Kate left the hospital 7 hours after giving birth, not too soon? The doctor comments

Leaving the delivery room in no time, a relaxed, smiling face – Princess Kate surprised many women who remember how long they recovered after giving birth. Rumors began to circulate on the Internet that the duchess was not pregnant and used a surrogate. What do the doctors say?

  1. Duchess Kate left the hospital 7 hours after giving birth to her son weighing 3,83 kg. This is fast, considering Polish conditions, where women leave the hospital after giving birth, usually after three days. In England, the newborn and the mother are usually discharged home after a day and a half
  2. – Well-conducted pregnancy, without complications, allows you to regain form almost immediately after delivery. You must not gain more than 1 kg per month during pregnancy. This guarantees not only a lighter birth and a good appearance after it, but also better health of the mother and child – says Dr. Jacek Tulimowski, gynecologist

The birth of the third royal child took place at 11:01 am local time (12:01 am Polish time). Meanwhile, before 18 p.m. local time (00 p.m. Polish time), the Duchess posed for the cameras together with her descendant. A lot of new moms remember that after giving birth they did not look like princesses.

No excess weight with exercise

Fatigue, swelling on the face, cracked veins in the eyes, pallor and, in addition, general weakness – this is what many women look like after childbirth. Kate’s form can be jealous. Not only does she have a wonderful life, she is beautiful and rich, she has married a prince and will be the queen of Great Britain in the future, but childbirth is going through like a dentist appointment.

Gynecologist and obstetrician Dr. Jacek Tulimowski, when asked if Kate’s appearance is something extraordinary, replies that his wife also looked like this after the birth of their child.

– Well-conducted pregnancy, without complications, allows you to regain form almost immediately after delivery. Probably the duchess used the help of a dietitian. If she gained 9 kg during pregnancy and the child weighed 3,83 kg, then her appearance after giving birth was impeccable. That is why I always emphasize that you must not gain more than 1 kg per month during pregnancy. This guarantees not only easier labor and a good appearance after it, but also better health of the mother and baby. In addition, physical activity adapted to this state of pregnancy facilitates childbirth – says the gynecologist.

In his opinion, giving birth can be compared to running a long distance. If there are two competitors at the start, one is obese, inactive, and therefore in poor physical condition, and the other is not overweight, in good shape thanks to regular exercise, then the first one will die of fatigue at the finish line, and the second will shake off and go home.

Dr. Tulimowski adds that the course of the pregnancy is also important for the course of labor. Was she not complicated by diabetes, hypertension, and cholestasis.

“We can also guess that if Kate naturally gave birth to a third child, it may mean that her anatomy is adapted to childbirth,” the doctor adds.

No pain and with a smile

The course of a woman after childbirth is also influenced by its course. So, good medical preparation is important. If the baby in the mother’s womb is carefully measured in advance, all stages of labor can be better planned. It is also important to prepare the anesthesiologist in advance, who will choose the method of anesthesia, thanks to which the delivery will be completely painless. – Unless there are contraindications, an epidural is the best choice. The doctor is also pleased to see smiling women in the delivery rooms, instead of suffering from pain – says the national consultant in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, prof. Krzysztof Czajkowski. When asked if such anesthesia is safe for a child, she replies that with a well-conducted delivery – yes. Since the anesthetized woman does not feel any contractions, the midwife must tell her when to push. If he does, the baby is not at risk.

Midwives play a major role during labor. Massaging the perineum with special oils means that it does not have to be incised before the baby is born. Avoiding an incision and no wound after such surgery guarantees better functioning after childbirth.

Childbirth is not an operation

In the UK, postpartum women leave the hospital the next day if there are no complications. This is not surprising. Once upon a time, they were all born at home. In Poland, the so-called delivery rooms where babies were born. Childbirth became a medical procedure that was described and its strict scenario was established. Then there was a retreat from this excessive medicalisation of the natural process. The WHO said that “childbirth is not a disease” and it became possible to give birth at home again.

Princess Kate’s perfect appearance after childbirth is also the result of the work of several people. Few women go to the hospital to give birth in the company of a personal assistant, stylist and hairdresser. It was reported in the media that just before Kate showed up outside the hospital, her stylist Natasha Archer and hairdresser Amanda Cook Tucker were seen there. So you can be sure that the princess’s clothes, makeup and hairstyle were thought out and planned in advance.

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