Kefir diet for 7 days: how to lose weight on kefir by several kilos at once in just a week
The kefir diet for 7 days fully corresponds to its name: the main product in it is kefir, a well-known fermented milk drink. Fortunately, on six out of seven days of the basic kefir diet plan, another low-calorie product is added to low-fat kefir (and every day is different!). But even with the seeming “pickle”, this kefir diet is still rightly considered one of the most ascetic and strict. This means that it requires good information preparation!
Kefir diet for 7 days, for all its strictness, formally does not belong to the number of rigid mono-diets – that is, during the week you can add one or two other low-calorie products “to the company” to kefir every day. For example: cucumbers and herbs, baked potatoes, fruits. The daily ration is 1500 ml of kefir + from 100 to 400 g of an additional product. Such a menu, coupled with an iron will, give an impressive result: up to minus 7 kg per week.
The appearance of kefir in Russia: a story like in a movie
Today kefir is considered one of the traditional Russian products, and the kefir diet has been popular for many years. However, in reality, it began to be produced on the territory of modern Russia not so long ago – a little over 100 years ago, and an interesting criminal-romantic story led to the appearance of kefir in our menu. Thanks to its successful ending, a kefir diet for 7 days is available to us today.
The weekly kefir diet is one of the express diets for early weight loss and is most often used to quickly “get in shape” for a special date, vacation, etc.
In pre-revolutionary times, the beneficial properties of kefir were already well known, but he himself remained a rare product, being a subject of bargaining among the peoples of the Elbrus region. The shepherds of Karachai and Balkaria made and sold kefir, but did not give away its secret. In 1908, a young graduate of the Novskaya School of Dairy Farming, Irina Sakharova, on behalf of the All-Russian Society of Physicians, went to Karachay to study kefir.
Of course, no one gave her the recipe right away, but the local prince Bekmurza Bakchorov, who organized her abduction, fell in love with her. Sakharova’s colleagues sounded the alarm when she did not return home, and the police quickly caught the hapless “groom” and his accomplices, freeing the learned beauty. For the Bakchorov family, a descendant of an ancient family, the incident could turn into serious political problems, so the prince was ready to do a lot so as not to bring the case to court.
Resourceful Irina Sakharova said she was ready to forgive everything for 10 pounds of kefir fungi. Bekmurza complied with her request with relief, and soon the patients of the Botkin Hospital, and after them all Muscovites and Russians, began to drink a pleasant sourish thick drink, which has such a beneficial effect on digestion and well-being.
By the way, Prince Bakchorov also made a career in the food industry – he went down in history as one of the largest suppliers of Karachai lamb for Russian restaurants in Moscow and Paris. But that’s a completely different story …
How to choose kefir for a diet
So, what should you pay attention to in order for the kefir diet for 7 days to be successful? Let’s take a close look at the product itself.
The production of kefir in Russia is regulated by the state standard (GOST, R 52093-2003 is valid for kefir), and, according to the approved technological requirements, high-quality kefir per 100 g should contain:
2,8 g protein
from 0,5 to 8,9% fat.
During the shelf life, the number of colonies of forming units (CFU) of beneficial bacteria cannot fall below 10 in the seventh degree, and yeast – 10 in the fourth degree.
A live culture of microorganisms contained in kefir is the main value for a kefir diet for 7 days. Kefir starter culture is a symbiosis of two dozen “fungi”, which, in addition to the yeast described separately by GOST, contain lactic acid streptococci, bacilli and acetic acid bacteria.
In kefir sold with the prefix “bio”, slightly different starter preparations of the so-called direct addition are used, including, for example, acidophilus sticks and bifidobacteria. It is believed that they are particularly resilient and do not disintegrate for a long time, having time to qualitatively affect the intestinal flora during their passage through the gastrointestinal tract. This “bonus” is also a plus for the kefir diet.
The shelf life of kefir is a direct indicator of its real quality, and the quality of the main product can hardly be overestimated if you have a kefir diet for 7 days or even longer.
A long shelf life with a high degree of probability indicates that the so-called stop-additives were used in production, which prevent microorganisms from developing. Bacteria are sent in such kefir into a kind of suspended animation, which stops as soon as the bottle is opened and the kefir gets oxygen. Therefore, “kefirs” with a long shelf life, being opened, spoil literally in a day, even in the refrigerator.
Now there are many fermented milk drinks on the market, “pretending” to be kefir, and you should choose very carefully – given that this product becomes your main food within the framework of a kefir diet!
Kefir diet for 7 days is based on kefir with a fat content of no more than 1%. In terms of useful properties, it is equivalent to the classic 2,5 percent kefir, but has a slightly different consistency and contains, accordingly, less fat and calories. Caloric content of 100 ml of kefir 1% – 40 kcal.
Varieties of kefir express diet
There are several types of kefir diet, but all of them are united by three general principles:
duration 7 days;
the main product during the day is kefir, an additional one is a certain amount of low-calorie protein or carbohydrate food;
a clear schedule of food intake (6 times a day at regular intervals, the last one – at least 2 hours before bedtime).
Kefir diet for 7 days in some schemes provides for the limitation of fluid to 500 ml of kefir itself per day. We recommend that you refrain from such a kefir diet, as it can cause dehydration with severe or even irreversible consequences.
For the entire time of the kefir diet, sugar, salt, black tea and coffee should be abandoned. You can drink plain clean water and herbal tea without restrictions.
Basic kefir diet for 7 days
First day. Half a liter of kefir 1% fat and 400g of baked potatoes (no salt).
Second day. Half a liter of kefir 1% fat and 400 g of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat.
The third day. Half a liter of kefir 1% fat and 400g of fruit (except for grapes and banana).
Fourth day. Half a liter of kefir 1% fat and 400g of boiled chicken breasts.
Fifth day. Half a liter of kefir 1% fat and 400g of fruit (except for grapes and banana).
Sixth day. Fasting day. Nothing but 1,5 liters of still water.
Seventh day. Half a liter of kefir 1% fat and 400g of fruit (except for grapes and banana).
Kefir diet for 7 days with protein
It is built according to the same scheme as the basic one, but two of the fruit days (your choice – the third and fifth or the fifth and seventh) are replaced by days with lean meat or chicken fillet (about 400 g per day).
“Hungry” kefir diet for 7 days
The amount of kefir increases to 2 liters per day, and portions of additional products, on the contrary, decrease from 400 to 100 grams.
Apple-kefir diet for 7 or 9 days
A very strict diet that is definitely not suitable for people with high gastric acidity.
Daily menu: 6 meals, each of which has 1 glass of kefir + 1 apple of any size.
Another option for the apple-kefir diet: 3 days only kefir (1,5 liters per day), 3 days only apples (up to 1,5 kg), 3 days only kefir. You can drink plain water.
The form of serving the main ingredients is not important – apples can be grated and mixed with kefir or baked without sugar (if it’s too bad without sweets, you can add a spoonful of honey).
A more gentle option is to use the apple-kefir diet menu for a fasting day as part of a normal diet.
How to get out of the kefir diet
The exit from the kefir diet for 7 days should be as smooth as possible. The body, albeit not for a long period, is still accustomed to receiving small portions of food. Therefore, a sharp return to the previous diet can be not only harmful, but also cause some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
After the end of the kefir diet for 7 days, it is advisable to give up at least for the same time from baking from white flour, fatty and sweet foods – this, by the way, will not only help the metabolism more or less gently return to normal operation, but also prolong the effect of the kefir diet …
Remember that any mono or diet that severely restricts the composition or quantity of foods consumed can pose a health hazard. It is highly discouraged to abuse mono and express diets and enter them more than once every six months.