Viburnum pride is a beautiful shrub that is popular in landscape design. The culture is distinguished by low care requirements, it easily takes root in almost any area and, moreover, has many valuable properties.
Description of viburnum pride
Viburnum gordovina, or Gordovina ordinary (Viburnum lantana), is a deciduous shrub from the Adox family. It has a dense crown, shoots are covered with gray cracking bark, young branches and buds have hairy pubescence. The leaves of viburnum pride are long on petioles, ovate with a pointed apex and a slight serration along the edge. Above the plates are dark green and rough, below they are lighter, felt-pubescent.

The period of decorative viburnum pride lasts from two weeks to a month
In June, viburnum pride blooms with creamy white buds collected in umbrella inflorescences with long yellow stamens. Then fruits appear – small rounded or flattened berries. At the beginning of maturation, they are green, then turn red and gradually turn black.
Viburnum pride is widespread in southern and central Europe, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. It is also found in southern England, in Algeria and in Morocco. Chooses open areas, slopes of ravines and banks of water bodies, prefers calcareous soils.
Viburnum pride height
Kalina pride is able to rise up to 6 m above the ground, it is more like a tree in size. The crown spreads up to 4 m in diameter, while usually retaining a neat outline.
Berries of viburnum pride are edible or not
Small fruits of viburnum pride appear after the fall of the inflorescences and usually fully ripen by October. Ripe black berries are suitable for eating, they are used for jams and fillings, used in the preparation of medicines. In this case, it is necessary to observe the measure so as not to encounter side effects.
Varieties of viburnum pride
Kalina pride is popular in ornamental gardening. There are several beautiful and unpretentious varieties to grow.
Kalina pride of Variegata
Variety Variegata (Variegata) – low viburnum up to 1,5 above the ground with a round and very dense crown. The leaves of the plant are wide, wrinkled, up to 20 cm long, with small light spots over the entire surface. The variety blooms in May and remains decorative for about a month. In autumn it brings round berries up to 7 mm in diameter with good taste.

The decorative viburnum pride Variegata persists throughout the season
Kalina Hordovyna Aureum
According to the description of viburnum pride Aurea, or Aureum (Aureum), is a shrub up to 2 m tall with medium-sized pubescent golden leaves. It bears small yellowish-white flowers in flat umbels. Grows on any soil, well withstands drought and is characterized by increased frost resistance.

To preserve the bright color of viburnum Aureum, it is better to plant in illuminated areas.
Kalina Gordovyna Mohykanin
Viburnum pride Mohican (Mohican) – a tall shrub up to 4 m with a spreading dense and compact crown. It blooms profusely with creamy white buds in June, in August it bears berries – first red, then black, ripening unevenly. It prefers fertile soils, is not afraid of lack of moisture, but does not respond well to waterlogging.

Viburnum Mohican grows in sun and semi-shaded areas
How to multiply viburnum pride
Viburnum pride is well propagated by seeds and vegetative methods. Which method to choose depends on preferences, time of year and site conditions.
In the middle of spring, flexible young shoots of viburnum, located in the lower part of the bush, are bent to the ground and placed in small grooves. Layers need to be fixed with brackets so that they do not straighten out, and water abundantly during the warm season. By autumn, the shoots will give their own roots, and they can be transplanted.

When propagated by layering, it is necessary to deepen the middle part of the shoot
In mid-autumn, ripe viburnum berries are dried and the seeds are removed from them, and then placed in wet sand and removed for three months in a dark place with a temperature of about 18 ° C. After that, the material is put in the refrigerator for another three months, after which it is planted in separate small pots or seedling boxes, deepening by a maximum of 3 cm.
For seeds, regular watering is provided, and when sprouts appear, they wait for a few true leaves and carefully transfer the culture to a temporary place in the garden. In open ground, viburnum pride is grown for another 2-3 years and only then transplanted to a permanent site.

Kalina pride from seeds begins to bear fruit after the fifth year of life
By dividing the bush
Young overgrown bushes can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. The procedure is carried out in early spring or autumn shortly before the cold weather. The shrub is carefully dug out of the ground and cut with a sharp tool, making sure that at least three buds remain on each division. The plants are immediately transferred to the prepared wells and watered abundantly for the next few weeks.

After dividing the bush, the roots of viburnum pride on sections can be sprinkled with ash or crushed coal
Viburnum is propagated by cuttings in the summer – in June or July, several shoots are cut about 10 cm long with at least two buds. The lower leaves are removed with an oblique cut, and the upper ones are shortened to half. The cuttings are placed in water with a growth stimulator until the roots appear, after which they are planted in a temporary place and grown for another 2-3 seasons.

