Buckwheat-kefir diet is considered one of the most effective methods of rapid weight loss. That is why it has gained popularity all over the world. However, this dietary regimen is very rigid and unbalanced in terms of essential nutrients, so it should not be followed for a long time.
If you follow all the recommendations, then in a week you can get rid of 10 kg of excess weight. The figure will be put in order, and the body will be cleansed. To achieve a visible result, you do not need to spend weeks and months. It will be noticeable almost immediately.
What are the benefits of this diet?
Buckwheat is very useful for the body, thanks to its regular use, the following effects can be achieved:
Raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Bring blood pressure back to normal.
Protect teeth from caries damage.
Strengthen the vascular walls.
Remove accumulated toxins from the body.
Normalize the work of the nervous system.
Increase the overall tone of the body.
Prevent the development of cancer.
Naturally, buckwheat helps to fight excess weight. This is possible, among other things, due to magnesium, which is part of the cereal. Buckwheat grains act as a natural “brush” for the intestines, removing all unnecessary from it.
The role of kefir
Kefir is good for the human body. This fermented milk drink allows you to achieve the following effects:
Normalize liver function.
Increase visual acuity.
Strengthen the production of gastric juice.
Regulate the work of the digestive organs.
Remove excess fluid from the body.
Get rid of toxins.
Remove undigested food residues from the intestines, causing the process of decay.
Reduce the severity of allergic reactions or get rid of allergies altogether.
Strengthen the immune system.
Reduce the severity of edema.
Tidy up your skin.
The benefits of kefir-buckwheat diet
The kefir-buckwheat diet combines two components useful for the body. They tend to complement each other, which leads to faster weight loss.
Kefir cleanses the intestines gently and gently, so it alone cannot cope with all the waste accumulated on its walls. Here, buckwheat grains come to the aid of the drink, which “work” like a hard brush. Therefore, cleaning is much more efficient.
Buckwheat allows you to supply the body with the necessary energy, kefir replenishes fluid reserves. In addition, there are very few fats in buckwheat, which are required for the normal functioning of cells. They “take” them from a fermented milk drink.
The use of buckwheat with kefir allows you to get rid of digestive problems and even some chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
You can eat kefir with buckwheat only in the morning, or stick to such a menu for 7-14 days. During this time, it will be possible to lose from 2 to 10 kg. The final result largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
Recipes for buckwheat with kefir
To get rid of a few kilograms of excess weight, you can not switch to a kefir-buckwheat diet, but only eat these foods during breakfast. Cereals soaked in a sour-milk drink energize for several hours and allow you not to feel hungry until dinner. In addition, this dish makes it possible to regulate the functioning of the digestive system.
Cooking buckwheat-kefir porridge is very simple. For one serving, you need to take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cereals and 1 cup of kefir. Pour buckwheat with water and leave for 15 minutes to swell. After this time, drain the water and pour the cereal into kefir. It is best to leave the mixture overnight, putting it in a cool place and covering it with a lid. If the porridge seems too tasteless, then you can add a few berries or dried fruits to it.
Variants of kefir-buckwheat diet
There are three basic varieties of kefir-buckwheat diet, including:
Diet Classic. The weight loss program lasts 3-7 days. The menu consists of steamed buckwheat and a fermented milk drink.
Diet “Strict”. It lasts for a week and involves the use of only buckwheat. You can eat it in unlimited quantities. During the diet, it is possible to get rid of 7 kg of excess weight.
Diet “Sparing”. It is designed for 14 days, during which it is allowed to consume not only kefir and buckwheat, but also vegetables and fruits. It will be possible to reset a little less, but the result will be quite stable.
You can lose weight with buckwheat and kefir, spending fasting days. Per day, it is allowed to eat only steamed buckwheat porridge, diluted with kefir. Or you can drink steamed cereal with a fermented milk drink. You can diversify the diet during the day with dried fruits or apples. To get the desired result, buckwheat-kefir fasting days should be carried out on a regular basis. The weight will go away slowly, but the arrow on the scale will please with its stability.
Classic kefir-buckwheat diet for 3 days
You can stick to the classic kefir-buckwheat diet for 3-5 days. The easiest option is considered a three-day weight loss. At the same time, errors in the diet are unacceptable, and this option is recognized as easy because of its short duration. Throughout the entire time it is allowed to eat only buckwheat and kefir. Buckwheat is steamed, poured with boiling water and left overnight in a warm place.
The three day menu looks like this:
Immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass of clean water.
