Kate Middleton or Meghan Markle: who is closer to you and why?

Modern British princesses today have enough fans and haters. Do you also belong to one of them? Let’s talk about what it can say about you.

Members of the British royal family have long ceased to be “simple” monarchs and have turned into world stars rather than truly reigning persons.

Reporters follow them everywhere, leading fashion publications write about their outfits, and any step away from palace etiquette immediately gets into the media and is discussed (and, of course, condemned) all over the planet.

And, like any celebrity, the members of the British monarchy have their fans and haters, and the two duchesses, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, have the most of them. We decided to figure out what sympathy or antipathy for modern princesses says about us.

Reason for interest

People are interested in a luxurious atmosphere and experiences that we do not encounter in ordinary life. Fans (often women) are interested in the smallest details of the royal routine in order to somehow touch the monarchy and try on images from children’s fairy tales about distant magical kingdoms.

“As children, we dream of becoming princesses. And only having matured, we remember that a princess is not only a prince, a white horse and a bunch of outfits. But also the relatives of the prince, secular duties and strict adherence to etiquette.

Although in our time the princesses are also different. It is especially exciting to discuss the wives of Britain’s crown princes Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle. These royal ladies are always in sight, which means that we subconsciously try on their life for ourselves: “Now, if I were in her place …,” says psychologist and psychotherapist Irina Belousova.

The duchesses themselves, apparently, are well aware that they have fans who are constantly pushed against each other by the media. In Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, some overlooked the moment when Meghan addressed the diametrically opposed “armies” of fans behind her and Kate Middleton.

“So much of what I have seen is the idea of ​​polarity. If you love me, then you don’t have to hate Kate. And if you love her, you don’t have to hate me,” Markle said.

Good girl and rebel

British tabloids and other media have contributed to the fact that today Kate and Meghan represent two bright archetypes – a good girl and a rebel. Kate is an exemplary modest girl from a middle-class British family who has been waiting for her Prince William for several years and immediately after the wedding began to accompany her husband everywhere, never violating the protocol.

Megan is almost the exact opposite: wayward and with a clear opinion of her own. From the very moment of meeting Prince Harry, a divorced American (the girl’s citizenship and her marital status were the subject of discussion by the British public from the very beginning), Markle began to be caught violating the ceremonial and condemned for her desire to change centuries-old traditions.

“Kate and Megan are actually two opposites. One of the submissive daughters-in-law and mothers, obedient even against her will. The second rebels where it is necessary and where it is not necessary, forcing events and people to move according to her personal scenario, ”explains Irina Belousova.

What does this mean for us?

According to Irina Belousova, sympathy or antipathy for duchesses can tell about our own character, as we strive to be more positive towards those people whom we think we are like.

“What is the result? And the fact that according to which of the princesses attracts us more, you can tell something about ourselves. They sincerely sympathize with the wife of Prince William and do not accept the antics of Megan, complaisant and modest women. And vice versa, those who seek to bend the world under themselves, Middleton’s patience and humility are annoying, ”concludes Irina Belousova.

However, if one of the princesses appeals to you, because you understand that you personally look like her, you should not ignore the positive qualities of the other. After all, both Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle have a lot to learn.

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