Dubovik Kele (Suillellus queletii) is a rare mushroom, which is why not every mushroom picker knows it. And if they meet, they bypass it, because they consider it inedible. In fact, this is a useful product, rich in substances and microelements, which were highly appreciated by the inhabitants of the Caucasus and the Far East. The species has a wide culinary and medicinal use. Other names are Kele’s pain or smoothbore.

What do Kele’s oak trees look like?

Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

Dubovik Kele is a representative of higher mushrooms, as it has a mycelium and a fruiting body. Thanks to the first, the mushroom is attached to the ground. It consists of long white threads called hyphae. They can be viewed under a microscope.

The dubovik got its name after the scientist L. Kele from France. He was the first to describe this species. In some sources, the oak tree is called poisonous, but rather due to the fact that eating it raw leads to cramps, diarrhea and other intestinal problems.

As a rule, each mushroom has its own counterparts, which may not be suitable for human consumption. Therefore, it is important to know what this or that mushroom looks like, and it is best to carefully consider the photo.


This representative, who prefers to grow under oaks, has a brick hat. In young specimens, it is in the form of a ball, which closes on the leg. Subsequently, its edges rise up, because of which the hat becomes like a pillow.

Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

If there is no rain, then the velvety surface of the hat remains dry. After precipitation, mucus appears on it. In old mushrooms, it reaches a diameter of 15 cm.


Dubovik Kele stands out among relatives with a short (no more than 10 cm) and thick (up to 5 cm in diameter) leg. The middle part is thickened and covered with a whitish mycelium. On the yellow leg, growths in the form of reddish scales are noticeable.

Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom


The pulp is dense, yellow, but only until the moment of cutting. She quickly turns blue. The mushroom has a weak aroma, the taste is sour.

Attention! It is very convenient to collect Kele oak trees. After all, there are almost no wormholes and worms in them.

spore powder

Bolet Kele is a fungus. Tubules are reddish-yellow, very small. They are yellow inside. If you press on them, they begin to turn blue.

Spores are medium, smooth, shaped like a spindle. The color of the spore powder is greenish-brown.

Where do the oak trees of Kele grow?

On the territory of Our Country, a large number of Kele bolts can be found in the Caucasus and the Far East. They prefer light oak and deciduous forests. Less common in conifers or woodlands.

Duboviki prefer acidic infertile soils where moss grows, there is grass and fallen leaves. Fruiting begins in May and continues until mid-June. Then from August to October, until frosts begin.

They grow in families, sometimes up to 10-12 pieces. Near the oak trees of Kele there are:

  • chanterelles;

    Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

  • White mushrooms;

    Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

  • motley flywheels;

    Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

  • blue-yellow russula.

    Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

Is it possible to eat kele oaks

Dubovik Kele is conditionally edible, that is, it can be eaten, but not raw. In a word, heat treatment is required. After boiling, you can cook various dishes.

False doubles

The Kele bolet has its counterparts. Some of them are quite edible, while collecting others you need to beware, as they are toxic, can lead to poisoning and serious problems.

Fechtner’s boletus

He has a light hat located on a reddish leg. The spore layer is yellow. On sections and when pressed, it begins to turn blue. It bears fruit in the same places as the Kele oak tree.

Important! Boletus is an edible variety.

Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

Burroughs boletus

This lookalike has a pale white-fleshed cap. She does not turn blue on the cut. The mushroom is edible, it is not necessary to pre-boil it. Grows only in North America.

Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

Satan’s Mushroom

In this poisonous representative, the flesh on the cut first turns blue, then begins to turn red. The pores are red, on the legs there are dots or a mesh pattern of the same color. The hat is whitish or grayish-green.

Kele oak tree: photo and description of the mushroom

Collection rules

They begin to collect forest fruits in mid-July and until frost. In one place you can collect a large number, as they grow in families. It is best to go to the forest in the morning so that the harvested crop lasts longer.

You should not pay attention to old copies, as harmful substances have already accumulated in them. After cutting from oak trees, Kele shake off the ground, leaves, and debris. In the basket, they should lie head down.


Dubovik Kele is valued for its taste and nutritional value. It is edible, but only after heat treatment. The mushroom is famous for its fleshy pulp with a delicate aroma.

Culinary consumption is varied. The product can:

  • salt;
  • marinate,
  • dry;
  • freeze;
  • add to soups and as a stuffing for cabbage rolls;
  • use for mushroom sauces.

Heat treatment does not destroy the beneficial properties of the fungus. During cooking, it decreases slightly in volume.

Mushrooms are no less valued in medicine:

  1. Thanks to beta-glucans, Kele oaks can strengthen the immune system.
  2. They have anti-inflammatory properties. Regular use reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  3. The presence of amino acids improves memory, coordination of movement, delays the development of atherosclerosis for many years.

Kele oak trees are used to make various balms and tinctures, which are widely used for depression, stress and overwork.


Dubovik Kele is a conditionally edible mushroom. After collection, if there is no time to immediately process it, it must be stored in the refrigerator. But only for two days. If the mushrooms are intended to be frozen for the winter, they are pre-boiled in salted water.

Dubovyky Kele 27.06.2015

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