
Vodka “Kazenka” appeared in 2008 and immediately became the subject of discussion due to a large-scale advertising campaign. The product was positioned as completely counterfeit-proof. The strong drink quickly gained popularity among buyers due to its quality and affordable price. In production alcohol “Alpha” and natural additives are used.

Historical reference. The Kazenka brand belongs to the company of the same name. Production began at the Moscow plant “Kristall”, the largest enterprise in Russia for the production of strong drinks. The creators set a goal to release high-level vodka, aimed at a wide audience of consumers. Thanks to the high-tech equipment of the capital plant. Vodka has received many awards at international tasting competitions.

In connection with the reorganization of Kristall, the release of the brand was transferred to the Tatspirtprom plant. The oldest enterprise of Tatarstan underwent a complete modernization in 2013 and produces products that meet all quality requirements. The plant improved the recipe of the drink, replacing the alcohol “Lux” with “Alpha” and enriching the composition with natural ingredients.

The main feature of vodka is that it is almost impossible to fake it. A special dispenser is installed on the bottle, so the bottle cannot be reused. It is very easy to check the authenticity of a product. Authenticity determinant is fixed on the neck, which must be brought to the label. In this case, the word “Guarantee” will be displayed in a special window.


PRODEXPO 2003, Moscow – a gold medal and a special jury prize “For the best start of a federal brand.”

Tasting competition “Best product of the year 2009”, Moscow – gold medal.

Interesting Facts

  1. “State-owned” vodka began to be called in Russia after the introduction of a state monopoly on the production and sale of alcohol at the end of the XNUMXth century. Drinks were produced under strict control.
  2. In 2012, the Kommersant newspaper announced the intention of the Kazenka company to acquire the First Blending Plant in Tula and expand the product line. However, this information was later refuted.

Types of vodka Kazenka

Kazenka Alpha, 40%

A traditional variety with a minimum of impurities. The composition includes sugar syrup, lingonberry leaf tincture and Alcolux carbohydrate module. This is a complex food additive to improve the organoleptic properties of alcoholic beverages, which reduces the harmful effects of alcohol on the gastric mucosa and liver. The drink is characterized by a classic vodka aroma and the absence of pronounced alcohol aggression. The aftertaste is characterized by fruit tones.

GOLD frame, 40%

The name is supported by the original design of the bottle – gold paint is applied to the glass. The production uses the “gold filtration” method to enrich the composition with precious metal ions and soften the taste. Honey, infusions of dried apricots and figs are added to the drink, which gives the vodka a sweet fruity aftertaste.

Cassette PLATINUM, 40%

Premium product in the line. The name is related to the cleaning method. Vodka is passed through carbon filters containing platinum threads. This method allows you to improve the taste properties of the drink. The variety is characterized by a rich fruity bouquet with grape notes. The composition includes extracts of green tea and Chinese lemongrass, which gives the vodka a soft and velvety taste.


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