Karipazim with a hernia of the spine

Karipazim is a new highly effective drug used in traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery. Gives very good results to whims with osteochondrosis and sciatica. And the use in intervertebral hernia showed good results in neurosurgical practice.

Karipazim is a plant proteolytic enzyme agent.


The composition of the drug includes several substances:

  • Papain;

  • Lysozyme;

  • A, B-chymopapains;

  • A, B-peptidases;

  • Salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals: potassium, sodium, calcium.

  • magnesium salts;

  • Other organic compounds: amino acids, carbohydrates.

All components are of natural origin, the drug has a minimum of side effects, since it is considered herbal.

Karipazim with a hernia of the spine


Enzyme of plant origin. Obtained from papaya juice. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, as well as necrolytic effects. It is extremely active, but at the same time practically does not interact with other drugs. It is the main active ingredient of Caripazim.


Enzyme. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The remaining substances are necessary to maintain the structure and activity of the main active substance (papain), and also enhance its effect. In addition, metal salts additionally nourish the tissues of the spine, promoting regeneration.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacological properties appear only with deep administration of the drug (through phono- or electrophoresis sessions).

Positive effects include:

  • Anti-inflammatory action – Caripazim helps to relieve inflammation, and, consequently, reduce pain.

  • Necrolytic action – the dead cells of the structures of the intervertebral disc are rejected due to the action of Karpipazim, allowing the body to initiate the regenerative process.

  • Regenerative action – promotes rapid scarring and restoration of the structures of the intervertebral disc. The disk decreases in size, becomes softer and ceases to infringe on the nerve endings. As a result, the pain syndrome is eliminated, sensitivity is restored.

  • If the pathological process is “started”, Karipazim effectively stabilizes the condition of the affected intervertebral disc. In severe cases, the therapeutic effect is insufficient, but Karipazim slows down the further progression of hernia development.

How does caripazim work with intervertebral hernia?

When Karipazim gets on the affected areas, the drug has a selective necrolytic effect. Healthy tissues are practically not affected.

Karipazim has a proteolytic effect on necrotic areas of the connective tissue (it destroys dead cells, primarily the cells of the nucleus pulposus) and promotes their rapid rejection.

The affected structures of the intervertebral disc are actively scarred. Papain and lysozyme, which are part of the preparation, contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process. Also, lysozyme restores impaired blood circulation, improving the nutrition of vertebral structures.

Answers on questions:

  • Запрещено применять препарат в форме инъекций.

  • Препарат нельзя использовать для лечения грыжи, если пульпозное ядро подверглось секвестрации.

  • Также запрещается использовать препарат, если в месте применения имеются поражения кожи (травматические, инфекционные, термические и др.).

  • Если в результате использования лекарства возникли зуд и жжение, необходимо промыть поражённый участок водой и нанести гидрокортизоновую мазь.

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