Kefir diet options: with cucumbers, with apples, “striped” – for every taste!
The kefir diet is based on the use of kefir instead of the main meals, because the proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it are perfectly balanced.
The easiest and most balanced version of the classic kefir diet is the so-called “striped” weight loss, but let’s consider all the options.
The obvious advantages of a kefir diet
Kefir diet is not only beneficial in terms of effective weight loss. After all, this drink is easily digested and has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system due to the content of beneficial bacteria in it. Kefir is a natural product and is obtained from low-fat milk by means of fermentation technology. Therefore, the body spends little energy on its digestion, and all the useful vitamins contained in it are also absorbed in full.
The kefir diet is also one of the most satisfying. That is, after a glass of kefir, the feeling of hunger disappears, despite the low calorie content of this product, which is very important for any weight loss system. Therefore, replacing other foods in the diet with this “magic” drink, your body starts the process of burning its own fat deposits. At the same time, the kefir diet, even according to doctors, is the most balanced weight loss system. During it, you can stick to several nutritional options.
What to choose from
The first option is that you are sitting on only one kefir, which not everyone can do. The second option is easier – you add apples or cucumbers to the diet, and then this is a kefir-apple or cucumber-kefir diet. There are few calories in these foods, but there are enough carbohydrates and fiber to make the body easier to tolerate a strict dietary restriction regime. More details:
Cucumber-kefir diet
Kefir-cucumber diet is a novelty in the nutritional system for weight loss. The diet will include low-fat cucumbers and kefir, prepared as a cocktail, according to the following recipe: grate cucumbers on a fine grater, fill with kefir, mix. This cocktail will be your food for five days. The total amount of kefir consumed daily should be 1,5 liters, cucumbers should be 1,5 kg. The kefir-cucumber diet not only has a beneficial effect on digestion, but also has a diuretic effect – after all, cucumbers contain potassium and sodium, which accelerate the process of removing fluid from the body. And the cucumber itself is 90% water. Therefore, after sitting on a kefir-cucumber diet for 5 days, you will well cleanse your body of toxins. According to reviews, the diet is not difficult to tolerate and you can lose up to one and a half kilograms of weight a day. But it is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Kefir-apple diet
The kefir-apple diet is another modification of the classic diet. It is quite tough and therefore effective. If you stand on it for 9 days, you can lose up to 8 kilograms, but you should not abuse it. The diet of such a diet consists only of apples and low-fat kefir. This combination was not chosen by chance. After all, kefir and apples cause different acidity in the stomach, thus, gastric juice, which is produced during their digestion, is of different acidity and neutralizes itself. The nutritional scheme of the kefir-apple diet is as follows: in the first three days you drink one and a half liters of kefir every day, dividing it into 4-5 equal portions. Then for three days you eat up to 1,5 kg of apples every day. And again, for three days, return to the use of kefir.
Due to the longer period, increased to 9 days, many doctors oppose the kefir-apple diet, they do not recommend adhering to an unbalanced diet for so long. If you still have the willpower for such a long restriction in nutrition, be sure to drink a complex of vitamins and, before starting a diet, go through a doctor’s examination to exclude chronic or latent diseases, the manifestations of which the diet can provoke. Also, do not use this diet more often than once a quarter.
Striped diet
The easiest and most balanced version of the classic kefir diet is the striped kefir diet. She got this name because of the power scheme. You alternate days when you only drink kefir with days of normal nutrition. Thus, you can sit on such a diet for longer and lose weight gradually. There are also several modifications of the kefir “striped” diet, depending on the duration and the foods you eat on extended meal days. You need to alternate kefir and an extended day every other day, but this should not be done for more than two weeks.
During the fasting day, you drink 1,5 liters of low-fat kefir daily. You can also drink unsweetened tea and always have a lot of water. The next day, you can make your diet from protein and carbohydrate foods, but do not lean on sweets and baked goods. But many nutritionists consider this type of diet ineffective, especially for people with a large deviation in weight from the norm, since the striped kefir diet is like a pendulum, and a fasting day may not be enough to start the process of breaking down previously deposited fats.
Therefore, before starting a kefir diet, it is better to consult a doctor in order to exclude possible contraindications and choose an individual nutritional regimen for effective weight loss.