Kalina: health benefits and harms
Kalina is a well-known remedy for bleeding since ancient times. Natural dyes were also extracted from the plant for dyeing fabrics and wool.

The history of the appearance of viburnum in nutrition

Kalina is a deciduous plant of the Adox family. It easily tolerates frost and drought, grows along ponds and in meadows. It is especially common in the temperate climates of Asia and Europe.

The fruits and bark of viburnum are used in medicine. Also, red dye is extracted from the fruits, and green dye is obtained from the bark for dyeing wool and fabrics.

Previously, the plant was considered magical. Highlanders carried with them a viburnum branch with a fork to protect themselves from the evil eye.

In Our Country, viburnum was important in wedding ceremonies. A towel – a wedding towel – was necessarily embroidered with viburnum branches and berries. Tables, wreaths, loaves were decorated with her flowers. The expression “break viburnum” meant “to marry a girl”, the rite is associated with the end of girlhood.

The composition and calorie content of viburnum

Caloric content for 100 grams26 kcal
Proteins0,4 g
Fats1,5 g
Carbohydrates6,5 g

The benefits of viburnum

Kalina is a part of vitamin teas due to its rich composition, it is recommended as a general tonic.

Preparations from the bark of viburnum are an excellent hemostatic agent, they help with uterine bleeding: during menstruation, after childbirth, and also with hemorrhoids.

Alexandra Bonina. Catalog of Free Materials Kalina has a sedative effect, which enhances the effect of sleeping pills, helps relieve nervous tension and lower blood pressure.

Viburnum berries contain a lot of organic acids, which, when consumed, stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. This is useful in its deficiency, which is observed during hypoacid gastritis.

An infusion of berries has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, helps relieve swelling and fight constipation. Infusion and juice are also applied externally – it relieves inflammation on the skin, reduces age spots.

Harm viburnum

– Kalina is contraindicated primarily for those who have food intolerance, that is, allergies. It is also better for pregnant and lactating women to refuse these berries, it increases the tone of the uterus.

Refuse to use these berries should be those who suffer from gastritis or ulcers, as well as those who have problems with blood clotting, says gastroenterologist Olga Arisheva.

The use of viburnum in medicine

Viburnum bark contains viburnin, which constricts blood vessels and enhances the tone of the uterus. It helps reduce uterine bleeding and relieve menstrual pain in women. Also, an infusion of viburnum bark is used as a sedative for neuroses. The systematic intake of infusion reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood, which is useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Viburnum berries and their infusion is used as a tonic and vitamin remedy. It also helps to remove swelling due to the diuretic and diaphoretic effect.

The use of viburnum in cooking

The fruits are quite bitter, but a brief freeze helps to get rid of it. Berries are actively used in the preparation of various drinks, including alcoholic ones. The fruits contain pectin, which has a gelling property.

Viburnum-apple marmalade

The weight of the finished puree without seeds and skins is indicated.

Apple1,5 kg
Kalina0,5 kg
Sugar1 kg

Wash the apples and put them whole on a baking sheet. Bake at 160 degrees for an hour. After that, rub through a sieve to remove seeds and peel.

Rinse the viburnum, separate from the branches and rub through a sieve. Combine with applesauce and sugar. Put to cook over medium heat without a lid, and stir often so as not to burn. When the puree thickens so that it is hardly stirred and settles on the walls, remove from heat and roll into sterile jars.

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Morse viburnum

Refreshing sweet and sour vitamin drink. Other berries can also be used.

Water3 l
Cranberries1 glass
Kalina1 glass
Gingera piece with a fingernail
Sugar200 g

Boil water, dissolve sugar in it. Peel the ginger and cut into slices. Add it and washed berries to boiling water, turn off the heat. Strain through a sieve and crush the berries with a pestle to release the juice. Cake can be used in pies.

How to choose and store viburnum

Ripe viburnum of dark red color without white spots. It is better to buy viburnum after the first frosts – such a berry is less bitter.

You can store viburnum fresh, hanging directly in clusters in a cool dark place. If the berries have begun to dry, they can also be removed from the branches and frozen. So the viburnum will lie for a year.

There is another way to save viburnum for a couple of years – drying. This is done in a dehydrator or oven at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

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