Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

Katevbinsky rhododendron, or multi-flowered azalea, is not only a beautiful, but also a very resistant plant. It is not afraid of frost, air pollution and the environment. It can decorate garden plots for 100 years of its life. It will not be difficult for a gardener to choose a variety to his liking and grow a magnificent plant. To do this, you should get acquainted with the basic postulates of planting and caring for large-flowered azalea.

Description of Rhododendron Katevbinskogo

The evergreen Katevbinsky rhododendron (rhododendron catawbiense) is a shrub used as a garden plant and the basis in breeding work to create winter-hardy varieties. Its genes are present in many hardy species.

The height of the shrub is up to 4 m, the diameter is slightly larger. At the age of 10 years, it reaches 1,5 m in height. At the same time, the annual growth is 10 cm.

Young shoots of Katevbinsky rhododendron have felt pubescence, later they become naked.

The leaves of the plant are elliptical, smooth, with blunt ends, up to 15 cm long and 5 cm wide, with 16 pairs of veins. Their color is dark green, with a sheen. Petioles – 3 cm.

Twenty large bell-shaped flowers of lilac, purple, violet-red shades are connected in inflorescences. Their pedicels are 3 cm long, covered with hairs. The corolla is 6 cm in diameter and has rounded lobes. The flower has 10 stamens, the style is bare. Flowering lasts about a month. The Katevbinsky rhododendron has no aroma.

Winter hardiness of Rhododendron Katevbinskogo

Frost resistance allows you to endure winter stresses in the form of precipitation, wind, frost, icing, short-term thaw. Under the maximum frost resistance is understood the extremely low values ​​​​that plants can successfully survive.

The Katevbinsky rhododendron grown in the Moscow region has the properties and advantages of winter-hardy varieties:

  • very high frost resistance;
  • bush compactness;
  • branches are rigid, not subject to injury under the weight of snow;
  • hardening, which allows flower buds to endure the winter.

Katevbinsky rhododendron came to Europe from North America, its qualities are used to breed new varieties.

Important! The most important property of the Katevbinsky rhododendron is frost resistance, the ability to grow and bloom in the most severe climatic conditions.

Varieties of Katevbinsky rhododendron

In order to opt for a particular variety, you can get acquainted with the Katevbinsky rhododendron and its varieties from a photo or visit a flower exhibition. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the requirements for the azalea: the size of the future plant, its characteristics.

For every taste, you can choose a variety.

  • If you need a deciduous shrub, then you can opt for the Katevbinsky rhododendron (azalea) Feuerwerk. It is decorative not only with scarlet flowers, but also with orange leaves in autumn. The plant in September will decorate the garden no less than in summer;

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

  • Large lilac inflorescences will delight gardeners with the Katevbinsky Boursault rhododendron – an evergreen shrub with impressive dimensions: up to 2 m high and 2,5 m in diameter;

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

The most popular and beautiful varieties are:

  • Roseum Elegance;

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

  • Album;

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

  • Bursa;

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

  • Cunningems White;

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

  • Grandiflorum;

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

  • New Zembla.

    Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Roseum elegans

Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

The hybrid was obtained in England, in the middle of the 3th century. This is an evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 15 m. Every year its shoots increase by XNUMX cm. The crown of the bushes is dense, dense. The leaves are leathery, shiny, dark green.

Purple, copper-speckled inflorescences of 15 buds bloom in June. Flowering continues for two weeks, which, with proper care, can be repeated in the fall.

As you can see in the photo, the Katevbinsky Roseum Elegance rhododendron looks great in single plantings, on lawns, under the canopy of coniferous and deciduous plants. The group location is no less impressive. Even a single bush in any corner of the garden looks stylish and elegant.

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Album

Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

In the description of the Katevbinsky rhododendron Album, it is indicated that it is an evergreen, spectacular shrub that has a spherical crown shape, slightly raised, dense. In adulthood, the plant reaches a height of 3 m. Its annual growth is 15 cm. The leaves of the plant are leathery, dark green, long.

Album flowers are extraordinarily beautiful. Their buds are pink, and after blooming – white with a golden mark. Flowering occurs early, already in mid-May.

Frost resistance culture is good. Foliage needs protection from sunburn in the winter. The plant loves the light, but the shadow does not tolerate well. It is resistant to pests and diseases.

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Album is used for landscaping plots, parks, gardens in combination with other ornamental trees and shrubs. The plant looks especially advantageous against the background of coniferous plants.

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Burso

Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

This is a rather old variety, whose year of birth is 1849. It is considered one of the most hardy.

