Kefir diet
According to nutritionists, the kefir diet is one of the most effective and gives quick results. However, she has her own characteristics. For example, it is not a classic mono-diet, as is usually believed to be seen on the menu for the week.

Pros of the kefir diet

Kefir is a low-calorie product that is good for the stomach and intestines. Facilitating the process of digestion leads to an acceleration of metabolism, absorption improves, which is extremely important during a diet when the body lacks nutrients.

Kefir is quite nutritious and the feeling of hunger will not be so strong. A large amount of calcium has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, nails and teeth.

This diet is one of the most effective, and the result will be visible in a few days.

Cons of the kefir diet

As with any diet based on one basic food, the body is under stress because it lacks many vitamins and minerals. To reduce the negative effects of the kefir diet, you need to additionally take complex vitamins.

Kefir has a laxative effect, a large amount of it in the diet can cause indigestion, flatulence. At the same time, this fermented milk product also has a diuretic effect, so it should be borne in mind that some of the lost kilograms will simply be “extra” water. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Contraindications to the kefir diet include diseases of the stomach and intestines. The increased acidity of the product can worsen the condition of people with gout, rheumatism and high acidity of the gastric juice.

The result of the kefir diet is unstable and the lost weight will quickly return with a sharp exit from the diet and return to malnutrition.

Menu for 7 days for a kefir diet

For a diet, fresh kefir is suitable for a maximum of three days of freshness, with a fat content of 1%. Drink no more than 1,5 liters of fermented milk product per day.

The option of a diet consisting only of kefir is too harmful for the body and is not allowed for more than 2 to 3 days. A completely kefir day without any other products can be made unloading, but do not adhere to such a diet for several days in a row.

A more sparing and proper diet is different in that the bulk of food is kefir, the rest is meat, vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese. The food is fractional, at least 5 times a day, in order to avoid feelings of hunger and heartburn, also drink kefir between main meals. In addition to this product, you must drink 1,5 liters of liquid. Flour, fried, smoked, spicy, sugar in any form is excluded.


To maintain the result, the exit from the diet should be smooth: start gradually introducing vegetables, then cereals, and still avoid sweets and starchy foods for at least 2 weeks.

Day 1

Breakfast: kefir 200 ml, tea without sugar

Lunch: 2 potatoes in their skins, without salt and oil

Dinner: kefir 200 ml, 1 potato

Day 2

Breakfast: kefir 200 ml, tea without sugar

Lunch: cottage cheese with honey 200 gr, kefir 200 ml

Dinner: kefir 200 ml, cottage cheese 100 gr

Day 3

Breakfast: kefir 200 ml, orange, tea without sugar

Lunch: kefir 200 ml, apple or grapefruit

Dinner: kefir 200 ml, pear

Day 4

Breakfast: kefir 200 ml, coffee without sugar

Lunch: boiled chicken breast 200 gr, kefir 200 ml

Dinner: 100 gr of boiled breast, 200 ml of kefir

Day 5

Breakfast: kefir 200 ml, orange, tea without sugar

Lunch: green apple, kiwi

Dinner: kefir 200 ml, a handful of berries (raspberries, blueberries)

Day 6

Breakfast: kefir 200 ml, tea without sugar

Lunch: boiled white fish (for example, pollock or cod) 200 gr, kefir 200 ml

Dinner: kefir 200 ml

Day 7

Breakfast: kefir 200 ml, coffee without sugar

Lunch: kefir 200 ml, tea without sugar

Dinner: kefir 200 ml

The results

A kefir diet in a week can help you lose up to 8 kg, while improving the intestinal microflora and cleansing the body of toxins.

However, nutrient deficiencies, abrupt dietary changes, and returning to a previous diet can lead to rapid weight gain back. It is worth taking multivitamins and, with increased weakness, immediately stop the diet.

Dietitian Reviews

– Kefir is a useful product, but it alone is not enough to saturate the body with everything you need. The diet is quite difficult to maintain because of the meager diet. Kefir diet is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys, stomach and intestines, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. When you return to a normal diet, the weight quickly returns, – says Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.

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