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A cyst is a small cyst that forms around the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Coughs are in the form of raised nodules that fill with the sebaceous and horn mass, most often as a result of damage to the hair follicle or sebaceous gland. Coughs are often the cause of infections, and incorrect removal of the cyst can cause unsightly scars. What is atheroma, what are its causes of development, how to safely get rid of it? Here are the highlights.

A cyst is simply a small cyst (epidermal cyst, a growth on the skin) that is usually located around the hair follicles and glands. Atheroma it appears as round subcutaneous nodules and nodules ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

They appear mainly on the neck, face or scalp. Atheromas on the face are particularly unsightly in appearance. May be hard, cohesive or round. Inside there is sebum, a mixture of keratin, sebum and cholesterol, and callous epidermis, and in some cases fragments of hair follicles. Over time, the cyst turns yellow or white. They may appear as single or multiple changes.

These are most often mild lesions and are removed mainly for cosmetic reasons. Kashka is watched most often in people between 30 and 40 years of age, in people in adolescence, when there are huge changes in the hormonal balance and often the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disturbed. It is found twice as often in men than in women. Kaszak in a child is observed quite rarely.

There are two types of atheroma:

  1. true atheroma – has a genetic basis. It develops as a result of cells penetrating deep into the skin, which should ultimately be on the surface of the skin. It is a genetic skin defect
  2. Pseudo-atheroma – its development occurs as a result of obstruction of the sebaceous gland as a result of improper personal hygiene or skin injuries. It is visible to the naked eye, and when pressed, a greasy, unpleasant-smelling substance comes out of it.

Kaszaki are most often located in the area of ​​the face, torso (most often on the abdominal side) and neck.

Particularly uncomfortable due to their location are atheromas of intimate places (atheroma on the testicles, atheroma on the labia, atheroma on the penis). These changes may cause pain during intercourse (so-called dyspareunia) or pain associated with walking or wearing underwear. They can also interfere with correctness urinating (micturition).

The mucous membranes of the eye and oral cavity may also be affected – there have been reports of atheromas on the eyelid conjunctiva (described by patients as atheroma on the eyelid, atheroma on the eye or as atheroma under the eye), lips, the inner surface of the cheeks and under the tongue.

Subungual epidermoid cysts can cause structural changes in the nail plate in the form of onycholysis or hyperkeratosis under the nail, which should be differentiated from mycosis or psoriasis. They also cause symptoms such as erythema, swelling, tenderness and soreness.

Where else atheroma may appear:

  1. atheroma on the head,
  2. atheroma on the eyelid,
  3. atheroma on the face,
  4. atheroma on the cheek,
  5. atheroma on the back,
  6. kaszak and call,
  7. atheroma under the eye,
  8. atheroma on the neck,
  9. atheroma on the forehead,
  10. atheroma on the labia,
  11. atheroma on the scrotum.

Kaszak – causes of development

There are many reasons for the development of atheromas. However, their main substrate is considered to be obstruction of the hair follicle and sebaceous glands. This phenomenon occurs as a result of the use of cosmetics, mainly in their excess (we are talking here about foundations, powders, greasy creams and preparations containing silicones). Moreover, the development factor is:

  1. lack of proper personal hygiene,
  2. HPV infection,
  3. puberty – a period of excessive work of the sebaceous glands,
  4. defect of hair follicles – due to various skin damage, injuries, abrasions or postoperative wounds, the cells of the hair follicles are damaged and atheromas are formed,
  5. genetics – people who have basic cell disease are at increased risk of developing atheromas. People with the rare genetic disease of Gardner are also at risk of developing atheromas.
  6. developmental defects – atheromas sometimes begin in the prenatal period, when the skin, hair and even nail stem cells are closed in the cells of other tissues.

Too intense exposure of the skin to UV radiation may also contribute to the formation of atheromas, this mainly concerns the elderly, over 65 years of age. Oil-based creams may also play a role in the formation of atheromas, the use of which in excess negatively affects the skin and leads to for the formation of a cyst in the sebaceous gland.

Kaszaki – symptoms

The presence of atheromas causes a lump under the skin to form on its surface – it can be both soft and hard (due to obstruction of the hair follicle outlet). The dark center point of the lump may also be visible evidence of obstruction of the hair canal. They can also be white or yellow, and in people with a dark complexion, the color of the atheroma may be completely different. They are accompanied by redness and pain. Kaszak ranges in size from a few millimeters to even 5 centimeters.

