Kate Middleton forbids her daughter to wear pants latest news 2018

Have you ever wondered why the daughter of Prince Harry and Kate Middleton appears in public only in dresses? And no, the matter, as it turned out, was not in the strict palace etiquette.

The daughter’s wardrobe is a special whim of Kate Middleton. The other day, the stylist of her daughter Rachel Riley explained the wish of the Duchess. As it turned out, the girl’s mother gave special wishes so that the girl’s clothes would not seem old-fashioned in the photographs.

“Simple things on children are timeless. This way you will not dress them up in something that will go out of fashion, and it will be impossible to determine exactly when the photo was taken, ”said the designer.

It is curious that this is far from the only limitation that children in a family have to face. For example, both parents do not allow their offspring to use gadgets. Who would have thought that Prince George doesn’t even have a tablet.

This is because Kate and Harry believe that outdoor play is much healthier, and they make every effort to ensure that children grow up unspoiled.

Also, already at this age, children cannot even taste seafood before official receptions. This, by the way, is no longer a whim of the duchess, but of the queen herself. Elizabeth II considered that seafood is easy to poison, and their smell is difficult to kill. And it’s not good for royalty to smell like shrimp and mussels!

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