Our ancestors used galangal root to treat diseases of the stomach, liver and improve immunity. They say that it also has a positive effect on male power. We will find another use for this useful plant – we will make tincture of galangal on vodka at home. In the people, this drink is called Kalganovka. Thanks to a simple recipe and excellent taste, the tincture is very much appreciated among lovers of homemade alcohol.
- vodka (moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
- dried galangal root – 1,5 teaspoons;
- dried licorice root – 1 teaspoon;
- coffee beans – 5 pieces.
Licorice root softens the taste of the tincture, and coffee beans have a positive effect on the smell and color of galangal. Licorice and coffee beans can be omitted, but then the taste is very sharp, which not everyone likes. Dried roots of galangal (Potentilla erectus) and licorice are sold in pharmacies.

Recipe kalganovki
1. Add galangal, licorice and coffee beans to a glass container.
2. Fill with vodka.
3. Close the container tightly with a lid, shake and place for 3 weeks in a warm dark place. During the infusion, I recommend shaking the kalganovka once a day, then it will acquire a uniform rich shade.
4. Strain the finished tincture through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle with dark glass and close tightly with a cork. Store in refrigerator or basement.

As a result, you will get a tincture of a beautiful cognac color with a pronounced smell of galangal and hints of coffee. The taste is mild with a slight tannic tint, galganovka is drunk very easily and does not cause a hangover in reasonable quantities.