
The book by Karen Armstrong — the world’s largest historian of monotheism and author of the famous «History of God» (Sofia, 2004) — although dedicated to the founder of Islam, is a purely secular work.

The book by Karen Armstrong — the world’s largest historian of monotheism and author of the famous «History of God» (Sofia, 2004) — although dedicated to the founder of Islam, is a purely secular work. On the basis of a thorough study of all surviving sources, the author traces the life of the Prophet in detail and recreates a documentary accurate, lively, charming and convincing image of this outstanding person. The story of Muhammad’s spiritual quest, as narrated by Karen Armstrong, is an excellent example of outstanding resilience, self-confidence, and willingness to uphold one’s own ideals. And the benevolent, respectful and objective tone of her book allows us to take an unbiased look at one of the most influential religions of our time and, perhaps, free ourselves from some prejudices and stereotypes.

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