For cuttings, you need to cut green shoots that have not had time to lignify
How to plant viburnum
Viburnum pride (Viburnum lantana) does not have difficult planting requirements. You only need to follow the most basic rules.
Terms of planting
It is necessary to plant a plant in open ground in the fall in mid-October or in the spring before the start of active vegetation. In both cases, viburnum should be at rest, this will allow it to direct its forces to the development of roots.
Site and soil requirements
It is necessary to plant viburnum pride in lighted or slightly shaded places with cover from strong winds. The soil for the culture is best suited for chernozem or loamy, with good moisture and low acidity. On peat, sand and podzolic soils, the plant develops poorly and often gets sick.
How to plant
About a month before planting viburnum pride, it is necessary to prepare a site for it.
- The chosen place in the garden is dug up and enriched with peat and potash-phosphorus fertilizers.
- Equip a hole about 40 cm deep and 50 cm wide.
- When planting several plants at the same time, at least 1 m of free space is left between the pits.
- The dug hole is half filled with a mixture of garden soil, humus and peat, 30 g of urea and 250 g of wood ash are added.
- The viburnum seedling is pre-soaked in water for a couple of hours, and then placed in a hole so that the roots lie evenly on the sides of the formed earth mound.
- Fall asleep with the remnants of the soil mixture flush with the ground and slightly compact.
After planting, the viburnum is watered abundantly and the near-stem circle is mulched to slow down the evaporation of moisture.

In order for the viburnum pride seedling to take root faster, it is recommended to cut the above-ground shoots to 20 cm
Care for viburnum pride
Photos and descriptions of the viburnum pride shrub and fruits indicate that caring for the plant is simple. The gardener is required to comply with the basic measures that support the vital activity of the culture.
How to water
Viburnum pride loves moisture, so the soil at its roots should not dry out. During hot periods without precipitation, the plant is watered once a week or more often. In rainy and cold months, additional moisture can be omitted.
How to fertilize
Kalina pride requires top dressing twice a season. In spring, it is fertilized with minerals with a high nitrogen content, and in autumn it is supplied with potassium and phosphorus. Shortly before the cold weather, along with digging the soil, rotted manure can be scattered in the trunk circle. Organics will not only provide the shrub with useful substances, but also insulate its roots with the advent of winter.
Viburnum pride bushes require annual sanitary pruning, it is needed to eliminate diseased, broken and dried shoots. The procedure is performed in the spring, before the leaves appear.

To rejuvenate a very old viburnum bush, it can be cut to stumps
In decorative cultivation, as necessary, a shaping haircut is also carried out. Young shoots of the plant are pinched so that they do not grow more than necessary. Perennial branches are cut entirely every 6-10 years. When growing viburnum pride in the form of a tree, lateral shoots are annually removed, in which case the culture will direct its forces to the development of the central trunk.
Preparation for winter
Kalina pride has a very high frost resistance and calmly survives cold snaps below -30 ° C. It is not necessary to cover it for the winter along the crown. It is only recommended to mulch the near-stem circle with compost or humus with a layer of 10 cm to warm the root system.
Diseases and pests of viburnum pride
Viburnum pride is highly resistant to pests and fungi. But sometimes it is affected by the following ailments:
- powdery mildew – a dry whitish coating appears on the leaves of the plant;
Powdery mildew gradually leads to yellowing and wilting of viburnum pride
- ascochitosis – rounded grayish spots with a dark border appear on the leaves and fruits of the plant.
With ascochitosis, spots on viburnum crack and fall out by autumn
Fungal diseases are fought with copper and colloidal sulfur preparations. Fungicides, for example, Fitosporin, Skor, Horus, have a good effect. Processing is carried out according to the instructions several times per season, the intervals between them are 1-2 weeks.
From insects for culture are dangerous:
- aphid – the pest settles on the stems and the lower surface of the leaves and sucks the juices from viburnum;
An indirect sign of aphid infection is the deformation of leaf plates.
- comma-shaped scab – the pest attacks mainly young plants, multiplies rapidly and impairs fruiting;
When infected with scabies, viburnum pride begins to lag behind in growth and forms fewer leaves
- moth moth – pest caterpillars eat viburnum foliage from June to autumn.
Case moth on viburnum pride appears at high humidity and temperatures above 20 ° C
To combat insects, it is customary to use insecticides – Karbofos, Aktar and Aktellik. Apply them up to three times per season at intervals of 2-3 weeks. In this case, the last treatment is carried out no later than a month before the fruit is harvested. With a weak infection, home remedies can also help – tobacco and garlic infusion, a decoction of onion peel.
Kalina pride in landscape design
Viburnum gordovin ordinary enjoys wide popularity as an ornamental plant. Most often it is used:
- for the formation of a hedge;
Kalina pride forms a dense green fence along the site and tolerates a decorative haircut well.
- to highlight accents;
Bright viburnum pride helps to draw attention to certain corners of the garden
- for decorating bare walls;
Spreading crown of viburnum covers unsightly facades
Kalina pride in landscape design looks attractive throughout the warm season. It acquires a particularly interesting look during the fruiting period, when its shoots adorn red and black berries at the same time.
Useful properties of viburnum pride
The leaves, bark, flowers and fruits of viburnum pride contain a large amount of valuable substances. The composition includes:
- tannins and anthocyanins;
- phenol carboxylic acids;
- sucrose and pectin;
- triterpenoid;
- ascorbic acid;
- chalcones;
- catechins and flavonoids.
Raw materials of the plant are used in folk medicine for the preparation of decoctions and infusions with a pronounced medicinal effect. Viburnum pride is used for diarrhea, it has a fixing effect and soothes spasms in the intestines. Decoctions of the plant are beneficial for gingivitis, laryngitis and stomatitis, they can be used to rinse the mouth and throat to relieve inflammation and eliminate the bacterial process.
Viburnum pride is an unpretentious, but very beautiful shrub with numerous valuable properties. The plant is widely used in landscape design, the endurance and frost resistance of the culture allows it to be grown in almost any region.