The hybrid rhododendron Katevbinsky Burso has dark green shiny elliptical leaves, the length of which is 14 cm, the width is 5 cm. Abundant flowering of the species begins in June, lasts three weeks. Lilac large flowers are collected in 20 pieces in inflorescences, later turn pink and even turn white. The shrub of the plant is tall, up to 4 m, gives large annual growths, loves acidic, drained soil, and does not tolerate waterlogging.

In open spaces, the shrub requires shelter from the winds and spring sun. Withered inflorescences should be removed so that flower buds are laid next year.

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Burso is very decorative during flowering and after it, which is used by flower growers in the design of lawns, lawns, estates, gardens.

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Cunninghams White

Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

In Scotland, in the middle of the 2th century, a very elegant variety was bred – Cunninghams White. The Katevbinsky rhododendron bush is small, its height is 1,5 m, the crown diameter is 3 m. The leaves of the shrub are leathery, dark green, light below. Inflorescences – large, white, with a brownish speck on the petal. Flowering lasts about XNUMX weeks. A place for a plant is recommended to choose a quiet, protected from drafts, shaded. Katevbinsky rhododendron requires increased moisture in dry years. He loves rich soils, but is also tolerant of poor, alkaline ones. The plant has high winter hardiness, provided that the bush is covered and the soil is mulched.

Experts recommend the use of Cunninghams White for hedges that are not sheared. It is possible to plant the culture singly and in groups, in combination and in compositions with other ornamental plants in rose gardens, on terraces, lawns.

Rhododendron Katevbinsky Grandiflorum

Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

This is one of the oldest varieties obtained from selected seedlings of the wild-growing Katevbinsky rhododendron. The evergreen Grandiflorum has a spreading crown in the shape of a ball, elliptical, leathery, bright green leaves. The bush differs in frost resistance, grows quickly. Its flowering begins in June. Purple inflorescences with a greenish-yellow spot are large, odorless, contain up to 15 flowers.

Like all heathers, the Katevbinsky rhododendron prefers drained soil and is tolerant of dimly lit areas.

Important! This variety is recommended for cultivation in the northwestern regions of the country.

Planting and caring for Katevbinsky rhododendron

Katevbinsky rhododendron is one of the most winter-hardy crops. His kidneys can withstand temperatures as low as -25 oC. He is not afraid of thaws and frozen soil in winters with little snow. It is more difficult for a plant to resist the scorching sun in winter and spring. The optimal temperature corridor is from -15 to +25 oC. In the middle lane, it is worth mulching the soil near the Katevbinsky rhododendron and covering it with agrofiber to protect the foliage from burns.

Soil requirements are not high. The main thing is that they should not be calcareous, heavily sandy or exclusively clayey. Plants will die if their roots are constantly in water. The best composition for the soil mixture is forest litter, peat and sand.

Landing is carried out in the spring in cloudy weather. The soil must be moist. An earthen lump is soaked in water for several minutes. The planting hole is made wide, but not deep.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The choice of location for the Katevbinsky rhododendron depends on whether it is deciduous or evergreen. The former require a lot of light, they are able to grow in the shade, but they will bloom poorly. The second love shading. All Katevbinsky varieties do not tolerate drafts, withering wind. For their planting, the area near the fence, tall trees is quite suitable. Snow must not be allowed to fall on the bushes from the roof of the house. Since the Katevbinsky rhododendron has superficial roots, birch, linden, willow, maple should not become its neighbors – plants with the same structure of the root system. Deep roots grow in oak, larch, pine, apple, pear. They can peacefully coexist without interfering with each other.

Seedling preparation

Katevbinsky rhododendrons are better tolerated at the age of 3 years when transplanting and changing their place. It is worth buying them in a proven nursery, where there is a guarantee of buying a healthy, varietal seedling. It needs to be inspected. The leaves and stems of the plant must be healthy, without spots, swelling, damage. Well, when the bush begins to branch already near the neck.

Advice! The best purchase option is a seedling in a container.

Before planting the plant, it is recommended to soak the earth ball well and carefully release it from the container. Sometimes a felt layer of dead roots is found on a coma. It is carefully removed, the seedling is lowered into water and kept in it until the bubbles stop coming out. When the roots and earthen ball are saturated with moisture, you can start planting.

Rules of landing

For planting Katevbinsky rhododendron, several rules must be followed:

  • since the roots of the plant are superficial, spreading horizontally, therefore the width of the planting hole should be twice its depth (30 cm and 60 cm);
  • the pit is made much larger than the earthen coma of the seedling;
  • a drainage layer of broken brick, pebbles or crushed stone is required;
  • the soil mixture is poured onto the drainage with a layer of 10 cm and watered abundantly;
  • set the seedling vertically, its root neck should be 5 cm above the ground;
  • after the soil settles and the neck drops to the ground level, you should add the substrate, water it abundantly;
  • after pouring a layer of mulch from peat, needles or oak leaves;
  • for several days, the Katevbinsky rhododendron should be shaded with a cloth, mesh, paper cap.

