The freshness of the wind, the sound of the sea waves… Who among us has not dreamed of preserving the feeling of the sea as long as possible upon returning from a summer vacation. Cosmetics based on marine ingredients may well help us in this.
The healing power of a sea holiday is known to each of us. Although the marine ingredients themselves – salt and algae, which are most often included in a variety of cosmetic products – do not cause only pleasant sensations for everyone. To some, the smell of algae seems too harsh, reminiscent of a slimy, cold substance that can hardly be applied to the face or body, no matter what properties it may have. To others, on the contrary, this smell seems fresh, truly “natural”, and the mask or wrap in the salon based on kelp is a pleasure and reminds of a vacation. Someone enjoys sea bathing or a salt bath, and someone will pay attention only to the fact that salt dries the skin and pinches, getting into the eyes … “Sea substances, in contact with our body and penetrating into it, give not only physical, but and emotional effect, reflects the philosopher Bernard Andrieu. – The water environment reminds us of the first nine months of our intrauterine existence, and therefore we can simultaneously experience involuntary fear and a sense of maternal care, pleasure and hostility. Coming into contact with sea water, our skin reacts: it shivers, it turns red, opens or calms down. But it is precisely this ambiguity that helps us to feel our body more fully, to feel alive.
Like on the shore
“The ionized sea air makes it easier to breathe and calms the heart rate,” says Dr. Dominique Houareau, Marine Therapy and Stress Relief Specialist. – In addition, algae produce oxygen themselves, which is why it is so good to breathe in coastal regions. When we look at the sea, the rhythm of the waves calms us and relieves stress. Dense salt water seems to support our body, creating a sense of security. Finally, the trace elements contained in marine substances (magnesium, selenium, calcium, iron, iodine and many others) are similar to those that are constantly needed by our cells, and therefore the body perceives them well. When these elements are not enough, the skin becomes more sensitive, we get tired, nervous or irritated faster. And it is worth making up for their lack – on the coast, in a spa or in your own bathroom, and your mood improves» **.
Sometimes it takes time to get used to sea procedures, to feel and accept them. “When I first took a bath with algae powder brought from a seaside resort, I frankly did not like the greenish, muddy water with a strange smell,” admits 38-year-old Christina. – I hesitated for a few minutes, and then caught myself thinking that somehow this smell still attracts. And even as if he was starting to like it … Finally, I was convinced by the feeling of lightness in my body, when I nevertheless decided to lie down in this unusual water.
“It is better that the temperature of the sea bath is close to the temperature of our body – 37 ° C,” advises Elena Pyati-brother, expert of the Thalion brand. Under such conditions, the skin absorbs nutrients best. For greater effect, before the procedure, you can cleanse the skin with a scrub. Putting a rolled towel or pillow under your head, it is important to immerse yourself in water completely, up to your chin: one of the most pleasant sensations is when the muscles of the shoulder girdle relax in the water! Then, closing your eyes, you can remember a recent walk along the seashore, tune in to the rhythm of the waves and breathe in unison with this memory, feeling how the water envelops the body and dissolves tension. In order to relax better, you can try to imagine yourself just the same algae that is easily and calmly swayed by the surf.
From pure depths
The effectiveness of marine components in face and body creams has long been appreciated by many brands: Givenchy, La Prairie, Biotherm, La Mer, Clinique, Estée Lauder, Darphin … Of course, such care products contain only extracts purified in the laboratory, and therefore their fragrance and the texture is just as pleasing as the result. “They perfectly moisturize the skin,” says Olga Petrunina, expert of the Biotherm brand, which this year launched a night face gel and body firming cream based on deep sea algae. “These products contain unique trace elements that are not only safe, but also natural preservatives themselves, and therefore are suitable for sensitive and very dry skin, helping it to relieve irritation and redness.”
Another marine brand, La Mer, owes its very history to the salutary effects of algae on the skin. The creator of Crème de la Mer, physicist Max Huber, once received a severe burn to his face during laboratory experiments. It was not possible to restore the skin for a long time, but the scientist engaged in the study of algae and, after conducting about 6 thousand experiments, obtained the Miracle Broth formula – a marine concentrate that helped improve the condition of his own skin, and then became the basis of the legendary cream. Half a century has passed since then, and the thick, rich cream still copes well with the effects of sunburn, soothes irritated and weathered skin. This year you can meet him in a new texture of light cream – but with the same moisturizing and soothing properties.
Several types of algae are involved in the creams of the La Prairie sea line: green ones stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, energize the skin and even out its tone, while brown ones strengthen and protect the skin from harmful environmental factors. There is also an unusual remedy in the Givenchy collection, in the Soin Noir line: a black, slightly oily cream (based on black algae juice) becomes transparent when applied to the skin, smoothing and highlighting it … If we had a good time at sea, is it worth remembering about him more often, choosing the “sea” ritual to taste?
* B. Andrieu “Body Ecology” (Atlantica, 2011).
** D. Houareau “Marine therapies: treatments based on sea water, algae and phytoplankton” (Dangles, 2002).