Kelly Catron: “Do what you want, but be strong!”

Kelly Cutron has gone from a drug addict to a fashion expert and the owner of a famous PR agency. She calls not to believe the inner voice, if it tells us that we are nothingness: “Most likely, this is not the voice of your soul.”

“You can’t be happy if you’ve never known pain. It is impossible to be able to rejoice if you do not know what a broken heart is. You can’t feel the fullness of life if you’ve never felt empty… sometimes life’s “seasons” are in the wrong order; instead of autumn, winter, spring and summer, we get three winters in a row. But that doesn’t mean spring will never come.”


“If you feel that you have been given more than what is expected of you, then you should not associate with people who will say that there is nothing unusual about you. With them, you will become ordinary – the way they want you to be.”


“Sometimes, if not most often, you only realize who and what you are when you figure out who you are definitely not.”


“The voice that tells you that you suck, that you are worthless, that something terrible will happen sooner or later, is most likely not the voice of your soul.”



“If you want to succeed, you must develop a strategy for communicating information about yourself and your beliefs to others. Personal branding is all about understanding who and what you are… Most of us try to do the exact opposite – blend in with the crowd. But if you think about it, only people who are not like others change our world. The best brands stand out from the crowd. If you don’t have a clear “point of differentiation”—what makes you special, unique, effective—then you won’t be very successful… Most people are imitators, they dress and act the way they think they should. lead.”


“During the long, difficult days after quitting drugs, I developed the habit of buying myself a donut every day. One day John asked me why I was always running for donuts. “Close your eyes and ask yourself what will happen if you don’t buy this donut,” he said. I closed my eyes and asked myself… A thunderous voice inside me rang out: “You will die!” “Now tell me,” John said, pleased, “do you really think this is the voice of God?”


“I have been using the so-called “donut barometer” for many years at times when I had to worry a lot, whether it was about something small like paying bills or about something serious, like security. my daughter.”


“There is a very thin line between the courage to follow your dreams and self-destruction for the sake of selfishness, greed and a good opinion of yourself.”


“You have to leave the old life to start a new one: sometimes you have to let go and start again, because you have outgrown something, or because it no longer works, or because it was wrong from the very beginning.”


“Telling the truth and taking responsibility for it is real freedom … If you are nice and kind, this will not remove the obstacles in your life path, and sometimes even vice versa, it will only create additional difficulties.”



“My “internal dialogue” was not just a nuisance: it pulled me into repetitive actions and paralyzed me to inactivity. I became a victim, not a hunter in my own life. And I was not alone: ​​a huge number of people spend their lives in this state … I made the most terrible assumptions about how I would lose everything and be left alone (this is the worst thing for most people), and I realized: no matter what happens, everything is with me it will be fine… after all, I have everything to survive, inside myself.”


“I like to think of fear as a messenger that doesn’t always bring a meaningful message: you have to figure out who sent that fear before you get rid of it.”


“Your negative thoughts are the weeds that keep your garden from growing—your soul; you have to figure out how to get rid of them. After weeding, they will certainly grow back, but it’s like with epilation: if you remove the hair with wax, they will grow less and less.


How to find your point of differentiation? Above all, don’t try to convince yourself (and don’t let others convince you!) that you are someone you are not. If you don’t love the sick, don’t become a doctor. If it’s beneath your dignity to bring coffee and pick up clothes from the dry cleaners, don’t mess with the fashion industry.”

Her story

Kelly Cutron (Kelly Cutrone) is an American fashion critic, writer and television personality. In 1996, she founded the advertising agency People’s Revolution. On September 11, 2002, People’s Revolution broke the record for the most shows in a single day during New York Fashion Week. In 2012, Kelly was a judge on the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st seasons of America’s Next Top Model.

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