Watering and top dressing

Watering the Katevbinsky rhododendron is carried out moderately, with rain or settled warm water. Moisture must penetrate to a depth of at least 30 cm. Faded and dull foliage signals the need for watering. Periodic morning spraying of plants should be carried out to maintain the required air humidity (about 65%). The rate of watering adult Katevbinsky rhododendrons is about 10 liters of water under 1 bush three times a week. For young plants, the rate is reduced by half.

Additional watering is necessary in preparation for winter. At this time, the plant is abundantly moistened and the layer of mulch around the bush is increased.

Top dressing should be carried out several times a season. When planting, microelements are added to the soil. Early in the spring and before the end of flowering, nitrogen is introduced. In autumn, fertilizing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers is carried out.


Only if necessary, the Katevbinsky rhododendron bush is pruned. The procedure is carried out no more than once every 3 years. The reason may be the need to update the bush, the freezing of shoots.

Most often, pruning for the purpose of shaping is not required, since the Katevbinsky rhododendron has a natural shape that is correct and beautiful.

If shortening or cutting branches is necessary, you should know a few nuances:

  • the procedure is carried out until the kidneys swell;
  • the cut is made directly above the sleeping kidney, treated with garden pitch;
  • some time after pruning, the plant will begin active vegetation, during which the Katevbinsky rhododendron is regularly watered and fed.

In order to rejuvenate the bush or cut out the branches affected after wintering, they are shortened at a height of 30 cm from the soil level. To facilitate the restoration of the bush, pruning is carried out for 2 years – half annually.

In order for the deciduous Katevbinsky rhododendron to be thick and voluminous, it is necessary to pinch young shoots in June, remove wilted buds after flowering, and cut out all weakened branches in September.

Preparation for winter

To prepare for the winter period, nitrogen fertilization is stopped in August and switched to potash fertilizers, which allow young shoots to ripen.

Katevbinsky rhododendrons should be treated with fungicides to prevent fungal diseases.

Attention! Before the final freezing, it is necessary to water the plants abundantly.

Winter shelter depends on which rhododendron is evergreen or deciduous.

For deciduous species, it will be enough to additionally mulch the soil with needles, leaves, peat. A young plant (up to 3 years old) should be fully covered as evergreen varieties:

  1. Create a frame from boxes, planks, sticks.
  2. Cover the root system with mulch from pine needles, peat.
  3. Close with non-woven material in several layers over the frame.
  4. Leave air space between the shelter and the branches.
  5. Full shelter should be carried out after the onset of frost, in November-December.
  6. From above, the plants are covered with a film after the final onset of winter frosts, leaving an opportunity for their ventilation.
Important! When sheltering, it is worth considering the climatic features of the region.


Katevbinsky rhododendron can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

For the first method, cuttings 8 cm long are cut from adult plants, placed for 12 hours in a growth stimulator solution and planted in a mixture of sand and peat, covered with polyethylene. Periodically it is necessary to carry out airing and watering. After 4 months, the cuttings are rooted, then transplanted into a substrate consisting of peat and needles.

Reproduction of Katevbinsky rhododendrons by layering consists in dropping a young shoot, without separating it from the mother plant. After rooting, the seedling is placed in a permanent place.

The third method involves sowing seeds in peat to a depth of 1 cm. After the appearance of several leaves, the seedlings dive into separate containers. They are determined for a permanent place only in the second year.

Diseases and pests

Despite the resistance of the Katevbinsky rhododendron to diseases, under adverse climatic conditions and violations of the rules for caring for the plant, pathologies can develop:

  • tracheomycosis wilt – the roots turn brown and rot;
  • phytophthora rot – provokes covering of stems and roots with raspberry spots, their decay, after which the plant fades;
  • bacterial cancer – when growths form on the roots, the plant dies;
  • bud rot – the buds of the Katevbinsky rhododendron become brown, and later wither and dry;
  • wax disease – deformation and thickening of the leaves.

Katevbinsky rhododendron: Roseum elegans, Cunninghams White

Among the pests of the Katevbinsky rhododendron, the most common are:

  • furrowed weevil;
  • spider mite;
  • tobacco thrips;
  • rhododendron bug;
  • whitefly;
  • snails and slugs.


Katevbinsky rhododendron is one of the most beautiful shrubs. The splendor of lush inflorescences ennobles any site, making it cozy, elegant and unique. Frost resistance and unpretentiousness are the conditions for the possible cultivation of plants in many regions of the country.

Varieties and types of rhododendron.

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