Kebab in kefir: marinade recipe. Video
Shish kebab is an incredibly tasty and satisfying dish, which is legendary, and the recipes for its preparation are passed down from generation to generation. No one will be left indifferent by soft meat cooked with love, on the grill or open fire.
From the very moment when a person learned how to make fire, he made the first attempts to cook meat on a fire. Thus, the meat that our ancestors cooked can be called the prototype of the modern barbecue. However, the ancient people did not care how to make the meat even softer and more tender. Over time, a marinade was invented, which became an obligatory companion of a kebab.
Kebab in kefir: marinade recipe
The right marinade is the key to a delicious dish
A variety of products are used to marinate kebabs. But one of the most successful marinades is the use of kefir. This fermented milk product does not dry out meat, unlike marinades based on lemon juice or vinegar. Saturating the meat, kefir softens it, making the shish kebab very soft, tender and juicy. Any meat is suitable for kebab marinated in kefir. So, for example, pork is ideal for barbecue, this meat itself has a special juicy taste, and is also quickly cooked over the fire. Marinating pork in kefir for just a few hours will help you make the kebab even tastier. Beef is considered to be dry meat, so it is very important to use the right marinade. For beef kebab, kefir marinade is perfect.
So that no one remains hungry, it is better to be guided by the formula: for one person – 0,5 kg of meat
There should be a lot of the main ingredient for the marinade. Therefore, it is better to take 0,5 liters of kefir per kilogram of meat.
Spices and seasonings
For marinating meat, you don’t have to think about which dried herbs to use. The easiest way not to be mistaken when choosing them is to buy a bag of ready-made barbecue seasonings.
To use onions or not in the case of kefir marinade is a matter of your taste.
Cooking the most tender kebab
So, wash the meat thoroughly, cut it into pieces and pat dry. Cut the onion into half rings. Then add the meat and onions to the saucepan. Pour in kefir gradually, stirring the meat. Now add the kebab seasonings and mix everything thoroughly. Cover with a lid or foil and place in the refrigerator to marinate. It is enough to marinate pork or chicken for just a few hours. Beef loves a long marinating process, so this type of meat is best left in the refrigerator overnight. A kebab marinated in kefir can be cooked at home. To do this, just put the meat on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. During cooking, do not forget to pour the kefir left over from the marinade on the meat.
– I am not a supporter of using beef or pork kebab marinade. My way to make a juicy and soft kebab is HERE. It’s another matter if we prepare a shish kebab from white chicken meat, that is, we take the breast. Everyone thinks that the breast is dry and difficult to prepare. Therefore, many do not eat it. If you do everything right, you will get a great result and you will remain a fan of this kebab.
For chicken, you can just use the acid that penetrates into the breast fibers. Moderate acid is enough for this: either kefir or yogurt will do. Curry is the most commonly used flavor combination for chicken. Everyone is used to the fact that any chicken spice mixture that you can’t take will contain curry. You can do the same: add curry (small enough), salt, pepper. For chicken breast kebabs, we do not use onions, it will have a bad effect on the density of the meat, and the juiciness will be lost.
The procedure is as follows
We cut the chicken breast into pieces – I recommend making kebabs in large pieces.
Added yogurt or kefir – so that the liquid hides the meat. Unlike beef or pork, chicken does not need to be massaged aggressively. It is quite gentle, so only time is needed. In time, you need to keep the chicken breast in kefir for two to six hours.
The meat stood in kefir – only then add salt, and then curry. We need the chicken to first absorb the kefir or yoghurt base, and only then “on top” the shades of curry marinade and salt sat down.
It is correct to fry such meat over medium or even low heat, in contrast to beef or pork, which are fried over an aggressive fire, and then cooked over low. A low heat will provide the necessary conditions so that the marinade does not burn, and the meat turns out to be juicy enough: there will be enough time to absorb this juiciness.
A very tasty kebab is obtained if we take red chicken meat, that is, the thigh.
An aggressive version of the marinade is suitable for him.
Marinade recipe
We use onion, salt, pepper and sumac seasoning.
Massage the meat so that the onions and spices give it juices.
Then you can add a small amount of milk – no more than 50 grams per kilogram of red chicken meat.
You will notice that an hour and a half after you add the milk, it will be absorbed into the meat. Sumac, together with onions, expands the fibers and allows the meat to absorb liquid. The meat will absorb the milk and will be very juicy.