Karate training

Karate is a contact sport originating in Japan. Karate training has a beneficial effect on the body and spirit of a person, developing their strength and endurance. Classes strengthen the body and train the immune system, as well as help in the fight against excess weight.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Karate is a Japanese martial art that involves sparring without weapons. Karate means “empty hand” in Japanese. This sport is divided into many different areas, including Shotokan and Kekunshinkai, as well as many others. The directions reflect the fighting style, emphasizing various strikes and evasive techniques.

Benefits of karate training

During karate training, all the muscles of the body are involved. Karatekas have a strong muscular skeleton. Despite this, attention is also paid to posture and coordination: the mobility of the body is important for dodging blows during a duel.

Karate classes have a beneficial effect on the athlete’s body:

  1. General health promotion.
  2. The development of endurance and strength.
  3. Maintaining healthy body mobility, stretching.
  4. Improving the functioning of the heart and respiratory system.
  5. Active calorie burning, weight loss.

Karate classes are held barefoot, due to which they are considered an effective method of hardening the body. Thus, karate strengthens the immune system of athletes. See also: MMA training

In addition, karate strengthens willpower and spirit, and also develops mental activity. Karatekas are taught to choose strikes and react quickly to changing situations during a fight. The tactical part of the training is of considerable importance, because the style of combat depends on it, and hence the chances of winning.

What you need for training

The white kimono is the classic version of the karate uniform that most trainers adhere to. Shoes are not required for training, as classes are barefoot.

On the hands and feet of the athlete, special pads are provided that are worn to prevent injuries that occur during a strike. No other special equipment is needed for karate classes. See also: tai bo training

Recommendations and contraindications for training

Karate is a popular sport that has its own special philosophy. These activities are great for both men and women. Training not only contributes to physical development, but also helps to develop discipline and instill in the child the right life values. For example, among karatekas it is not customary to fight outside the gym, they do not use physical force to resolve conflicts.

Karate training has a number of health contraindications, including:

  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, pressure surges.
  3. Some diseases of the respiratory system, such as asthma.
  4. Neurological diseases, including epilepsy.

Among children, lagging behind in development are not allowed to attend classes. The identification of these pathologies is the responsibility of the doctor conducting the medical examination. If no physical or psychological disorders are found in the patient, the doctor issues a document on permission to start karate training. See also: boxing training

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