Keeping your back: the rules of perfect posture

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Spring is the time of love and prosperity. The soul sings, and the heart asks for new emotions. I would like to quickly throw off heavy fur coats and down jackets, throw hats and mittens on the mezzanine, roll out the bike from the garage and rush towards the sun. But the body, weakened after a long winter, is not ready for a sharp change in rhythm.

Chronic health problems begin to manifest themselves in the first warm days. The spring breeze turns out to be deceptively warm in practice, and muscles that have forgotten about the loads cannot cope with active walks. More often than others in the spring there are problems with the spine. Spent an extra hour on the street – chilled neck. Played with the child on the playground – the next day you can’t straighten your back. Who hasn’t this happened to?

According to statistics, 85% of the world’s population suffers from unpleasant sensations in the spine at different intervals. It is impossible not to notice this pain, but only a fifth of potential patients come to the doctor. It would seem that he rubbed his back with ointment, lay down for a couple of days – and was cured, because the unpleasant sensations were gone! However, the problem remains.

There are many reasons for back discomfort. And the first one is anatomical. The spine, in fact, works like a vertical spring in our body, the strength of which is given by the ligaments and muscles. Intervertebral discs are shock absorbers built between the vertebrae. They are flat, circular strips of a watery core and a hard, fibrous ring called a fibrous ring. Due to their structure and position, the discs reduce the pressure on the vertebrae during exercise, impact or jumping. This work is very difficult. For comparison: at rest, the spine experiences a load of about 25 kg, and when lifting weights, it is already 200 kg. Over time, the disc wears out, its core begins to lose moisture, figuratively speaking, dries out. As a result, the height of the disc decreases, its elasticity decreases, which means that the shock-absorbing function is weakened. Microtrauma leaves small cracks in the annulus fibrosus, where the nuclear substance begins to penetrate, which puts stress on the nerve endings around the intervertebral disc. This is how back pain appears.

A deformed intervertebral disc cannot ensure the correct connection of the vertebrae; over time, they begin to displace, which causes a painful reaction of the surrounding muscles. Bony growths appear on the vertebrae – osteophytes. All this can lead to complete rupture of the annulus fibrosus and prolapse of the nucleus outside the disc. Come to the doctor, and he diagnoses spondylosis – a disease in which bone tissue grows along the edges of the vertebrae; osteoarthritis – damage to the cartilaginous surfaces of the intervertebral joints; sciatica – inflammation of the nerve roots that enter the intervertebral foramen; osteochondrosis – dystrophic changes in the spine caused by disruption of processes in the intervertebral disc. By the way, more than 80% of the population suffers from osteochondrosis. Without proper treatment, the disease progresses every year, causing more and more suffering to a person.

With almost inevitable problems with the spine, a person pays with nature for the possibility of walking upright. And his way of life only exacerbates the situation. No matter how the back pain arises – abruptly or gradually – it is associated with unsuccessful, abrupt movements or prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. The appearance of functional changes in the intervertebral discs is facilitated by a weak muscle corset, improper posture and weight lifting. Household cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in hand, renovation, spontaneous exercise – hundreds of factors can trigger an attack of back and neck pain.

Taking care of the health of the spine is important and necessary. Lack of movement, the wrong posture at the school desk, uncomfortable shoes – already in a young age, this can affect our spine. Even premature attempts by parents to get the baby back on their feet can lead to negative consequences. What can we say about adults. Sedentary work, driving instead of walking, avoiding sports, and even being overweight – all this negatively affects the state of the main axis of the human body.

In order not to provoke chronic problems with the spine, as well as to avoid sharp pain, which in medicine is called “lumbago”, and in the people “lumbago”, it is important to follow several rules. The load should be evenly distributed over both hands, keeping it as close to the body as possible. Shoes should always be soft. High heels increase the chance of curvature of the spine in the lumbar region, so they can be worn for no longer than two hours in a row. Also, scientists have proven that the ideal option for sleeping is on the side, but on the back is also not bad. To give the spine an opportunity to rest, it is better to put one small elastic pillow or roller under the head and cervical region.

Remember, the temporary absence of pain does not mean a healthy spine. To prevent irregular attacks from becoming chronic, you should definitely see a doctor. He will be able to localize pain, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Dystrophic changes in the spinal column, together with pain, cause damage to nerve fibers, the restoration of which takes a long time. Although medicine is not yet able to completely cure osteochondrosis and other diseases, it has drugs in its arsenal that can reduce inflammation and help nerve fibers restore regenerative function.

Usually, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs for short. They have three actions at once: analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory. However, with prolonged use of NSAIDs, there is a threat of damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which threatens with ulcers, gastritis and gastric bleeding. In addition, NSAIDs only relieve inflammation, but do not treat its cause. Therefore, in addition to NSAIDs, neurologists prescribe B vitamins, without which the restoration of nerve fibers is impossible.

Complex German drug “Milgamma compositum” has repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness in both clinical and observational studies. The vitamins B1 and B6 contained in it are involved in all biochemical reactions in the nerve cell. They help relieve pain, improve cellular metabolism and help restore tissue sensitivity. It is noteworthy that vitamin B1 is presented in “Milgamme compositum” in the form of benfotiamine, which is absorbed by the body by almost 100%.

Reception of this drug allows to reduce the treatment time and dose of NSAIDs, which is valuable for the elderly and those who suffer from peptic ulcer disease. Today “Milgamma compositum” Is the only over-the-counter neurotropic complex that treats pain rather than relieves symptoms. It will help bring back a feeling of comfort to your back and forget about back problems for three months. Live life to the fullest!

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