Considered the most sensual mode of union, the Kamasutra lotus position favors a sexual act in conditions of perfect osmosis. The lovers face each other, and the pace is slow. Borrowed from yoga, the posture is not necessarily easy to adopt or maintain. This is why the lotus is not among the most commonly used positions for couples. In this context, with a little training, it allows you to vary the pleasures of the missionary or doggy style, for example.
The lotus position, instructions for use
The Buddhist religion makes the male – female couple Yab and Yum a divinity. It is the symbol of love in the purest symbiosis, and systematically represented in the union of the lotus. This representation foreshadows the original meaning of the position: during the sexual act, the lovers concretize their love and their unwavering bond.
How to get into the lotus position?
The Kamasutra lotus position borrows from yoga: the man is seated cross-legged, his feet placed on his thighs. The posture is not necessarily accessible to everyone. If necessary, the lover can be content to sit more traditionally cross-legged, placing the feet under his knees. Once in place, the partner sits on her lover’s thighs, face to face, and wraps her legs around the man’s waist.
In this position of the Kamasutra, the 2 partners play an active role: the woman pushes the back and forth by soliciting the muscles of her thighs, while the man can observe a pendulum movement with his chest by leaning forward and backward. back to participate in the cadence. The sexual act in the lotus position requires a good coordination of the lovers, as well as a certain endurance on the part of the 2 lovers.

Beyond the penetration, the lotus allows the mutual caresses of the lovers. Breasts, buttocks, sex: all areas of the body are within easy reach.
Flexibility, essential for the lotus position
To put himself then to stand cross-legged, and all the more so in the lotus position as practiced in yoga, the man must show sufficient flexibility and strength in the back. To help maintain posture, he can lean against a support – with his back to the wall, for example. The woman should also be flexible enough to wrap her legs around her lover’s waist. Sometimes a little practice and perseverance is necessary.
How to diversify sexual intercourse during the lotus flower?
The lotus flower position is exotic and requires some preparation on the part of both men and women, but it is a great opportunity for slow and sensual movements on the part of partners. Thanks to this, sex can be longer and more enjoyable.
How can you diversify sexual intercourse in the lotus position? It’s simple. During penetration, a woman can independently stimulate the clitoris, which will surely excite a man more, and the woman herself will get more pleasure. The simultaneous penetration and caress of the clitoris is a great pleasure, which will quickly turn into a climax. In the lotus position, a man can caress his chest with both hands and tongue. This type of action will definitely have a huge impact on the intensity of the female orgasm. The partner’s tongue may also touch the collarbone or the back of the head, which are other very sensitive and sensitive points.
During intercourse, partners may look into each other’s eyes and caress each other’s neck. A man who grabs a woman’s buttocks during sex will cause even deeper and more pleasant sensations that will affect the intensity of orgasm.

Experimenting with the position: when and with whom?
The lotus position for slow sex
The movements are not necessarily facilitated in the lotus position. To this extent, it is difficult to infuse a frantic rhythm into lovemaking. Ideal for slow sex, this mode of sexual union also makes it possible to slow the rise of arousal and thus delay orgasm during the act. It can therefore be an alternative position. Either way, the lotus is not suitable for a quickie.
The position of lovers
The lovers are face to face, faces close together, eye to eye: romanticism is at its maximum. The position of the lotus of Kamasutra, under these conditions, is better suited to the amorous couple than to the lovers of one night.
A Kamasutra position to avoid during pregnancy
When the pregnant woman’s belly begins to protrude, it hinders the lotus – to the point of preventing it at the end of the pregnancy.
Variants of the lotus position of Kamasutra
Followers can test revisited forms of the lotus:
- The overturned lotus. The woman is lying on her back, and holds her ankles in her hands, thighs raised. The man comes on all fours on her, his arms resting on either side of his partner’s bust. For a different angle of penetration, the woman can place a more or less thick cushion under the lower back.
- A very acrobatic lotus. The 2 lovers put themselves in the Kamasutra lotus position, but instead of wrapping her legs around the lover’s waist, the woman places one on the man’s shoulder. Flexibility is essential.
Who will suit the lotus flower?
The pose will suit every couple, especially if the woman has a slim figure and the man has a good physique. During lotus bloom, fitness and strength are important, but the pace of sex can be adjusted to suit your needs, and you gain skill over time. It is also an ideal sexual position for people who love intimacy and are strongly connected to each other emotionally. If a woman does not like deep and powerful penetration, thanks to this position she can regulate its intensity herself.
There is also a seated version of the lotus position. This time the woman is lying, for example, on the bed or on the floor, and above her is a man, resting his elbows on the floor. The woman’s legs land on her hips and wrap around her partner. Penetration is as deep as a traditional lotus flower, but the male takes the lead. One small element – a pillow – will give a woman even more pleasure. Placement under the partner’s back will slightly change the angle of penetration and cause more pleasure during sex. The woman’s hands in this position are completely free, so they can caress the man, for example, on the back or buttocks.