During breakfast, you need to eat from 3 to 5 tbsp. tablespoons of steamed cereals. You can drink a glass of unsweetened green tea.
Before lunch, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir.
At lunch, you again need to eat the same amount of buckwheat.
For an afternoon snack, you need to drink a glass of kefir.
Dinner consists of a standard portion of buckwheat.
Before going to bed, you can drink a little kefir, but experts recommend abstaining from the drink, replacing it with water.
Thus, porridge should be alternated with a fermented milk drink for 3 days. You need to eat in small portions, but often. In this case, the feeling of hunger will not haunt a person all the time. If the intestines are working normally, then you can drink fresh kefir. When the metabolism is accelerated, then it is better to take kefir three days ago.
Strict kefir-buckwheat diet for 7 days
A seven-day kefir-buckwheat diet will allow you to lose more excess weight than a three-day weight loss program. For all the time you can get rid of, on average, from 7 kg. In this case, you will not have to feel hungry. Buckwheat can be eaten in unlimited quantities. In addition, it is allowed to eat greens, cabbage salad and apples. The main thing is not to salt the porridge and not to add any spices and seasonings to it.
Sample diet menu:
Boiled buckwheat for breakfast.
A glass of kefir for a second breakfast.
Buckwheat on kefir for lunch. You can add greens or dried fruits to the porridge.
A glass of kefir for an afternoon snack.
Portion of buckwheat for dinner.
Be sure to start your day with a glass of water. You can not eat too much greens and dried fruits, otherwise the result will not be achieved. Three times a week, lunch can be supplemented with a serving of coleslaw or a fresh apple. The best salad dressing is lemon juice.
Gentle kefir-buckwheat diet for 14 days
For 14 days on a kefir-buckwheat diet, you can get rid of 12 kg or more. Weight will begin to decrease after 4 days. In the first week, 400-900 g per day will go away, then this process will slow down, but will not stop.
A sample menu for one day is as follows:
Portion of buckwheat on kefir or water for breakfast.
A glass of kefir or an apple for a second breakfast.
A serving of buckwheat on kefir with herbs or dried fruits for lunch.
A glass of kefir for an afternoon snack.
Portion of buckwheat for dinner.
Pros and cons of kefir-buckwheat diet
Having decided to stick to the kefir-buckwheat diet, you must definitely familiarize yourself with all its pluses and minuses.
Among the positive aspects of the buckwheat diet, the following factors can be distinguished:
Buckwheat is cheap, it is sold in any store and in any market. Cooking it is very fast and easy.
Buckwheat is a useful product. Groats are a valuable source of iron, calcium, potassium, rutin, magnesium and vegetable protein. Eating it will strengthen blood vessels, make the blood more liquid, which will prevent the formation of blood clots.
Kefir allows you to normalize the work of the digestive system, remove toxins from the body, cleanse the intestines. Thanks to this, the condition of the skin will improve, the liver will be restored, all undigested food residues will leave the gastrointestinal tract.
If there are no contraindications to the use of the kefir-buckwheat diet, then in a short time you can get rid of impressive reserves of excess fat. In a week you can lose about 10 kg, and in 10 days – about 12 kg.
The diet does not require a scrupulous calculation of kilocalories, a losing weight person will not have to think about whether the foods eaten are combined with each other.
All excess fluid will be removed from the body. Therefore, it is imperative to replenish its reserves. The water that the cells do not need will leave them, because the salt will not retain it.
As for the disadvantages of the kefir-buckwheat diet, they are as follows:
The diet is not varied. You will have to eat only kefir and cereals. You can also drink green tea.
The body will receive a limited set of vitamins and minerals. However, the diet does not last too long, and the disturbed balance of nutrients will quickly recover with proper nutrition.
Diet can have a laxative effect on the body. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to it when a person is at home, for example, during a vacation. To prevent diarrhea from causing dehydration, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. It is recommended to drink at least 1,5-2 liters of water per day.
It is best to consult a doctor before starting a diet. It could be a nutritionist. The specialist will assess the condition of the body and select the most suitable dietary nutrition scheme. Losing weight to the detriment of your health should not be. Any diet should be approached with common sense.
Contraindications to the kefir-buckwheat diet
During the diet, weakness, fatigue and irritability may occur. In this regard, adherence to the kefir-buckwheat diet is not recommended for people with poor health, as well as after illnesses.
You can not start to lose weight during pregnancy and lactation. However, it is allowed to have breakfast with kefir and buckwheat during this period. Other contraindications to the diet are:
Stomach ulcer.
Disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver.