Kalganovka – vodka tincture with galangal root

Kalganovka – This is a tincture, for the manufacture of which the so-called galangal root is used. Vodka, moonshine and even alcohol tincture on the root of galangal is not only a very pleasant, albeit specific drink, but also an effective remedy for many diseases. Thus, galganovka, used within reasonable limits, can be considered a classic example of combining business with pleasure.

Where does galangal root grow

Immediately make a reservation that the plant, in the Russian-speaking tradition called galangal, in fact, is not. In this case, we are not talking about the closest relative of ginger, which grows in China and a number of countries in Southeast Asia, but about erect cinquefoil, common in Europe, the Caucasus, Western Asia and some regions of Siberia. Treasured roots also grow in the Moscow region, but finding them is a whole lot of work.

This herbaceous plant, which has nothing to do with ginger, belongs to the Rosaceae family. It is found, as a rule, on pastures, forest clearings, or the edges of deciduous or mixed forests, which makes it easily accessible for search and collection. This circumstance, among other things, made the cherished root a desirable ingredient in homemade tinctures.

Collection and preparation of galangal root

Before proceeding with the preparation of any of the following drinks, you should take care of the collection and initial processing of this undersized (from 15 to 50 centimeters) perennial plant. You can recognize it by its characteristic short straight or curved cylindrical rhizome, as well as by small yellow inflorescences.

You should go in search of a miraculous potion exactly at the time of flowering. The collection time of the galangal root starts from the end of May, when the first inflorescences appear on the stems of the cinquefoil, or at the beginning of September, when it is about to fade. After you find and dig up the required number of plants, separate the roots, clean them from the ground and rinse thoroughly with water several times. Then, the washed roots must be dried. To this end, lay them out in one layer in some semi-dark corner. To speed up the process, you can use electric heaters. The main thing is that the heat emanating from them should be uniform and not very hot.

If the romance associated with hand-picking and harvesting roots is alien to you, you can resort to more prosaic options. Visit the market and buy the required roots from a trustworthy granny, or go to the nearest pharmacy and purchase ready-made dried dried roots there. In the latter case, the main thing is not to forget that you do not need a galangal, but an upright cinquefoil.

So, now you can safely start the operation, codenamed: galganovka at home.

Galangal Root Drink Recipes

After you prepare or acquire a ready-made main ingredient, you can begin to prepare a tincture of galangal roots. As we have already said, there is not only a classic tincture of galangal on vodka, but also galangal on moonshine or simply on grain alcohol. And if the latter is used mainly for medical purposes, then the use of galangal tincture on vodka or on moonshine is more of a drinking character; which you can see for yourself. At the same time, the root we are interested in can be insisted both in splendid isolation, and in combination with other plant components. The main thing is to use all the drinks below in moderate doses, since galangal is a fairly strong natural remedy that has its own contraindications and side effects.

  1. Simple galangal tincture

    Rinse and dry the freshly dug galangal roots. Then boil the roots, and strain the resulting broth, cool and dilute with alcohol to a strength of 30-40% or put 3 fresh roots in a bottle, pour vodka and leave for 10-15 days.

  2. Classic recipe

    For lovers of a clear, harsh taste, an old recipe for galangal vodka.

    5-6 medium roots grind or grind into powder and pour a liter of vodka. Keep the resulting mixture for a couple of weeks in a dark, warm place; at the same time, the container should be shaken periodically. Before use, the liquid must be filtered. Note: it is recommended to keep and store any kind of galangal only in dark glass vessels, as well as shake it from time to time.

  3. Softened version

    1,5 teaspoons of ground galangal, 1 teaspoon of ground licorice root (available at any pharmacy) and 5 coffee beans pour 0,5 liters of vodka. Close tightly and insist in a dark, warm room for three weeks. Then strain and store in a cool place until use.

  4. Tincture of galangal root on moonshine

    2 teaspoons of ground roots are poured with half a liter of fifty-degree moonshine, after which the resulting decoction matures for ten days. Further, it undergoes mandatory filtration and is served at the table. Note. If you are wondering if the galangal root will remove the smell of moonshine, then know that this opinion is erroneous. The specific aroma of the drink will change somewhat, but will not disappear. But its color, indeed, is partly ennobled, gaining amber shades.

  5. Kalganovka on prunes

    3-5 teaspoons of ground root and 7-10 pieces of fragrant prunes are placed in a jar and poured with three liters of vodka or high-quality moonshine. Then, the bank rolls up, shakes up and rests for ten days in a dark, warm place. After the mentioned period, the drink is filtered, which makes it completely ready for consumption.

    Moonshiner Timofey. Kalganovka on prunes. Tincture.

  6. Kalganovka “Moscow”

    40 g of ginger, 40 g of galangal, 40 g of sage, 40 g of mint, 40 g of anise pour 1 liter of alcohol and insist for 18 days. Then add 1,5 liters of spring water to the infusion and distill everything together through a distillation apparatus. Infuse for 18 days, then filter the tincture through a cloth or “waffle” towel and bottle it. If you used vodka instead of alcohol, then you can not dilute it with water or dilute it quite a bit.

  7. Medicinal herbal wine with galangal

    Take 200 g of elecampane root, 100 g of violet root, grass of the little nightingale, calamus, Benedictine root, 75 g of rhubarb, 50 g of angelica root, galangal, 40 g of wormwood, 200 g of orange peel, lemon, 100 g of dill, 6 handfuls of juniper berries, 4 handfuls of rosemary, 4 handfuls of thistles, 2 handfuls of sage, 3 handfuls of oregano, 2 handfuls of cherries (small), 1 handful of marjoram, wormwood tops.

    Finely crush the spices, put in a barrel and pour grape wine so that it covers them, let it brew and strain.

    The remaining spices can be poured over with wine again.

  8. “Healing” tincture on galangal

    Take 40 g of galangal root, 15 g of dill and anise seeds, 3 g of ginger. All pour 1 liter of double moonshine and leave for 3 weeks in warmth, and then filter.

  9. Herbal tincture “French”

    3 liters of vodka, 40 g each of cardamom, galangal, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and anise.

    Pour vodka into a large jar. Pour in spices and herbs, shake, close the lid and let it brew for 15-20 days. Drain the tincture, filter and store in a cool place, tightly corked.

properties of galangal root

In folk medicine, the benefits of galangal root have been known for many centuries, if not millennia. Indeed, this miraculous root helps with such multidirectional diseases and ailments as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, various joint pains, burns, frostbite and other skin lesions of varying degrees of complexity, as well as menstrual pain, internal bleeding, inflammation and even reduced immunity.

In a separate line, it is worth mentioning the beneficial effect that galangal tincture has on prostatitis and impotence. The use of galangal tincture to increase potency is primarily due to its anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties, as well as a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Thus, this life-giving elixir is able to eliminate a number of problems associated with the functioning of both the nervous and reproductive systems, which in most cases has a beneficial effect on male strength. Particularly popular in this context today is galangal tincture for potency with moss (not to be confused with angelica), which, according to its manufacturers, supposedly works wonders.

Kalgan root: application

There are three ways to use galganovka for medical purposes.

The first of them is taking small doses of the drink (up to 50 grams per day) inside. For example, this is how you can act with gastritis or gastric disorders.

The second is to gargle with a cold or mouth with periodontal disease.

The third is rubbing the affected skin with the above remedy or using it in the form of compresses. This method is widely practiced for frostbite, burns, acne and numerous diseases of the joints.

Contraindications and side effects

Do not forget that galangal tincture can rarely bring tangible harm instead of benefit. So, even in small doses, it is unsafe for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under three years of age. In addition, it is absolutely contraindicated for people who are prone to alcoholism, suffering from hypertension or having a low level of acidity. Also, do not resort to the help of kalganovka at elevated temperatures.

In addition, if an allergy to the chemicals contained in this plant is detected, a number of rather unpleasant side effects can be encountered. In particular, such things as nausea, vomiting and very noticeable stomach pains are not excluded.

So we advise you to be extremely careful.

Relevance: 17.06.2018

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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