Keeping cholesterol low

Keeping cholesterol low

Controlling the percentage of cholesterol in the blood is essential to prevent cardiovascular risks.

We are on the eve of the Christmas celebrations, and excesses in food are a part of this time.

The bad experience, especially when our doctor warns us of the risk we are incurring, can become something really simple by changing some eating habits, not in vain the only intake of something with a lot of cholesterol at a Christmas dinner, we do not raises the indices suddenly, they are the result of a routine practice in feeding in the months steps.

We have already commented previously how difficult it is in our day to day to eat a healthy diet, especially when we are constantly seduced by processed foods or junk food, but whether at home or away from home, we can achieve it if we set our minds to it.

Here is a list of foods that, taking them in their doses and at the right time of the day, are the best internal army that we will have to combat this disease that annually produces thousands of victims of cardiac arrest or heart attacks.

The “anti-cholesterol” foods in our daily diet

  • The oats; It is a cereal with a sweet taste and high content in vegetable proteins and B vitamins. It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels because it provides an essential fatty acid linoleic, which is nothing other than good quality unsaturated fat and avenasterol, which helps to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, apart from providing a significant dose of fiber. We should take it mixed with fruits, milk or yogurt, or as a thickener for creams and purees instead of wheat or corn flour.
  • The eggplant; Its intake has a cholesterol-lowering effect, partly thanks to its contribution of fiber, especially in your skin, so let’s not remove it, and its composition of nutrients delays the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, favoring its elimination through the feces. We can eat it cooked or grilled cut into slices.
  • The nuts: They are a dried fruit that provide alpha-linolenic acid, which the body transforms into omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain phytosterols, the best cholesterol exterminators, recommending taking between 3 and 5 nuts a day, to have a perfect physical and mental condition. Completing its arsenal, different proteins, complex carbohydrates, as well as antioxidant vitamins such as E or minerals such as selenium, magnesium and zinc. To eat between meals and give the body a satiating sensation they are also perfect as well as salad ingredients.
  • The soy; It is a legume that has many cholesterol-lowering properties, and currently it is very easy to ingest it through different products made from it, such as soy milk, soy yogurts or tofu. It contains proteins and fats of high nutritional quality such as linoleic and oleic acids, lecithin and isoflavones, especially genistein, which exerts an inhibitory action on platelet aggregation and an antioxidant activity on high-density lipoproteins (LDL), which helps to the decrease in plasma cholesterol.
  • The lentils; a legume that contains phytochemicals with proven action to lower cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis, preventing the formation of atheroma plaques in blood vessels and preventing cardiovascular diseases. It has a component known as lectin that is capable of increasing the transport of cholesterol in the blood and its metabolism, thus preventing it from accumulating in the arterial walls. In stews in salads they are perfect at all times or seasons.
  • Mackerel, It is an oily fish, which has polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 series, as well as a high content of DHA (docosahexaenoic) and EPA (eicosahexaenoic), very efficient in reducing plasma triglycerides, increasing arterial vasodilation, reducing the risk of thrombosis and blood pressure. Always grilled or baked, they are perfect for any age or meal.

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