seam, plastic surgeons advise not to despair.

There are two options for how to get rid of a scar after a caesarean section. The first is therapeutic, that is, polish it with a laser and inject special preparations – hormones. You can resort to ozone therapy – treatment using an ozone-oxygen mixture. The second option is surgical removal of the scar. It can be excised and re-sutured, making a more beautiful seam.

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