Overall, the atheroma they weren’t. At the beginning, when the atheroma appears, no symptoms are felt. Unfortunately when it comes to his superinfection there may be pain and an unpleasant feeling.

This is when the inflammation occurs, the skin around the atheroma is red and usually very warm. The diameter of the atheromas usually does not exceed a few centimeters.

A person who has noticed atheroma, but is not entirely sure if it is really him, should consult a doctor. Diagnosis of atheroma is carried out on the basis of a physical examination – to be precise, the babbling examination of the lesion.

Diagnostics of atheromas

Kaszaki are not difficult to diagnose, because their appearance immediately indicates a sebaceous cyst. Sometimes, however, doctors suggest a biopsy to rule out whether the nodules are life-threatening. Therefore, when a atheroma-like eruption appears on your skin, but you are not sure – see a doctor. As you know, atheromas have this feature that they can empty themselves by bursting, but sometimes they cause atherosclerosis, which must be treated appropriately. Therefore, when a atheroma appears, it is best to see a doctor.

In doubtful cases, when atheromas raise suspicions and doctors suspect their cancerous nature, the lesion should be excised and a histopathological examination performed. In addition, the atheroma should be differentiated from:

  1. neurofibroma – skin lesions are hard and often have a multiple character,
  2. abscess – there is erythema and skin warmth,
  3. lipoma – on palpation it is soft and tends to enlarge.

In adolescents, a large number of epidermoid cysts may indicate the presence of Gardner’s syndrome. It is an autosomal dominant genetic disease. It is accompanied by multiple polyps of the large intestine and neoplasms of other tissues.

Sebaceous cysts can interfere with everyday life when they reach large sizes. Then surgery is necessary.

For a doctor, kaszaki is not difficult to diagnose, but sometimes it needs to be differentiated from other pathological changes appearing on the skin. We are mainly talking about Fr. lipomas. They are very similar to atheromas, but their structure is softer and in many cases they increase in size.

A distinction must also be made between neurofibromas, which are usually harder and more abundant. Moreover, atheromas should be distinguished from abscesses, which are painful and much more warm.

Kaszak – juicing

Kaszak is an unsightly change, especially on the face, that everyone wants to get rid of as soon as possible. In the early stages of growth, this change may reverse spontaneouslyespecially when we take care of facial hygiene using appropriate and good-quality scrubs. Squeezing the atheroma, removing the atheroma with a needle or pin and cutting the atheroma yourself is not recommended. This can cause infection and thus inflammation and, as a consequence, the formation of an unsightly scar. So, removing atheroma at home is not a good solution.

Kaszak – treatment

Some atheromas they can break themselvesand some require removal by a physician. Sometimes it is enough to puncture the cyst and squeeze out the contents, but when this does not help, doctors recommend surgical removal (with local anesthesia). Due to the complete removal of the atheroma, it is possible to prevent its recurrence in the absence of inflammation.

Another method of treating atheromas is cryotherapy (freezing out). During the procedure, the atheroma is frozen and thawed several times in order to destroy its tissues. This method is non-invasive and is performed topically.

A scar may remain after surgery to remove the atheroma. Whether it will be more or less visible depends on the chosen method. Considering this fact, the size of the scar is less favorable in the event of a total surgical excision.

If the sebaceous cyst is inflamed, oral antibiotics are most often prescribed. After such treatment (about six weeks), the atheroma is removed and the skin is sutured, which should be removed after about two weeks.

In a situation where the atheroma is located in a very sensitive place, doctors use carbon dioxide laser firing. Sometimes doctors will cut the cyst first and remove the contents so that the scar is tiny and heals on its own.

Kaszak – removal with home methods

Home method for atheromas are compresses made of horsetail decoction, which soothes irritation and has a positive effect on the work of sebaceous glands. The infusion consists of:

  1. 2 glasses of water
  2. cotton wool and bandage,
  3. four tablespoons (kopate) of horsetail.

You should boil the infusion for about five minutes, then soak it in cotton wool and put it in place of the atheroma (remember to secure the cotton wool with a bandage so that it does not slide off).


Do not pierce / remove / squeeze the atheromas yourself! It may cause infection.

First of all, you should take care of personal hygiene and systematically exfoliate callous epidermis with the help of peels. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid obstruction of the hair follicle outlet, which is especially important in people prone to excessive seborrhea.

On the other hand, if a atheroma is present on the skin, you should not delay the visit to a specialist. Properly selected treatment by a dermatologist or surgeon allows you to avoid secondary superinfection, which can cause serious systemic consequences.

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