Kashi: health benefits and harms
They not only saturate the body, but also affect the work of many organs: cereals improve bowel function, have a beneficial effect on skin condition, and can even prevent the development of certain diseases.

Learn more about the health benefits of cereals

Pearl barley
An undeservedly forgotten traditional dish is gradually returning to our table. Barley porridge is not only tasty, but also has medicinal properties.
Wheat porridge
Source of fiber and “slow” carbohydrates
Barley porridge
Rich in B vitamins and not only: why eat barley porridge
Corn porridge
Why you should add this dish to your diet
Is semolina really as useful as we used to think since childhood? We answer this question together with a nutritionist
Saturates for a long time and helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol
Millet porridge
Promotes skin rejuvenation, weight loss and more

Almost any cereal contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

The benefits of porridge

Oatmeal is good for the cardiovascular system. It lowers cholesterol levels, fights the formation of blood clots. In addition, oatmeal is good for the brain: it improves memory, attention and thought processes.

Semolina is an indispensable porridge for people with digestive diseases. It has an enveloping effect, reduces pain in gastritis and ulcers. Semolina is recommended for pregnant women, porridge has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Strengthens bone and muscle tissue.

Barley strengthens the immune system, fights viruses and bacteria. Helps get rid of constipation. Porridge prevents the formation of stones in the bladder, liver and kidneys. Beneficial effect on teeth, hair and nails.

Millet promotes the production of red blood cells, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Affects fat metabolism at the cellular level. Removes toxins and mucus from the body, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Corn porridge is an ideal option for diet food. It removes free radicals and pesticides from the body, prevents the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.

Harm of cereals

Porridge, like any product, in addition to benefits, there are also harms. One or another type of cereal can cause individual intolerance to cereals.

For example, oatmeal should not be eaten every day. Phytic acid, which is in this porridge, interferes with the absorption of calcium. Also, oatmeal is rich in starch and can lead to diabetes. Therefore, oatmeal is best consumed in the winter, when the body needs a lot of energy.

Semolina contains gluten, which slows down the absorption and digestion processes. It is also recommended for people suffering from constipation.

Barley has a negative effect on the body with high acidity of the stomach. Leads to gas and flatulence.

Millet should not be eaten after operations on internal organs, as well as for people with low stomach acidity. In men, due to excessive consumption of millet, potency may decrease.

Corn is a heavy meal. After it, there may be a feeling of bloating and heaviness. Allergies may appear in the form of red cheeks. It is also contraindicated in people with exacerbated diseases of the stomach.

How to choose porridge

When choosing porridge, pay attention to the type of cereal processing. Grains that are not refined from the grain shell retain more vitamins and minerals. But such porridge takes longer to cook.

Cereal porridge is a cereal with an already peeled shell. She has a high glycemic index (meaning porridge will quickly raise blood glucose levels), which can cause health problems.

When buying porridge, study its composition. A quality product should not contain sugar, dyes, flavors and fats. Instant cereals with fruit fillings have nothing to do with a natural product. They are useless.

Pay attention to the cooking time of cereals. Cereals with a lesser degree of processing are cooked much longer than refined ones.

The easiest way to make porridge. Pour the cereals with water and cook them over low heat for 5 to 20 minutes (depending on the type of cereal). From seasonings, you can add a little salt.

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