
Karachaevskoye is a brand of unfiltered hoppy beer produced by a brewery in Karachaevsk. One of the features of the enterprise is the use of natural melt water in the brewing technology, which enters the Teberda River from mountain glaciers. The combination of natural products, the traditional method of production and the rejection of pasteurization creates a special taste of Karachay beer, which differs markedly from the standard brands of transnational beer giants.

These qualities were highly appreciated at the Sochi beer forum in 2007, where the foamy drinks of the Karachay brewery were awarded with silver and three gold awards. In the same year, the enterprise adequately represented the republic at the Berlin international agricultural exhibition “Green Mile”. Despite the rejection of advertising campaigns and a short shelf life, which does not exceed eight days, the products of the brewery from Karachaevsk are popular in the Southern Federal District and nearby regions.

Historical information

The history of the plant began in the middle of the last century. A small brewery was part of the Pishchevik artel, which, in addition to food, provided household services to the population. In 1957, the artel focused on the production of beer and soft drinks, and by the tenth anniversary it received a new name – a non-alcoholic beer factory. In 1964, strong alcoholic drinks appeared in the assortment of the enterprise.

In the Soviet period, brewing remained the main direction. The plant produced traditional brands: “Zhigulevskoe”, “Moskovskoe”, “Nevskoe”, “Rizhskoe”, “Ukrainian” and a number of other names. After the collapse of the USSR and privatization, the enterprise became a limited liability partnership, and in October 1997 acquired its current status and name – CJSC Karachaevsky Pivzavod.

Now beer makes up two thirds of the company’s sales. The beer line of the plant consists of several varieties of unpasteurized “Karachaevsky” beer, as well as the intoxicating drink “Highlander”. In addition to profile products, the assortment includes mineral water in glass and PET bottles, more than 10 types of sweet soft drinks, two brands of fruit wines and five types of vodka.

For the quality of its products in November 2001, the plant was awarded a badge of honor in the capital of the country. Certain types of products have repeatedly received medals and diplomas at all-Russian and international fairs in St. Petersburg, Venice, Moscow, Cologne.

Types of beer “Karachaevskoe”

“Karachaevskoye Zhivoe No. 1”, 4,0%

Light light beer made from sweet barley malt, hops and melted glacier water. It does not undergo additional carbonization and practically does not form foam in the glass. The aroma contains subtle notes of hops. The taste of the drink resembles traditional varieties of Soviet times with a distinct hop bitterness. Well quenches thirst and refreshes.

“Karachaevskoye Zhivoe No. 3”, 4,7%

Light dense beer with an initial wort extract of 13% and a low, rapidly settling head. The presence of rice in the recipe, in addition to hops and malt, gives the drink a characteristic sweetish tint, balanced by a sour-yeast flavor and bitterness of aromatic hops. Beer is bottled in glass containers and stored for no longer than eight days.

“Highlander”, 4,3%

A special light beer from the Karachay brewery with Connor MacLeod, the main character of the film of the same name, on the label. The live drink, in the recipe of which there is mountain honey, is distinguished by a special flavor bouquet and a distinct hop aroma. Unpasteurized beer is lively refreshing, invigorating and energizing.


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