
Entering the ambiguous and difficult period of menopause, a woman can experience a real rebirth.

They often say about men: “Gray hair in a beard — a devil in a rib!” But about the existential crisis experienced by a woman after 45 years, something is not heard! But the feeling of the need to act immediately fills it like juice that rushes from the roots along the trunk of a tree, and can be expressed in real sexual insatiability, in such a hunger for life that banishes the thought of the cold of death. There is no more time to waste. The word «menopause» is taboo, this phenomenon is approached exclusively from a medical standpoint. But in fact, menopause is one of the peaks of femininity.

It is at this age that many women live with partners younger than themselves. For some, it’s just their own «demon in the ribs.» Others seek long-term relationships and choose a man who will bring their libido up to his level — and this will ease their fear of coming old age.

Physical love is something like an elixir of youth. A woman who has sex stimulates the production of estrogen. Her body becomes more elastic, her breasts become taller.

Never stop making love! It is worth stopping — and the desire fades away, the body fades away.

She suddenly discovers in herself the ability to open up to another, give herself without looking back and enjoy life.

But this is not enough. To survive the crisis, a fifty-year-old woman must say goodbye to a part of herself, mourn what is no more. Mourn your old body, its curves and shapes. His inability to bear a child from now on.

Her reaction may be denial, and then she behaves as if nothing is happening: she gets a lot of cases, begins to smoke or eat more, from time to time she succumbs to an irresistible craving for shopping. Then comes anger, protest, depression, resignation — these are the successive stages of mourning. Moreover, at this age, everything that was not mourned before comes out, starting with the first loss — separation from the mother.

But if a woman has said goodbye to her former self, if she has accepted the fact that she will grow old, if she has managed to renounce where necessary, then a new door opens before her.

She is starting to get younger. It’s like a rebirth: she has time for herself, energy, she begins to do what really fascinates her. This new maturity is a kind of adolescence in reverse. A woman suddenly discovers in herself the ability to open up to another person, to give herself completely, without looking back — and enjoy life. Sometimes it happens that a woman only in fifty experiences her first orgasm.

Fortunately, society now offers us new models of behavior. Among celebrities, we finally see mature women — Meryl Streep, Charlotte Rampling, Jane Birkin. Directed by Nancy Meyers, Nancy Meyers tells the story of a 57-year-old writer (played by Diane Keaton) who has an affair with a handsome doctor much younger than herself, and then finally finds happiness with her peer. He asks her, «Have you thought about birth control pills?» And in response he hears joyful laughter: “No: menopause!”

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