Beautiful, snow-white and perfectly even – absolutely everyone dreams of such teeth. In addition, when looking at pictures of celebrities with their treacherously sparkling teeth, many have complexes that their smile is not so beautiful. However, some celebrities decided not to exhaust themselves with frequent visits to dentists, wearing braces or installing veneers and live well with their crooked teeth. And they don’t even hesitate to smile at the photographers.
One of the most popular actresses with uneven teeth is Keira Knightley… Having become famous, she did not rush to change her imperfect smile to the dentists, but did it with her zest, which, of course, does not bother the directors either.
Star of the movie “Interview with the Vampire” Kirsten Dunst she really looks a little like a vampire, because she has fangs. This small problem could be corrected as a child by wearing a banal dental plate, which almost all children went to school with, but the girl liked everything, because it distinguished her from others. Nothing has changed over the years, and now she considers her fangs even sexy.
The gap between the teeth brought fame to many girls. It seems that this happened with Vanessa Parady, because of which the gap has become considered very fashionable and seductive. Many girls went to dentists to do just that for them.
Even famous models Laetitia Caste и Kate Moss there are problems with teeth – they are terribly crooked. Perhaps this is why they rarely show their Hollywood smile on camera.
Eva Longoria, Katy Perry, Katy Holmes, Misha Barton and Thallia Storm also cannot boast of perfectly straight teeth.