
Useful properties and application of kandyk and honey from it

Useful properties of kandyk

Kandyk is a small bulbous plant. After flowering, the aerial part of the kandyk dies off. Elliptical green leaves combined with pinkish bell-shaped flowers give the plant a special charm. The presented grass is common in Siberia. She settles in forest and mountain zones, as well as alpine belts. Such a plant contains special fatty acids and higher aliphatic alcohols. Kandyk bulbs contain starch, protein, glucose and mucus.

The use of kandyk

The tubers of the plant contain special biologically active substances, which are considered an excellent remedy for epilepsy and colic. In addition, such a herb can be used as food both raw and boiled, as well as pickled. Such a wonderful edible plant can be used for impotence as a stimulant and tonic for the sex glands. It has a powerful stimulating effect on sexual activity.

Where is the honey?

The unique kandyk honey belongs to rather rare varieties. In the flowers of kandyk, a huge amount of nectar is formed. Due to the frost resistance of the plant, it thaws immediately after warming and begins to bloom. Such a nutritious product with a characteristic darkish color helps to cleanse the bile ducts and restore liver tissue. This honey is indispensable for various types of poisoning and after hepatitis. It is useful in pancreatitis, and also significantly improves the functioning of the pancreas.

It should also be noted that this honey with penetrating aromatic notes is also indicated for intestinal atony. Regular consumption of this kind of honey contributes to the normalization of cardiac activity and the balance of the nervous system. If you take 1 teaspoon of honey daily, then digestive problems will be significantly reduced.

Kandyk flowers

Delightful kandyka flowers are located at the top of a bare stem. They are usually quite large. Drooping inflorescences consist of six petals with bent edges. As a rule, they bloom in early May, occasionally the plant begins flowering in mid-April.

Kandyk the Siberian

Siberian kandyk, common on the edges of mixed and coniferous forests of the Sayan and Altai mountains, is an interesting herbaceous frost-resistant plant. This variety of kandyka blooms for no more than two weeks – until mid-May. The perianth is up to 7 cm long. The flowers can be white to lilac-pink. In sunny areas, the plant quickly fades. The leaves of the Siberian kandyk are oval and dark green with an unusual marble pattern of reddish spots. Narrow-conical bulbs of the Siberian kandyk have a weight of no more than 10 grams.

Kandyk the caucasian

The Caucasian kandyk often grows high in the alpine meadows of the vast Western Transcaucasia. It is able to bloom for about three weeks, starting in mid-April. Spotted leaves of the plant are flattened on the surface of the soil. The reproduction coefficient of the Caucasian kandyk is very small, children can be formed no more than once every 3 years.

Contraindications to the use of kandyk

There are practically no contraindications to the use of kandyk, with the exception of a noticeable individual intolerance. Even an overdose will not cause any side effects.

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