Kate Moss’s dream wedding

Kate Moss’s dream wedding

Festival wedding for Kate Moss

Even on the wedding day of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Kate Moss fans started talking about how the top model’s wedding would be much more spectacular, albeit pompous, but too formal royal celebration. Kate Moss herself has repeatedly fueled these rumors, declaring: “This party will be remembered for a long time! It will last for several days in a row and believe me, most of the budget will be spent on alcohol. ” Friends of the model said that Kate wants to turn the celebration into a real “festival”. And it looks like she is serious about carrying out her plans. Kate even had to abandon her chosen church in Badford in favor of a larger church, but ready to receive all her guests. The newlywed party will be held at Kate Moss’s Oxfordshire home and will feature three bands.

Perhaps Kate Moss will love her own wedding so much that she, like Heidi Klum and Seal, will decide to host this “festival” every year. Or, on the contrary, she will prefer to renew the vows of allegiance in a more intimate atmosphere, as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will do.

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