Kate Moss photo: plastic surgery stars photo

Kate Moss, who has embodied the image of a 40st century supermodel, turns XNUMX. “British She-Wolf” remains a style icon today and leads the list of highly paid models in the world. How did the style of one of the most scandalous stars of the fashion world change?

The birth of the future star of the world catwalks, who left the supermodels of the 80s with their feminine forms in the past, happened by accident. Fragile Kate caught the eye of the founder of the modeling agency Storm Models Sarah Dukas: a fateful meeting took place in 1988 at the New York airport during a transfer, when young Kate was returning with her mother and brother from the Bahamas. By the way, Moss was not particularly different at school, angular Kate was only interested in sports disciplines … By the standards of that time, it was also difficult to classify her as a beauty: with a height of 168 cm, the future celebrity weighs no more than 48 kilograms, and her chest in girth is only 82 centimeters! Despite the fact that Kate’s indicators are far from the coveted formula “90-60-90”, she immediately receives an offer to pass the casting. “She looked so airy, so transparent,” says agent Sarah Dukas.

In the same year, Moss’ first black and white photo shoot appeared in The Face magazine. However, the aspiring model is still worried about her boyish figure and is trying to find a job, which is difficult to find, despite a decent portfolio. Her small breasts and slender arms do not fit with the 80s beauty canons, which are set by Cindy Crawford and Linda Evangelista. “When photographer Corrine Day asked me to take off my T-shirt, I almost burst into tears,” Kate recalled in an interview. However, the slanting eyes, high cheekbones, predatory smile and slender figure attract fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti, who becomes her boyfriend. Kate plunges into the party life with passion. However, she stood out not only for non-standard beauty, but also for her bright charisma, her rebellious disposition. It is no coincidence that one of the main secrets of Kate’s success is the ability to remain herself. “If you want to be successful in modeling, be yourself and be funny,” says Moss. – These two factors cannot be underestimated. If you don’t have drive and spontaneity, you won’t find a place in the fashion industry. “

With a light feed from Mario Sorrenti, Keith meets the American designer Calvin Klein and becomes the face of the brand, as well as the heroine of the most outspoken advertising campaign for the CK Jeans brand. The 18-year-old brunette discovers the aesthetics of androgynous chic. And although accusations of anorexia are raining against Kate, the public is mesmerized by her image of a “secular street girl”. Supermodels will have to make excuses for a long time in response to criticism. “What does anorexia have to do with it? Even if I start to overeat, I will not get fatter, ”Keith does not stop repeating in every interview.

By the way, despite the numerous stories about the parties and the supermodel’s crazy antics, she tried to monitor her health and maintain her figure. Of the many nutritional systems, Moss prefers a detox diet. According to Kate, she is excellent at removing excess fat and detoxifying the body from toxins obtained as a result of a disorderly and unbalanced diet. According to the menu, for breakfast, let’s say a drink from an apple whipped in a blender with water, without sugar and sweetener, a tomato and an apple. For lunch, Moss usually eats a vegetable soup, a glass of orange juice, and a salad of a variety of fruits. The meal rounds off with a cup of sweetened tea and an orange, followed by a dinner of mashed zucchini and one kiwi.

In the 90s, Moss made his Vogue debut, appearing on almost all 30 covers of the British edition since then. The newly-minted star of the fashion industry becomes a favorite of critics and the main character of the gossip. The latter, however, is not surprising: the fragile model with the eyes of a wolf is rapidly developing an affair with Johnny Depp. The couple in love lives in the mode of “sex, drugs, rock and roll”, arranges fights in hotel rooms and demonstrates passionate feelings in every possible way. Their relationship has lasted four years. However, by the end of the 90s, endless parties and bad habits bring Moss to a nervous breakdown, so she goes to the clinic. “I worked too hard and had fun,” Kate shared her feelings. – I don’t like where this is heading. I decided to take a break, evaluate my life and future. ” After completing a course of rehabilitation, Moss returns to the podium again: the queen of fashion shows looks fresher, but weighs less than 50 kilograms.

It seems that a new period is beginning in the life of a supermodel. Moss tries to experiment with the image, appearing in public with a short haircut, practically does not use makeup and begins to lead a more relaxed lifestyle. At the very beginning of the 2000s, Kate and the co-publisher of the British magazine Dazed & Confused Jefferson Hack had a daughter. “When Lila Grace was born, I felt like I finally had an accomplice for crime,” says the supermodel. However, by 2004, she again returned to old habits: Kate not only grows her hair and becomes a blonde, but, after parting with Hack, is fond of the “bad guy” Pete Doherty. The frontman of the British band The Babyshambles brings many parties and bad habits back to life for Moss. It gets scandalous when the Daily Mirror posts a front page photo of Moss sniffing cocaine in a London music studio. Kate immediately loses contracts with H&M, Burberry, Chanel and other brands, incurring millions in losses. With a low-key public apology, Moss goes back to the clinic. However, the cocaine scandal seems to only increase the popularity of the “mean girl”: the army of Moss fans is only growing, and the model herself, who has undergone another rehabilitation course, is planning dozens of major advertising campaigns. In 2006, Kate received the British Fashion Awards as Model of the Year, and Karl Lagerfeld named her the main face of modern fashion. Evil tongues explain Kate’s flawless pictures by the skill of photoshop, but the model shares her beauty secrets. So, good sleep (at least 8 hours) helps her get rid of shortcomings, and wiping with damp and cold wipes gives her an even complexion. “I use cosmetic patches for the eye contour or some non-greasy gel for my face,” says Moss. – It is also necessary to get rid of the habit of adding salt to food, and ideally give up salt altogether. And don’t forget to massage your skin with a moisturizer to improve blood circulation. “

In the second half of the 2000s, the model continues to experiment – this time in the professional field. In early 2007, Keith launches her own 80-piece collection for Topshop. “Modeling is a little brain-destroying,” Moss later admits. – I had to learn something new. Moreover, I have not noticed many times that designers copy what I wear. And I said to myself: I can do that too. ” Despite the rather restrained reviews from critics, the collection is a success. At the same time, Kate is full of creative plans: she promises to sing a duet with Jamie Hins, write a recipe book and an autobiography. By the way, she is also not going to leave the fashion business. “That’s my point,” Moss says. – I have to be myself, otherwise I turn into paranoid. I love making money, but I’m not obsessed with it. I still behave like I’m 17 years old. I never really matured. I have a house, a daughter and everything that is supposed to be, but I still love to have fun. Even my business is all about entertainment. “

As for the style, the supermodel is increasingly giving preference to the classics. Smoky eyes, red lipstick, neat curls and elegant buns become Kate’s calling card. “I love lipstick,” Moss admits. – With her, my image becomes more complete. During the day I prefer beige shades, and in the evening, if I go somewhere, I choose red. “

Although for a long time the life of a model resembled an endless party, her current image is for many a role model. Kate is successful, in demand and independent of other people’s opinions. In addition to special beauty care and a detox diet, fitness classes help her to keep her youthful. Four days a week for 1,5 hours Moss is engaged in sports: the supermodel program includes Pilates, exercise machines, dancing and 15-minute stretching to build flexibility.

“Many people think that my success is determined only by my appearance, but believe me, this is not so,” says Keith. – In this game, you must always go ahead of the rest, never look back and work to keep the bar. I did it. “

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